Biden is weak and elderly….

We are in a very self destructive time.
Republicans want Trump even after 34 felony convictions.
Democrats want to remove Biden because he talked slow in a debate.

Maybe the Civil War was not so bad.
The Democrats today are the Left. They care about only one thing: Retaining power. They don't give a shit about you or me. They don't care what we think. All they care about is that we vote for them, and if we don't how those that didn't vote for them can be punished for it. The Democrat solution to everything is more government. That's it. They want complete control and power over you.
You say Dems want to keep power yet for the past 3-1/2 years all we've heard trump and his minions talk about is being cheated out of power and wanting to get back into power.
Biden has committed felonies but his Dementia is too severe for him to go to trial. Biden raped Tara Reade , Biden took money from the mayor of Moscow's wife, Trump predicted a bloodbath in the auto industry if Joe won. Trump said his revenge would be to turn the economy around. SNOPES said the story that Trump called White Supremacists "very fine people" is FALSE.

Little Lizard how about you stopping lying. You are starting to sound like Dementia Joe.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

Since when do the people who could bring him to trial listen to one man, who spent two days asking Biden inane questions?

Need examples, I'll be glad to provide them.
Yeah, the MSM didn't call for trump to step down after he was convicted of 34 felonies, but Biden has a bad debate and all hell breaks loose.

So much for magats screeching that the MSM is fake news, eh?
Biden didn't have a bad debate. He had...

Biden has committed felonies but his Dementia is too severe for him to go to trial. Biden raped Tara Reade , Biden took money from the mayor of Moscow's wife, Trump predicted a bloodbath in the auto industry if Joe won. Trump said his revenge would be to turn the economy around. SNOPES said the story that Trump called White Supremacists "very fine people" is FALSE.

Little Lizard how about you stopping lying. You are starting to sound like Dementia Joe.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

Get your FACTS straight, EW. First of all, it was allegedly Hunter Biden, not Joe, who supposedly took money from the mayor's ex-wife.


President Donald Trump claimed that former Vice President Joe Biden received $3.5 million from Russia and that it “came through Putin because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow, and it was the mayor of Moscow’s wife. You got $3.5 million. Your family got $3.5 million.”

Facts First: This is false.
Trump was seemingly trying to raise an allegation previously made against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, but there’s no connection to Joe Biden.

Donald Trump consistently contradicts what he says. He said what he said. And we all heard it. In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters carrying torches and representing the KKK, even including the Hateful soul that rammed a crowd of the counterprotesters with his car and killing one and maiming other innocent people for life.



Donald Trump speaks in Dog-Whistles that allows MALEVOLENT groups like the KKK to hear perfectly clear.

Obviously SNOPES fails to realize that!
Snopes contradicted their lie that Biden took millions from the ex-wife of Moscow's mayor.

Biden didn't have a bad debate. He had...

Fucking lies

Biden looked very tired

His mouth was agape at times

When you are sick you are all stuffed up and need more air

But also his mouth was agape at all the fucking non stop lies Trump spewed

The format made it hard for Biden to debunk them all
This. And saving democracy is not about eking out a close presidential victory with low voter turnout. What Biden has accomplished given the divided government is a monumental achievement. But it isn't enough to overcome a Supreme Court that now runs the country. There need to be Democratic majorities in both houses, there needs to be an end to the filibuster, there needs to be an expansion of the courts, there needs to be an undoing of the hateful policies at state and local levels. A single election can have incredible consequences. Wisconsin elected a liberal judge, giving them the majority on the Supreme Court. As a result, ballot boxes are now allowed again in Wisconsin. And abortion rights have been protected there. We need to pull out the MAGA officials root and stem. Winning the Presidency is not enough. We need to eradicate the entire movement.
What biden has accomplished given the divided government is a monumental achievement? Wow, you can't be serious with that insane comment. Could you name just one accomplishment biden has achieved? Everything biden has done for over 3/1/2 years now has made America less safe, made criminal violence rise, made our foreign adversaries more powerful and more dangerous, made our economy dip into the dumpster, made inflation hit new highs, took us away from being energy independence, divided our people by inserting racial D.E.I. into the dem's agenda, made CTR a major focus in creating racial tension and racial division in our schools, etc. etc., and I could keep going but enough is enough of you radical dems who keep throwing out this nonsense that somehow biden did anything worthwhile for America and or for Americans in general.