Biden is weak and elderly….

What freedoms are being given up? Freedom to violently overthrow the US government?
Freedom to work without union control
Freedom to choose your healthcare provider(s) and what healthcare you need.
Freedom to choose where you live and what kind of home you can have.
Freedom to own property and 'stuff' you want to own.
Freedom to say what you want and question the government
Freedom to travel where you want an to associate with who you want

You get the idea. The Left wants to restrict or take all that, and more, from you.
Who is in jail?
Freedom to work without union control
Freedom to choose your healthcare provider(s) and what healthcare you need.
Freedom to choose where you live and what kind of home you can have.
Freedom to own property and 'stuff' you want to own.
Freedom to say what you want and question the government
Freedom to travel where you want an to associate with who you want

You get the idea. The Left wants to restrict or take all that, and more, from you.
Without unions, cars production in Detroit would never have happened.
Unions made living a decent life in Michigan possible.
Biden has committed felonies but his Dementia is too severe for him to go to trial. Biden raped Tara Reade , Biden took money from the mayor of Moscow's wife, Trump predicted a bloodbath in the auto industry if Joe won. Trump said his revenge would be to turn the economy around. SNOPES said the story that Trump called White Supremacists "very fine people" is FALSE.

Little Lizard how about you stopping lying. You are starting to sound like Dementia Joe.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

Get lost retard. Your comment is such a BOLD FACE LIE, I refuse to even entertain your LIE with a response!

I have already characterized you as just another MALEVOLENT lying Idiot convenient for Donald Trump!

So, save your breath on commenting to my comments here with lies, and expecting me to entertain them in any away!

I care nothing about what you have to ever say again!

You are incapable of ever having an intelligent conversation because you are such a BOLD FACE LIAR SHOWING NO RESPECT FOR THE TRUTH OR REALITY!
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Get lost retard. Your comment is such a BOLD FACE LIE, I refuse to even entertain your LIE with a response!

I have already characterized you as just another lying Idiot convenient for Donald Trump!

So, save your breath on commenting to my comments here with lies, and expecting me to entertain them in any away!

I care nothing about what you have to ever say again!
Did SNOPES lie too Tiny Reptile?
No, they don't.

They want me to have little or, preferably, no choice on:

Being in a union or not at my job
Who and what health care I can have (eg., "universal" government run healthcare with few or no alternatives)
What kind of vehicle I can own and drive (an EV with no alternatives)
What kind of school my children have to attend (public education with no alternatives)
What foods I should eat
Where I get information and news from
etc., etc., etc.

The Democrats want power and with it they want total control over your life. They don't give a SHIT about what I or you want, or about you or me in the least. We're just statistics to them.
You are wrong- on every LIE you just told.

My point is, whether Biden took office in a completely fraud free election or one filled with it, since he's been in office he's worked to reduce personal freedoms and increase the size and scope of government relentlessly.

Do you ever turn down a slurp of Putin jizz?
Trump was talking about a bloodbath in the auto industry from China flooding in cheap EV from Mexico. Stop being a lying moron like you God Dementia Joe.

A federal judge on Thursday ordered the release of Michael Cohen to home confinement, agreeing with his lawyers that he was wrongly sent back to prison after making public statements critical of President Donald Trump.