Biden Has A Lot Of Work To Do Undoing The Damage

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Championed, starting with the show Murphy Brown. Or, how feminists say:


The Progressive Left champions and celebrates single parenthood. The Left thinks daycare, particularly "free" government run daycare is a great alternative to a stable home life and two-parent family.

We would all like the white American economy of the 1950's and 1960's where a family could thrive in the income of one wage earner, leaving another to be a full time home maker. Capitalism killed that American Dream, not the left. In the 1950's a family could live on one income, afford a nice home, a new car every 3 years, a vacation every year and save for retirement. The top tier income tax rate was over 90%. The government used the revenue to build interstates, airports and hospitals.

By 1980 that was not possible. It took two incomes to have the same lifestyle. As women began working they acquired more stature and the financial power to stand up to abusive husbands who saw their male domination of the home and the job market reduced. It is no wonder that some men became resentful of the changes, that marriages fell apart, and America saw more single parents. The left did not cause this, but it has done a better job of looking out for the rights of women.

In America, citizens are fearful of their government. In France, the government is fearful of the citizens. European nations recognized the changes and responded with national healthcare programs to help working parents, single and married. In America we did very little, largely leaving parents to fend for themselves in the open market. Overall, we've done a poor job of helping financially struggling single parents. This has resulted in a lot of poorly raised young people who also became parents and had poor role models for parenting in the modern world. Things have gotten tougher for each succeeding generation.

Since many of the struggling young parents are black, our largely white Congress has done very little to deal with the situation. Blaming the poor for their own condition is popular, but no solution.

Things have to change. We have a lot of work to do as a society. President Biden is going to have his hands full, but I think he understands the predicament quite well. I think the newly elected minority, female and Democratic incoming Congress will, too.
Sorry, that has already been decided, people have a right to assemble to protest within the law.

Do they also have a right to violence, looting and blocking traffic? Seems they do. And if anyone is "offended," they're a racist according to you and the left, doesn't it?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

We would all like the white American economy of the 1950's and 1960's where a family could thrive in the income of one wage earner, leaving another to be a full time home maker. Capitalism killed that American Dream, not the left. In the 1950's a family could live on one income, afford a nice home, a new car every 3 years, a vacation every year and save for retirement. The top tier income tax rate was over 90%. The government used the revenue to build interstates, airports and hospitals.

By 1980 that was not possible. It took two incomes to have the same lifestyle. As women began working they acquired more stature and the financial power to stand up to abusive husbands who saw their male domination of the home and the job market reduced. It is no wonder that some men became resentful of the changes, that marriages fell apart, and America saw more single parents. The left did not cause this, but it has done a better job of looking out for the rights of women.

In America, citizens are fearful of their government. In France, the government is fearful of the citizens. European nations recognized the changes and responded with national healthcare programs to help working parents, single and married. In America we did very little, largely leaving parents to fend for themselves in the open market. Overall, we've done a poor job of helping financially struggling single parents. This has resulted in a lot of poorly raised young people who also became parents and had poor role models for parenting in the modern world. Things have gotten tougher for each succeeding generation.

Since many of the struggling young parents are black, our largely white Congress has done very little to deal with the situation. Blaming the poor for their own condition is popular, but no solution.

Things have to change. We have a lot of work to do as a society. President Biden is going to have his hands full, but I think he understands the predicament quite well. I think the newly elected minority, female and Democratic incoming Congress will, too.

Stupid commie cunt thinks she knows what life was like in the 50's? The 80's? I don't think so.
Should our President next year be Joe Biden, he has a lot of work to do cleaning up the mess left by DT.
What mess?
IF this election on November 3rd goes the way most Americans hope it does,
You don't get to speak for most Americans. You only get to speak for you. Bigotry. The President is not elected by popular vote.
the new president and vice president will be extremely busy just trying to put things back to order.
...such as?
I bet Biden and others are creating lists of things he could do to right the wrongs from 4 years of tyranny.
What tyranny?
Reinstating people such as Col Vindman and many others,
To what? Perjury is perjury.
undoing all the screwy EO's
Such as?,
reinstating diplomacy,
Already there.
correcting the environmental issues
Such as?
and on and on.
You're just whining.
And properly dealing with the coronavirus!
Such as?
It could quickly grow to a mammoth list of tasks.
You're just whining.
It could be more than could even be done in 4 years, much less do all the normal duties of president.
More whining.
It is so much easier to destroy things than it is to build.
More whining.
We should do everything possible to make sure that a mistake like Trump never happens again. What a painful lesson!
You have no plan. You have no solutions. You can't even identify the so-called problems. You're just whining.
Monument to traitors, monument to owning people, why would anyone want them in our public places. You are free to have them on private property, but civilized people now realize that owning people, treating them like livestock is barbaric. Civilized people no longer accept slavery.

A State seceding from the Union is not treason.
If no one accepts slavery, then getting rid of the statues should be no big deal.
The statues weren't put up to celebrate slavery. They were put up to honor great men during the battles of the War of Secession (the so-called Civil War).
The right to assemble is a right, the rioting is a crime.
The right to assemble is limited to lawful behavior, when rioting begins the gathering is unlawful.
Absolutely correct.
Free speech in the form of artwork is limited by public opinion in the case of the statues.
And by the person or organization that paid for the statue.
The States are realizing that the public no longer approves of these statues in public places. They are removing them. If rioters remove statues, they can be prosecuted.
Not quite true. A statue of an elk was torn down in Portland. Why? Slavery??
Various statues honoring those that fought against slavery and racism are being torn down by rioters. Why? Slavery??
Statues of Jesus Christ are being torn down by rioters. Why? Slavery??

No. It's senseless vandalism.

Some States are removing statues of confederate heros. Sometimes that is done simply to protect them from vandalism. Some States are not.
People have the right to peacefully assemble anywhere, so long as they are not blocking public access like roadways.

I don't have a problem with that. If they want to protest on public property, fine. But if they can do that, why do they insist on taking (and sometimes vandalizing) monuments (they're not hurting anything), changing sports teams and school names? Why must they prevail over those who wish those things left alone? They were there long before all this bitching and protesting started.
We would all like the white American economy of the 1950's and 1960's
You mean where life expectancy was shorter, there were a lot fewer people, and the days of Jim Crow laws?
where a family could thrive in the income of one wage earner, leaving another to be a full time home maker. Capitalism killed that American Dream, not the left.
Nope. It was the left. Capitalism created Disneyland, built all those homes, created all those jobs. The left added one regulatory burden after another while it got more difficult to build homes, create companies and jobs, or even build a park like Disneyland.
In the 1950's a family could live on one income, afford a nice home, a new car every 3 years, a vacation every year and save for retirement.
They still could, if it were not for the regulatory burdens placed upon them.
The top tier income tax rate was over 90%.
More like 81% if income over $200,000 a level not reached in those days. The dollar meant something then.
The government used the revenue to build interstates, airports and hospitals.
Most of the airports were built during WW2, not during the 50's and 60's. The interstate freeway system was welcomed. It sure beat driving from Seattle to Boise on back roads (all that existed back then). Oh, Eisenhower started ARPA as well, the organization that built the base internet protocols including IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SMTP, and FTP.
Hospitals are built using local taxes and donations, not federal money.
By 1980 that was not possible. It took two incomes to have the same lifestyle.
Because of the regulatory burdens placed upon businesses by the left. There were fewer businesses, and more people.
As women began working they acquired more stature and the financial power to stand up to abusive husbands who saw their male domination of the home and the job market reduced.
I guess you forgot about women working in factories during the war. Remember the Rosie the Riveter campaign? Oh...a lot of women were in the military too.
It is no wonder that some men became resentful of the changes, that marriages fell apart, and America saw more single parents.
Nah. It's simple selfishness. A common trait within the Boomer cohort.
The left did not cause this, but it has done a better job of looking out for the rights of women.
The left did cause this. It has never looked out for women.
In America, citizens are fearful of their government.
In France, the government is fearful of the citizens.
In America, the government respects its citizens, even today. It has to. It is those citizens that vote.
European nations recognized the changes and responded with national healthcare programs to help working parents, single and married.
High taxes caused by single payer health care helps no one. It's expensive and the health care sucks.
In America we did very little, largely leaving parents to fend for themselves in the open market.
And we have the best health care in the world.
Overall, we've done a poor job of helping financially struggling single parents.
Guess socialized welfare systems don't work.
This has resulted in a lot of poorly raised young people who also became parents and had poor role models for parenting in the modern world. Things have gotten tougher for each succeeding generation.
The best economy since the 50's and you say things have gotten tougher??? Even despite Covid, the stock market is gaining. Businesses are hiring.
Since many of the struggling young parents are black, our largely white Congress has done very little to deal with the situation.
I don't think you have any clue what the situation is.
Things have to change.
Yes. The insurrection is going to have to be put down. The Covid19 panic mongering is going to have to end. Regulatory burdens put in place for the last 50 years by the left are going to have to be removed.
We have a lot of work to do as a society.
Again, no plan. Just whining.
President Biden is going to have his hands full,
Women and children tend to try to leave Biden when his hands are full. They don't want to be in his hands.
but I think he understands the predicament quite well.
Apparently not. He still gropes women and children.
I think the newly elected minority, female and Democratic incoming Congress will, too.
Sounds like Democrats in Congress. Sounds like you're going to awfully disappointed this November.
I don't have a problem with that. If they want to protest on public property, fine.
They have the right to peacefully protest on public property too.
But if they can do that, why do they insist on taking (and sometimes vandalizing) monuments (they're not hurting anything),
That is not peaceful. That is vandalism. That is property damage. It is hurting the public, the organization that commissioned the statue, and the property of the city or organization that put up and maintain the statue.
changing sports teams
Protests are not changing sports teams. Weak pandering sports team owners are doing that.
and school names?
Protests are not changing school names. Weak pandering politicians are doing that.
Why must they prevail over those who wish those things left alone?
Elect someone besides weak pandering Democrats.
They were there long before all this bitching and protesting started.
True. The two are connected because it's all due to Democrats funding and supporting the rioting, and taking advantage of the 'crisis' they themselves support to implement these changes. It's sick.
Hello Phantasmal,

Monument to traitors, monument to owning people, why would anyone want them in our public places. You are free to have them on private property, but civilized people now realize that owning people, treating them like livestock is barbaric. Civilized people no longer accept slavery.

And we refuse to see homage paid to it in statues people have to look at every day.
The 2001 and 2007 crashes were caused by the Federal Reserve, and policies implemented by Democrats, not the President.

it was bipartisan elitist malfeasance.. who is charged with conducting due diligence on giving loans? banks are. period.

they created a bubble on purpose. then managed the pop to their own benefit.

this is what the financial industry does, bubblecrafting and timing entries and exits. they abuse the "dumb money", regular people.
it was bipartisan elitist malfeasance..
Nope. The Fed and Democrat policies.
who is charged with conducting due diligence on giving loans?
The 2001 crash wasn't a debt crash. The 2007 crash was.
banks are. period.
Banks did it because the Fed was handing out too much cash, and Democrats removed controls on banks being stupid.
they created a bubble on purpose. then managed the pop to their own benefit.
Nope. The Fed and the Democrats created the bubble.
this is what the financial industry does, bubblecrafting and timing entries and exits. they abuse the "dumb money", regular people.
Bubblecrafting??? What kind of buzzword is this? No, the Fed and Democrat policies created the bubble in both cases.
Nope. The Fed and Democrat policies.

The 2001 crash wasn't a debt crash. The 2007 crash was.

Banks did it because the Fed was handing out too much cash, and Democrats removed controls on banks being stupid.

Nope. The Fed and the Democrats created the bubble.

Bubblecrafting??? What kind of buzzword is this? No, the Fed and Democrat policies created the bubble in both cases.

who made banks give loans to people who couldn't afford them?