Ten out of the 13 post-WW2 recessions have been during Republican administrations. Including all the worst ones
Not a coincidence anymore.
The Stock market crash was caused by policies implemented by Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, putting into place a bubble in the early 20's' that popped in 1929. It was deepened into a depression by FDR, who made it last until his death in 1945. Only then, when the war was finally resolved and the Democrats lost power in 1953, did things finally start to pick up. By 1956, under Eisenhower (a Republican) the economy was really starting to pick up again.
The recession in the late 60's (a cash crash) was the direct result of FDR and expansive government spending, and using the Fed to just print all the money the government wanted. This resulted in a cash crash that forced Nixon to disconnect gold from the value of the dollar. It also was the cause of the price of oil increasing dramatically in the early 70's.
Carter's implementation of price controls on things like gasoline directly resulted in the Gas Crisis of 1979. Stations and oil companies were not about to sell their products for less than what it cost to produce them, so they sat on it.
Reagan removed the price controls, and the shock to the system from Carter's idiocy and previous issues stemming all the way back to the policies of FDR and expansive government spending hit again. Reagan was right in what he did, and he knew the time had come to pay the piper for the song that Carter and the Democrats wrote. It was the best way out of the mess. Once that unwound, the economy exploded into overtime. Whole industries were created under Reagan, including the personal computer industry and the beginning of the Web.
By the time Clinton came around, things were still going pretty good. Bush Sr didn't do much to interfere, and the good economy continued.
Clinton changed everything. He started implementing price controls on many things with the predictable disasters that resulted. He was the one that passed the laws that required the banks to begin lending to unqualified borrowers or face consequences from the Fed. During the Clinton years, people could not produce so much anymore due to overregulation they went for speculation instead, fueling the bubble that would pop in 2001. It became scam after scam under Clinton. In the computer industry, for example, many companies would scam investors, then IPO and head to Mexico. These companies had nothing more in assets than a few lines of script code. It was all scam. In 2001, it all popped.
Bush Jr really should have done something about Clinton's stupid housing laws. He didn't. That scam burst in 2007 with disastrous consequences. Yes. I put the blame partly on Bush Jr for that, but I also put it squarely on the Democrat Congress that he had to deal with. The initial bubble for the 2007 debt crash was started by Clinton.
Obama deepened the housing crisis by his overregulation of businesses, his arbitrary manner of nationalizing companies and even whole industries, and claiming the recession was 'the new normal', that 'America was at fault' for everything in the world, and that 'greedy corporations got what they deserve'.
This didn't end until the election of Trump. Because Trump is first a businessman, almost singlehandedly he turned the economy around. It exploded in record gains, despite the Democrats never accepting the 2016 election results and making up witch hunts to impeach Trump. When Covid19 came along, Democrat governors and mayors shut down the economy, picking and choosing which business was allowed to operate as 'essential'. In other words, fascism; all based on fear mongering a virus that infects only about 0.3% of the population and kills only about 0.002% of the population (Source: CDC). It is milder than many flu viruses, or even other SARS related viruses. This time, however, Democrats used it to kill the economy that Trump helped to bring about. As soon as some more businesses were allowed to open, the economy started improving...a lot.
Now the Democrats are locking down again to prevent the improved economy, faking a crisis that isn't. Further, they are now using violent factions like Antifa and BLM, which the Democrats fund and support, to cause general mayhem and doubt about America's future. All of it designed to make Orange Man Look Bad.
The shrieking, the panics, the manufactured crisis, the violence, the arsons, the looting, the cancel culture, the impeachment sham, the muckraking...all of it belongs to the Democrats. So do the crashes of the 1940's, the 1960's, the late 1970's, the 2001 crash, and the 2007 crash, are ALL the result of Democrat policies and the Fed.