Biden is weak and elderly….

No Sir, the Democrats are more concerned about the use of power by those who have it. AND WE DEMOCRATS DO CARE ABOUT YOU, ME, and everyone else.

Lie, lame and stupid. They are more concerned with keeping power and consolidating. They desire an autocracy where they won't have to compete in the arena of ideas and censure anyone who disagrees with them.

The Republicans have proven, they do not care about everyone., or what anyone thinks that do not agree with them on any given subject.

You're projecting again. You just described Democrats.

The Republicans do not even care about the TRUTH! They clearly do not care about what a MORAL MAJORITY thinks- BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOST SIGHT WHAT MORALITY EVEN IS. Morals mean nothing, as proven by the REPUBLICANS NOW. MORALS are not even a part of the equation anymore for REPUBLICANS.- OR EVEN THE JUSTICES THAT WERE APPOINTED BY REPUBLICANS ON THE SUPREME COURT BENCH THAT ARE NOW THE ONES LEADING THE NATION. LEGISLATING FROM THE BENCH, and who just made it possible for a dictator to be our president by allowing a president to be above the law and not possible to be held accountable for his/her actions while in office- NO MATTER WHAT A PRESIDENT MIGHT DO WHILE IN OFFICE.

Delusional projections from a dotard. That is the perfect description of the Democratic Party who have been lying about their party leaders mental acuity for nearly four years now. Morality? Democrats have forgotten what that is. Gender mutilation, people sleeping and shitting on our city streets, criminal aliens overwhelming our border patrols and National guard....allowing gender confused men to compete with women and using their restrooms and locker rooms?

Moronic prattle is all you leftist halfwits have these days.

The Republicans do not even care that their candidate is a proven liar, FELON, Rapist, Adulterer, SORE LOSER, Insurrectionist, or even cares that he supports and admires the fascist leaders of the world, or even care that their candidate said that the KKK are good people, or care that their candidate is promising a BLOODBATH- if he doesn't win, nor do the Republicans care that their candidate is promising to put his political adversaries in prison- if he does win.

More lunatic bullshit that better describes Biden than Trump. Watching MSNBC has made you dumber halfwit. :laugh:

So you have a lot of nerve, and a complete lack of awareness or your own party, to accuse the Democrats of just seeking or holding onto power.

You have more nerve pretending you even have the slightest clue of what you are ranting about mental case.

November is going to be harsh on losers like you. Better stock up on your meds. If you need help packing for your move to Cuba, call on me. I'll be happy to help.
Donald Trump consistently contradicts what he says. He said what he said. And we all heard it. In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters carrying torches and representing the KKK, even including the Hateful soul that rammed a crowd of the counterprotesters with his car and killing one and maiming other innocent people for life.



Donald Trump speaks in Dog-Whistles that allows MALEVOLENT groups like the KKK to hear perfectly clear.

Obviously SNOPES fails to realize that!
Translation: BUT TRUMP!!!!!

And Trump is barely ahead in the polls…

Very telling.

If the Democrats switch to any candidate under 80 with 70% cognition they will win.

Trump is so weak, even Biden still has a chance.

It’s like the parties decided on a contest to see who could field the weakest candidate and still win.
Isn't it though? Both parties are clinging desperately to aged candidates because their leaders are aged, themselves. Why are they so afraid of younger candidates who can appeal to younger voters?

Run a Harris-Whitmer ticket and watch the GOP go down in flames.
Isn't it though? Both parties are clinging desperately to aged candidates because their leaders are aged, themselves. Why are they so afraid of younger candidates who can appeal to younger voters?

Run a Harris-Whitmer ticket and watch the GOP go down in flames.
Fantasy will not win this election. If you want Trump in office, keep bashing Biden.
Fantasy will not win this election. If you want Trump in office, keep bashing Biden.
I'm at the point where, if the (D)s decide to push Biden out and run Bozo the Clown, I'd vote for Bozo. If Biden stays in, I'll vote for him, too. #AnyoneButTrump.
No, it sucked from the moment it was initiated.

Even Trump hating Vox has doubts...

Bragg may have gotten a conviction, but it appears only because he was in the Leftist equivalent of the deep South trying a Black man for a crime in the 1930's. It's interesting that all of the successful prosecutions of Trump took place in New York, and the deepest blue parts of that state.
You say it sucked. The guilty decision should show you that you are wrong. Why should Trump get away with crimes? People who got nailed for the same offenses spent years in jail. Trump will not. You will still think he is mistreated as he goes to the golf course instead of jail.
The case in GA is still intact. As are the 34 guilty verdicts.

Trump has violated your so-called “rules” his entire life. Now comes the accountability.

Re: the “average” American? The “average” American doesn’t know shit about the legal system. Most can’t tell you the 3 branches of government.

Fanny Willis is a hack attorney and prosecutor, and her case is falling to pieces.
You say it sucked. The guilty decision should show you that you are wrong. Why should Trump get away with crimes? People who got nailed for the same offenses spent years in jail. Trump will not. You will still think he is mistreated as he goes to the golf course instead of jail.
No, it shows what a manipulative and biased court can do. It isn't the first time and won't be the last. Remember the OJ Simpson trial? The old South had biased trials regularly. Name someone who got "nailed for the same offense."
No, it shows what a manipulative and biased court can do. It isn't the first time and won't be the last. Remember the OJ Simpson trial? The old South had biased trials regularly. Name someone who got "nailed for the same offense."
Trump is your Jesus.

Fanny Willis is a hack attorney and prosecutor, and her case is falling to pieces.
SCOTUS did not say communication with state officials is immune. I realize that bursts your little bubble.

Regardless of the prosecutor, the GA evidence stands.