Biden deploying B-1 bombers to Norway to send a message to Russia

Big deal. What's he doing with China???

Chinese H-6 Bombers Heard On Radio Confirming Orders For Simulated Attack On U.S. Aircraft Carrier Near Taiwan
January 29, 2021 China, Troubled Areas

Unsurprisingly, the package of 13 Chinese combat aircraft, (including eight H-6 bombers) entering Taiwan’s ADIZ last Saturday were carrying out a mock attack on USS Theodore Roosevelt.

As already reported in detail, a total of 28 aircraft, including as many as eight PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force) H-6 bombers, “intruded” into Taiwan’s ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) between Jan. 23 and 24, 2021.

In particular, we noticed that the mission on Saturday Jan. 23, was conducted as the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG), led by USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea (SCS) “to conduct routine operations”.
war games -good info on Taiwan Strait
It's also home to the Russian fleet -why are we patrolling?
The only conflict was the Kerch Strait Bridge, and they've worked it out already.

Kerch Strait incident
It's nothing but provocation, and it's damn dangerous if Uk ever gets into NATO

what are our BOMBERS doing? they are fucking bombers,they dont need to be statiioned there they can FLY

Remember that we pulled our bombers from Guam because we can no longer protect them, the Chinese are now good enough to expect anything on Guam to be instantly gone.
wtf is the thread title?????

Let this be a food for thought. It has always been the same stuff for 100 years. There is always a threat here and there. Duck under your desk! Wear a mask! Close encounters with the enemies! Cold War! Economy crashing!

I can keep going. The point is that it's always the same thing.
Let this be a food for thought. It has always been the same stuff for 100 years. There is always a threat here and there. Duck under your desk! Wear a mask! Close encounters with the enemies! Cold War! Economy crashing!

I can keep going. The point is that it's always the same thing.

Seriously, your game is decrepit.

Have you thought about coming up with some new material as I suggested months ago?
"Operational readiness and our ability to support allies and partners and respond with speed is critical to combined success," said Gen. Jeff Harrigian, commander of US Air Forces in Europe and Africa.
same shit i hear over and over -why NATO expansion/"beefing up" is an imperative and blah blah
excellent research! I completely missed that. the moral is strategic Bombers have global reach

At over $60,000/hr for the B1 and B52....$135,000/hr for the B2, and dont forget the huge problem that these planes take a lot of effort and hours to turn when they do long flights....if they are not near the action we dont get to use them very much....and as I said the Chinese are pushing us out of the region....denial of access this is called.
Here's a movie that you should watch. It's a documentary about a Russian guy who saved the world during the Cold War.

Not many people realize how close it was.
ive heard of it.. not the details though.. War is just skip away, slip away
At over $60000/hr and the huge problem that this plane takes a lot of effort and hours to turn when they do long flights....if they are not near the action we dont get to use them very much....and as I said the Chinese are pushing us out of the region....denial of access this is called.
they cant push out carriers
Frankly its time for Japan to arm up - but our armed forces are all being designed for stand off as well
at one time EXXON was partnering with Russia on Arctic drilling.. now we use bombers..sooo fucked up
At over $60,000/hr for the B1 and B52....$135,000/hr for the B2, and dont forget the huge problem that these planes take a lot of effort and hours to turn when they do long flights....if they are not near the action we dont get to use them very much....and as I said the Chinese are pushing us out of the region....denial of access this is called.

How are they pushing us out of the region?
they cant push out carriers
Frankly its time for Japan to arm up - but our armed forces are all being designed for stand off as well

We are not sure at all that we can get the carriers close enough to the action that they can matter now that the Empire has awesome new carrier killers, and see we long ago made the decision that short range aircraft were fine because we would just refuel them...we are good at that....except now almost no one thinks that the tankers have any survivability against the Empire.
We are not sure at all that we can get the carriers close enough to the action that they can matter now that the Empire has awesome new carrier killers, and see we long ago made the decision that short range aircraft were fine because we would just refuel them...we are good at that....except now almost no one thinks that the tankers have any survivability against the Empire.

Why not?