Biden is weak and elderly….

You are wrong- on every LIE you just told.

Did SNOPES lie too Tiny Reptile?
Donald Trump consistently contradicts what he says. He said what he said. And we all heard it. In a news conference after the rally protesting the planned removal of a Confederate statue, Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters carrying torches and representing the KKK, even including the Hateful soul that rammed a crowd of the counterprotesters with his car and killing one and maiming other innocent people for life.



Donald Trump speaks in Dog-Whistles that allows MALEVOLENT groups like the KKK to hear perfectly clear.

Obviously SNOPES fails to realize that!
Dictators jail their political opponents. Only one president has ever done that.
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the release of Michael Cohen to home confinement, agreeing with his lawyers that he was wrongly sent back to prison after making public statements critical of President Donald Trump.

Donnie did

You gave that power to the wrong president shit for brains
You are wrong- on every LIE you just told.

Really? Let's take unions for example.

The Democrats want to end 'gig work' in favor of those workers being considered employees and subject to unionization. They want to end 'right to work' in states that have that option. They want to make it so employers have no say in unionization whatsoever and that unionization can occur on a "card check." That last is the union handing out a card to each employee in person or mailed by name to them, and then having that employee check whether they want a union or not. That is, the union gets to intimidate workers into agreeing by making it known who does and doesn't want one, eliminating secret ballot.

That's just the first on my list, but every one of those I listed is a FACT and it you that is the liar here. Disprove any of what I claimed.
You said Biden jailed someone.
No, I didn't. Expresslane said that. Go back and check your homework. All I did was post a meme that implied that jailing of opposition by the Left is a very distinct possibility in the near future, as it has occurred everywhere else the Left took control.
I don’t understand it, other than that there is serious mental illness in America. Our culture has a very sick 30%.
No, the ones who aren't racist fuckjobs are misinformed and have short memories. They think Biden is responsible for the price of eggs and gas and have forgotten what a train wreck the trumptard presidency was.
Hey, Lurch, don't encourage Hume. It's like feeding the pigeons. They multiply, shit on everything, and produce nothing useful. Hume sees fascists around every corner and under every rock.
<shrug> He's just acting like most of the trumptard cult: no criticism or any sign of disloyalty allowed.
No, I didn't. Expresslane said that. Go back and check your homework. All I did was post a meme that implied that jailing of opposition by the Left is a very distinct possibility in the near future, as it has occurred everywhere else the Left took control.
So silly innuendo. Ok, I am Guten get you two confused. I’m sorry.
No, the ones who aren't racist fuckjobs are misinformed and have short memories. They think Biden is responsible for the price of eggs and gas and have forgotten what a train wreck the trumptard presidency was.
So idiots?
Isn't this great you friggin moron? You just admitted you will vote for a vegetable as long as Trump is not elected. People of your low ability to think would be saying the same of any republican candidate. God forbid you reproduce.