Biden Has A Lot Of Work To Do Undoing The Damage

Okay, judging by the rest of your answer, I’m glad I didn’t get you started.

You must be a proponent of chastity belts.

Not at all. I have nothing against what two (or more) people do for consensual sex in private. It's when you start forcing it on the public-at-large that I start having problems.

I don’t champion single parenthood, I just know it happens and support the single mothers.

I know it happens and is increasingly common. That's a problem in my view. Single parenthood should not be celebrated or encouraged. I would prefer kids grow up in stable two-parent households. There is overwhelming evidence that kids do massively better in that situation than with a single parent.
Not at all. I have nothing against what two (or more) people do for consensual sex in private. It's when you start forcing it on the public-at-large that I start having problems.

What do you mean forcing it on the public-at-large?

I know it happens and is increasingly common. That's a problem in my view. Single parenthood should not be celebrated or encouraged. I would prefer kids grow up in stable two-parent households. There is overwhelming evidence that kids do massively better in that situation than with a single parent.

Who's celebrating and encouraging it?
What do you mean forcing it on the public-at-large?

Who's celebrating and encouraging it?

One example is "Pride Parades." A sex parade celebrating your fetish or whatever is never necessary. Flaunting it is wrong.


Keep it between consenting adults. Do whatever. I don't want to see what weirdness you like in the bedroom, so-to-speak.
One example is "Pride Parades." A sex parade celebrating your fetish or whatever is never necessary. Flaunting it is wrong.


Keep it between consenting adults. Do whatever. I don't want to see what weirdness you like in the bedroom, so-to-speak.
It’s freedom of speech, you don’t have to attend parades or find pictures of it. You are allowed to ignore it.
One example is "Pride Parades." A sex parade celebrating your fetish or whatever is never necessary. Flaunting it is wrong.


Keep it between consenting adults. Do whatever. I don't want to see what weirdness you like in the bedroom, so-to-speak.

I guess you don't like Mardi Gras either?

Nice way to change the subject.
I’m responding to your post. It isn’t changing the subject, their expressions are freedom of speech, this isn’t forced on you, you aren’t made to attend the parade or look at pictures of the parade. You can choose to ignore it.
I guess you don't like Mardi Gras either?


Been there several times and no, I don't like Mardi Gras either. I find most of the French Quarter nothing but uninteresting dive bars. But I do like you can walk around with your plastic cup of beer, or whatever, watching the idiocy going on. And yes, I do have some beads somewhere as a memento. I've also watched (often in disgust) a SF Pride Parade. Those should be rated XXX and beyond.
Hello and welcome jjay,

First of all I would like to make you aware of my Personal Ignore Policy, as I do for all newcomers here:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

Hopefully that is agreeable and we can have lots of great discussions.

Biden needs to get rid of every head of departments trumputin appointed and put proper people in that know what they are doing...
The new appointees job will be to identify what trumputin did to destroy that dept. and what can be done to replace it....They should
have 3 months to make assessments and craft resolutions...Biden should appoint a board to review all remedies from these
departments of government....It could be helpful to enlist the heads that trumputin fired to make suggestions or run the depts. again...

All this should free Biden up to deal with covid19 and the economy....Science should be a guide to dealing with the virus that needs
to be no.1....

There should be no lack of professionals in dealing with the economy..many of those would have crafted the fixes during
the Obama/Biden admin. since they have first hand experience on what to do to fix the massive republican economic
disaster that Bush dumped on Obama and the country in 2008..

Lastly Biden needs to deal with a country divided by trumputin and the republicans...that will be difficult at necks are typically dumb dumb people...
maybe we could sell them to mexico for slave labor...

Agreed on everything (Great suggestions!) except the last part. The term 'Redneck' actually came from labor leaders protesting against draconian measures taken against miners. It ended up being a shooting war in which the miners adopted the practice of wearing red handkerchiefs around their necks to avoid shooting one another. Of course, the term today has a completely different meaning.

Rural people simply live a different life and they are naturally suspicious of city dwellers. Like many somewhat segregated groups, they have their own way of doing things, and their own form of misinformation and false beliefs. Their education may be in different areas than traditionally accept degrees and such, but they are not all dumb. Sure, there are some dumb rural people, but that is not much different than any group in which there are smart people and dumb ones.

Lastly, like it or not, they are Americans. We Americans are far too divided and hateful. We must begin to find ways to end the hatred and infighting. We have to pull our nation together. All of this division is not helping. We have to learn to live together. COVID-19 is our big wake-up call. Biden's challenge is to figure out how to reunite America.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

He'll have two years at most and that depends on the Composition of Congress. My bet is the mid-terms find the Democrats tossed out of office wholesale for screwing everything in sight up.

My expectations with a Biden - Democrat administration are:

Taxes will rise

As they must. There is insufficient revenue to fund the budget, and it is impossible to cut enough spending without tanking the economy. It was irrseponsible of Republicans to cut taxes so low that it doesn't even fund the government. Republicans own trillions added to government debt in just the last two years.

The economy will tank and stay tanked.

That remains to be seen. We cannot predict the future. I would expect it to improve as we (actually) come out of the pandemic. (Has not happened yet - we are still in it.)

Corporations will once again start fleeing the US because of increasing regulatory costs more than anything else

We can make laws to deal with that.

Unemployment rise and the employment rate will plummet.

Actually, that situation should get better when conditions improve.

Any response to COVID 19 will be a cluster f***

It already is. It would be hard to do worse. I suspect any new approach from Biden would be vastly better, but hampered by those selfish ones who refuse to help their neighbors or other Americans.

Spending will spiral out of control

Some spending is good and some is bad. Everybody has a different idea of which is which.

The Democrats in Congress will try their hardest to massively increase the social-welfare state and get pummeled by the public for it. As with Obamacare, Democrat members in less than the bluest districts will hide from their constituents. And, in the bluest ones, they'll take them for granted.
The more they do the more the general public will hate them for it.

The public is becoming increasingly dependent on the government because capitalism is creating wealth extremes. Republicans have ensured great numbers of poor people by restricting abortion access only to the rich, thus forcing poor people to have even larger families, which makes poverty worse. It also produces a lot more voters who are sympathetic to the plight of the under advantaged. These are likely Democratic voters. The demographics do not favor Republicans, going forward.

The MSM will run cover, but they won't be able to conceal things from a public personally hurt by their policies.

The commercial media will do what it needs to bring various versions of sensationalist reporting in order to generate ratings and get advertising dollars.

Two years and done.

Time will tell. If Biden is smart, he could end up being quite popular.
Should our President next year be Joe Biden, he has a lot of work to do cleaning up the mess left by DT.

IF this election on November 3rd goes the way most Americans hope it does, the new president and vice president will be extremely busy just trying to put things back to order.

I bet Biden and others are creating lists of things he could do to right the wrongs from 4 years of tyranny.

Reinstating people such as Col Vindman and many others, undoing all the screwy EO's, reinstating diplomacy, correcting the environmental issues and on and on.

And properly dealing with the coronavirus!

It could quickly grow to a mammoth list of tasks. It could be more than could even be done in 4 years, much less do all the normal duties of president.

It is so much easier to destroy things than it is to build.

We should do everything possible to make sure that a mistake like Trump never happens again. What a painful lesson!

YAWN !!!!
We could make a law that tells a corporation if they want to do business in the US and sell to US citizens, that they have to pay US taxes.

We don't care where they claim their headquarters are located.
And, you'd be wrong. Marriage is a legal contract. It doesn't preclude two persons entering into other arrangements. So, it really is nothing but a legal fig leaf for sex. Don't get me started on the absurd argument for abortion--and it's not the Right's one but a legal understanding of contracts one. As for the amorphous gender thing, crazy should never be coddled or encouraged. I see little "forc(ing) religion into schools."

On the other hand, the Progressive Left has championed single parenthood, the leading cause of poverty among women, abortion as a means of racial discrimination, any and all sorts of sexual deviancy leading to increased STD transmission and mental health problems, and has put into schools such absolute nonsense as Common Core and Critical Pedagogy. They've already done far more damage to society than the supposed dangers you list that haven't been pushed on the public to any great extent unlike the Progressive Leftist items I listed already have been.

Championed? Bad choice. They have accepted the reality of single heads of families. Exactly hos would you make that grow and why would you? It is our American society now and your judging them is wrong.
its a start. but having jobs kept here is still better.

The ownership society has already moved its industrial plants to China and 3rd world nations. It is like Trump and Ivanka making their overpriced trinkets in China. They care about money. The country does not factor in their greed.
The ownership society has already moved its industrial plants to China and 3rd world nations. It is like Trump and Ivanka making their overpriced trinkets in China. They care about money. The country does not factor in their greed.

policy matters. tariffs are good. manufacturing returning is in the cards.

stop being a idiotic globalist brainwash victim traitor to humanity, please.

Hello Nordberg,

The ownership society has already moved its industrial plants to China and 3rd world nations. It is like Trump and Ivanka making their overpriced trinkets in China. They care about money. The country does not factor in their greed.

It seems logical to me to have a law that favors domestic production over imports. Let the law look at the percentage of the product which is manufactured outside the USA. The more of it not made in the USA, the more it is taxed. That would encourage shoppers to buy American. We don't want to cut off trade by overdoing things, but we do need to stem the flow of US dollars out of the country. A balance must be struck. Somewhere there has to be a happy medium between imports and domestic production.

We should also tax products which exploit workers and the environment more heavily.