Biden is weak and elderly….

It was passed by a grand jury. Trump had all the advantages that money gives you in American trials. In a very short time the jury found Trump guilty of 34 felonies. It was a good case, a very good one.
No, it sucked from the moment it was initiated.

Even Trump hating Vox has doubts...

Bragg may have gotten a conviction, but it appears only because he was in the Leftist equivalent of the deep South trying a Black man for a crime in the 1930's. It's interesting that all of the successful prosecutions of Trump took place in New York, and the deepest blue parts of that state.
The judge and prosecutor set up a case like some old South one going after some poor Black guy. The only state that has gone after Trump with any degree of success is New York, a deep blue Trump hating one. The case in Georgia fell apart because the prosecutor turned out to be a thoroughly corrupt bitch, while the federal one with Wolf running the prosecution has fallen into ruin.

In NY though, they can change the law to prosecute Trump alone, then change it back, bring charges without necessary underlying crimes, just make up shit evidence like the value of Mar-a-Lago (not in NY BTW) and make up the verdict and fine in total contradiction of civil law. But what the hey! It's Trump and the rules don't apply because it's Trump. It's all resulted in the average American no longer having faith in the legal system, but that's a small price to pay to get a person the Left loathes.

The case in GA is still intact. As are the 34 guilty verdicts.

Trump has violated your so-called “rules” his entire life. Now comes the accountability.

Re: the “average” American? The “average” American doesn’t know shit about the legal system. Most can’t tell you the 3 branches of government.
The judge and prosecutor set up a case like some old South one going after some poor Black guy. The only state that has gone after Trump with any degree of success is New York, a deep blue Trump hating one. The case in Georgia fell apart because the prosecutor turned out to be a thoroughly corrupt bitch, while the federal one with Wolf running the prosecution has fallen into ruin.

In NY though, they can change the law to prosecute Trump alone, then change it back, bring charges without necessary underlying crimes, just make up shit evidence like the value of Mar-a-Lago (not in NY BTW) and make up the verdict and fine in total contradiction of civil law. But what the hey! It's Trump and the rules don't apply because it's Trump. It's all resulted in the average American no longer having faith in the legal system, but that's a small price to pay to get a person the Left loathes.

But the NY Governor said other businesses don't have to worry about getting the same treatment as Trump got because he is special. :palm:
The case in GA is still intact. As are the 34 guilty verdicts.

Trump has violated your so-called “rules” his entire life. Now comes the accountability.

Re: the “average” American? The “average” American doesn’t know shit about the legal system. Most can’t tell you the 3 branches of government.
AOC can't.

And Trump is barely ahead in the polls…

Very telling.

If the Democrats switch to any candidate under 80 with 70% cognition they will win.

Trump is so weak, even Biden still has a chance.

It’s like the parties decided on a contest to see who could field the weakest candidate and still win.
Trump corrupted the nation with fascism. Sick of this shit. How Germans felt about Hitler. Why are people supporting him?!

Most insane narrative yet invented by halfwits on the left. Alas, you're too mental to comprehend that reality. :palm:
No, it is about bashing Biden. Nothing to do with democracy.
No one is "bashing" Biden. They are just coming to the realization that they cannot hide or deflect from his obvious mental decline.

Perhaps you're upset because you have serious mental issues as well.
This. And saving democracy is not about eking out a close presidential victory with low voter turnout. What Biden has accomplished given the divided government is a monumental achievement. But it isn't enough to overcome a Supreme Court that now runs the country. There need to be Democratic majorities in both houses, there needs to be an end to the filibuster, there needs to be an expansion of the courts, there needs to be an undoing of the hateful policies at state and local levels. A single election can have incredible consequences. Wisconsin elected a liberal judge, giving them the majority on the Supreme Court. As a result, ballot boxes are now allowed again in Wisconsin. And abortion rights have been protected there. We need to pull out the MAGA officials root and stem. Winning the Presidency is not enough. We need to eradicate the entire movement.
Democrats and Republicans are two distinctly different types of Humans. And the type of contrast that make them different, has nothing to do with politics, and it has nothing to do with Policies, it has nothing to do with religion, it has nothing to do with LIBERAL VS. CONSERVATIVE.

The number one thing that divides us, is something that only we as unique individuals have the power to control- AND THAT IS ATTITUDE about how we deal with adversity, how we deal with challenges, how we deal with others, how we deal with reality, and how we deal with facts.

One thing, that Democrats do, is care about what people think. That includes what we think about what Republicans think. Democrats really care about what our opposition thinks about everything that ends up on the ballot.

Let me just use one example to better explain what I'm saying here- The Democrats want to be the party that leaves no one behind, and they want to be the party that serves the majority of us as Individual Americans- NO MATTER WHAT SEX YOU ARE. NO MATTER WHAT SEXUAL PREFERENCE YOU MAY DESIRE, no matter what the color of your skin happens to be, no matter what religion- or lack of religion- you happen to believe in personally, no matter how much money you have, NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE (and this is very important now at this moment in time}, and it really doesn't even matter which POLITICAL side of the aisle YOU HAPPEN TO BE ON at any given minute- THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO REPRESENT EVERYONE AND ADDRESS THE CONCERNS AND WELFARE of everyone.

Here is the deal, NO ONE CAN PLEASE EVERYONE. So, what you have to do to be a successful politician- or even be a successful political party, is to make the best effort to address the MAJORITY OF US- A VOCAL MAJORITY- A MORAL MAJORITY- A VOTING MAJORITY!

I can only speak for the Democrats, so I will leave it to the Republicans among us to best describe the attitude of the Republican party and who they truly represent.- AND WHO THEY TRULY FEEL THEY ARE REPRESENTING NOW IN THEIR EFFORTS TO ELECT DONALD TRUMP TO BE OUR PRESIDENT.

I just want to point out that it has been the Democrats that have looked after the best interests of the elders of our society, by getting legislation passed through the history of the United States that deal with Discrimination of the elderly, the welfare of the elderly, and the rights of the elderly.

Having that said, let's refocus, and present ourselves in a manner that is not hypocritical with regards to our concerns for the elderly. Let's make sure that we are practicing what we preach while being a responsible political force in our society.

Joe Biden is elderly, but he is not senile, nor does he have Alzheimer's Disease. To say he does, is a BOLD FACE lie that has no medical proof that supports such a lie.

So, I am just ignoring the people who are confused about the difference between being old vs. having a disease that totally incapacitates the human mind. And I have no respect for anyone who may be disparaging Joe Biden, just because he is guilty of being 81 years old.

Moronic bullshit you didn't write. Link snowflake.
I’m voting for the man better suited to do the job.

It takes a severely dishonest or epochally stupid person to suggest that Biden is suited for the job. The man only works from 10 to 4 pm. Most of the time he is missing in action. He can't find his way off a stage and needs note cards printed by his staff to answer basic questions or remember peoples names.

He now has to take the kiddie stairs on AF 1 so we don't see him tripping UP the stairs anymore.

You are voting to end the constitution and install a dictator.

That is just loony speak. Leftists have zero self-awareness or comprehension of such dangerous and moronic rhetoric.

I’d say you were doing it knowingly, but I doubt you are actually sane.

If you want to see what insane looks like, buy a mirror. :laugh: