Biden likely pick for SC judge. Ketanji Onyika Brown. Super-ugly black woman.

Until 1980 something, no women had ever been appointed, so clearly having a dick was “the most important factor” and not experience for the majority of the supreme courts existence.

Well - men have ability. Throughout all of history women have done very little of note. Men are much bigger and stronger and more aggressive and confident and smarter. There is no conspiracy against the weaker sex.
The MAGA crowd loves Clarence Thomas. If there were nine Clarence Thomas's on the Supreme Court I'm willing to bet everything I have it would be folks on the left who would freak out.

I'm also willing to bet if the choice was for Biden to appoint someone like Merrick Garland or a minority conservative justice, every single person here claiming we need more diversity on the court would pick Garland.

If there were nine Thomases on the Court the left would freak out because of the ultra-conservatism, not color.
When a qualified group has been discriminated against for over 200 years, I’m ok with going out of our way to pick a well qualified person out of that group.

HAHAHAHA. Here we go with the conspiracy talk again. Blacks have always been failures because they are mentally inferior and everybody knows it. Most can barely read if at all.

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1725 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
I believe it’s helpful to have a diverse Supreme Court so being different than the others is an asset, a qualification.

I wish we had more from outside the Ivy League.

The only thing that matters is adherence to the Constitution. Fuck diversity.
The only thing that matters is adherence to the Constitution. Fuck diversity.

I wish it was that simple but unfortunately, the constitution is very vaguely written and we let 9 UNELECTED idiots interpret it. That is the problem. The judiciary was never meant to be superior or even equal to the executive and legislative branches. The idea is absurd.
If ethnicity and gender were the only factor he considered, I would agree.

My bet is that's going to be the case. It wouldn't be the first, or even the third, nominee Joke has made that was so radical and unqualified even his own party couldn't justify confirming them. I'm going with with Door number 1. Biden nominates a Black woman so radical and crazy that he has to back off the nomination and try again.
Not much of a student of history are you?

The opposite, actually.

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine
Philadelphia June 19. 1792.Dear Sir
I received with great pleasure the present of your pamphlets, as well for the thing itself as that it was a testimony of your recollection. Would you believe it possible that in this country there should be high and important characters who need your lessons in republicanism, and who do not heed them? It is but too true that we have a sect preaching up and panting after an English constitution of king, lords, and commons, and whose heads are itching for crowns, coronets and mitres. But our people, my good friend, are firm and unanimous in their principles of republicanism, and there is no better proof of it than that they love what you write and read it with delight. The printers season every newspaper with extracts from your last, as they did before from your first part of the Rights of man. They have both served here to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to prove that tho the latter appears on the surface, it is on the surface only. The bulk below is sound and pure. Go on then in doing with your pen what in other times was done with the sword; shew that reformation is more practicable by operating on the mind than on the body of man, and be assured that it has not a more sincere votary, nor you a more ardent well-wisher than, Dear Sir, Your friend & servt,

Th: Jefferson
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The opposite, actually.

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine
Philadelphia June 19. 1792.Dear Sir
I received with great pleasure the present of your pamphlets, as well for the thing itself as that it was a testimony of your recollection. Would you believe it possible that in this country there should be high and important characters who need your lessons in republicanism, and who do not heed them? It is but too true that we have a sect preaching up and panting after an English constitution of king, lords, and commons, and whose heads are itching for crowns, coronets and mitres. But our people, my good friend, are firm and unanimous in their principles of republicanism, and there is no better proof of it than that they love what you write and read it with delight. The printers season every newspaper with extracts from your last, as they did before from your first part of the Rights of man. They have both served here to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to prove that tho the latter appears on the surface, it is on the surface only. The bulk below is sound and pure. Go on then in doing with your pen what in other times was done with the sword; shew that reformation is more practicable by operating on the mind than on the body of man, and be assured that it has not a more sincere votary, nor you a more ardent well-wisher than, Dear Sir, Your friend & servt,

Th: Jefferson

In what way does that support your claim?
I might give you a job if you begged, But I can’t imagine you would last long.

I'd tell you to pound sand the moment I met you. Nope, I'd never work for a incompetent fool like you, I'd piss you off with my expertise and knowledge of my trade.