Biden likely pick for SC judge. Ketanji Onyika Brown. Super-ugly black woman.

People on the right really don't get the diversity thing, for the most part.

They would if SCOTUS was all black. Give me a break - can you imagine? We'd have another 1/6 w/ MAGA's storming the court this time, demanding white representation.

What you're choosing not to address is the dislike of Biden saying specifically I'm going to pick a black woman, instead of just doing it.

And if you're going to go after conservatives then why do liberals want Thomas either dead or taken off the court some other way? Why did liberals get up in arms over Larry Elder was potentially going to be California's Governor?

You like diversity when it comes in the form of liberal ideology. As I said to you yesterday, liberals wouldn't be celebrating a Supreme Court of nine minorities if they were all conservative.
What you're choosing not to address is the dislike of Biden saying specifically I'm going to pick a black woman, instead of just doing it.

And if you're going to go after conservatives then why do liberals want Thomas either dead or taken off the court some other way? Why did liberals get up in arms over Larry Elder was potentially going to be California's Governor?

You like diversity when it comes in the form of liberal ideology. As I said to you yesterday, liberals wouldn't be celebrating a Supreme Court of nine minorities if they were all conservative.

I don’t think anyone is saying any black women will do. There are thousands I would object to… What Biden is saying is that there are plenty of very qualified black women and they have been looked over for too long.

When a qualified group has been discriminated against for over 200 years, I’m ok with going out of our way to pick a well qualified person out of that group.
What you're choosing not to address is the dislike of Biden saying specifically I'm going to pick a black woman, instead of just doing it.

And if you're going to go after conservatives then why do liberals want Thomas either dead or taken off the court some other way? Why did liberals get up in arms over Larry Elder was potentially going to be California's Governor?

You like diversity when it comes in the form of liberal ideology. As I said to you yesterday, liberals wouldn't be celebrating a Supreme Court of nine minorities if they were all conservative.

I didn't like how Biden put it right out there either, but I don't think it's a big deal. The African American community in America valued that, I'm sure. It shows some commitment.

With Thomas, you're talking about a different issue. Sorry, but that had nothing to do w/ race. Both parties oppose nominees now for ideology. I actually think we're entering into an entirely new era, where he process is 100% politicized, and the votes are on party lines - which is a shame.
I don’t think anyone is saying any black women will do. There are thousands I would object to… What Biden is saying is that there are plenty of very qualified black women and they have been looked over for too long.

When a qualified group has been discriminated against for over 200 years, I’m ok with going out of our way to pick a well qualified person out of that group.

Are you on the right now?
I didn't like how Biden put it right out there either, but I don't think it's a big deal. The African American community in America valued that, I'm sure. It shows some commitment.

With Thomas, you're talking about a different issue. Sorry, but that had nothing to do w/ race. Both parties oppose nominees now for ideology. I actually think we're entering into an entirely new era, where he process is 100% politicized, and the votes are on party lines - which is a shame.

I'm not saying this disrespectfully but you're trying to have it both ways here. You're saying people on the right wouldn't want nine black justices (while Thomas is the most popular justice among right-wingers) and then saying those on the left don't oppose him because of race rather how he does his job. (Like liberals would be fine with nine black justices as long as Thomas isn't one of them)
I'm not saying this disrespectfully but you're trying to have it both ways here. You're saying people on the right wouldn't want nine black justices (while Thomas is the most popular justice among right-wingers) and then saying those on the left don't oppose him because of race rather how he does his job. (Like liberals would be fine with nine black justices as long as Thomas isn't one of them)

I didn't take it disrespectfully - but you're arguing 2 different things. I'm really not sure where the disconnect is.

If you don't think part of the MAGA crowd would freak out at the thought of an all-black SCOTUS, I don't know what to tell you.
I didn't take it disrespectfully - but you're arguing 2 different things. I'm really not sure where the disconnect is.

If you don't think part of the MAGA crowd would freak out at the thought of an all-black SCOTUS, I don't know what to tell you.

The MAGA crowd loves Clarence Thomas. If there were nine Clarence Thomas's on the Supreme Court I'm willing to bet everything I have it would be folks on the left who would freak out.

I'm also willing to bet if the choice was for Biden to appoint someone like Merrick Garland or a minority conservative justice, every single person here claiming we need more diversity on the court would pick Garland.
The MAGA crowd loves Clarence Thomas. If there were nine Clarence Thomas's on the Supreme Court I'm willing to bet everything I have it would be folks on the left who would freak out.

I'm also willing to bet if the choice was for Biden to appoint someone like Merrick Garland or a minority conservative justice, every single person here claiming we need more diversity on the court would pick Garland.

You have to expand on the extremes to make your point. I think yes, the right would be fine with an all-black court, as long as every judge was ultra-conservative and a rubber stamp for ultra-conservative principles.

You win.
You have to expand on the extremes to make your point. I think yes, the right would be fine with an all-black court, as long as every judge was ultra-conservative and a rubber stamp for ultra-conservative principles.

You win.

It's not a win or lose discussion. Ideology/partisanship trumps all else is the point.
If you are going to add stuff that makes the title something that folks cannot have on their desktop while they are in an office, post it in the NSFW area.
I also would not agree that she's "super ugly"... I mean have you seen some of the dudes that are nominated?
She won't be a crybully like that wussy Kavanaugh. A sista will kick ass and take names.

I believe it's insane to appoint judges based on their ethnicity and gender rather than on their record of rulings, legal education, and other professional aspects.

If ethnicity and gender were the only factor he considered, I would agree.
Yep, just what our courts need, another activist jurist who is clueless about the law and believes she should create law from the bench. :

The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states."
That should settle it - judges can't write laws. But they do it all the time and the press calls it an interpretation.
Until 1980 something, no women had ever been appointed, so clearly having a dick was “the most important factor” and not experience for the majority of the supreme courts existence.

YES! Over the last two-plus centuries there have been many, many women more qualified to be judges than the men who actually got the jobs. Women were never even in consideration, it was implicit that judges would be white males. Now we have a president who's not willing to tip-toe around that injustice and RWNJs are melting down. It makes me roll my eyes.
Ketanji Brown Jackson is one of the names mentioned. I believe her credentials are similar to Kavananugh in having the dual Ivy degrees, .

YOU STUPID TRANNY MORON. She got her degrees thru affirmative action like all darkies do. Kav did it on ability. I bet ketty reads at the 3rd grade level.

your stupidity embarrasses everyone here at JPP
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We would have been better-off if Biden said he wanted the most experienced person for Judge. He could have then mentioned her, but instead, he took the road of bigotry.

Yes - it was stupid of pedodent brandon. To just come flat and say the candidate must be a black female. Pure racism and sexism and the GOP should say that but they don't.