Biden likely pick for SC judge. Ketanji Onyika Brown. Super-ugly black woman.

I'd tell you to pound sand the moment I met you. Nope, I'd never work for a incompetent fool like you, I'd piss you off with my expertise and knowledge of my trade.

This is liberal-think. The Constitution is plain language, simple to understand if your IQ is at least three digits. Today's "constitutional scholars" are experts in mis-interpretation.

BS - Take the 2A. What is an "arm"? What does "keep and bear" mean?. What is a "militia?." The 4A uses the word "unreasonable". What does that mean?.

I could go on all day.
I'd tell you to pound sand the moment I met you. Nope, I'd never work for a incompetent fool like you, I'd piss you off with my expertise and knowledge of my trade.

You are likely unemployed for a reason.
BS - Take the 2A. What is an "arm"? What does "keep and bear" mean?. What is a "militia?." The 4A uses the word "unreasonable". What does that mean?.

I could go on all day.

Before you go on all day, read it in the context of when it was written: 1787. They had just fought a war against the strongest military in the world, and they did so with weapons available to the average guy.

So an arm is a firearm: a modern pistol, rifle, big ol' knife or sword.
A militia is a politically organized group of warriors, able to inflict damage on, or provide defence from, an army.
"Unreasonable" is what most people would prefer not to do.
You said you had health issues and couldn't do your machinist job. And then you said once you got better now you work as a weekend security guard.


I never said I couldn't do my job. I went back to the machine shop after the first surgery, then retired 2 years later, Shortly after I retired, I had the second surgery.
I had been planning an early retirement for 15+ years, 2 years after I got the manager's position, I could afford to retire.
Yes, this past summer I worked as a security guard for the extra money and something else to do. I probably will again this coming summer. for gas money.

Because it brings in different perspectives, different theories on how to view the facts, law and human nature. The larger perspective a group can draw its experience from the more likely the result will be a wise and healthy one.
Stupid too. Total affirmative action baby and let's hope the GOP says that. Thousands of white men more qualified.

Just a reminder, Brown graduated from Harvard magna cum laude, and Harvard Law School cum laude. trump barely graduated undergraduate with cheating, and was unable to get into any law school.
I believe it’s helpful to have a diverse Supreme Court so being different than the others is an asset, a qualification.

I wish we had more from outside the Ivy League.

Why is that necessary? The law is the law. Pick the best candidate for the job not the best candidate with the correct pigmentation and that how you pick your doctor or your accountant or your plumber for that matter?
Why is that necessary? The law is the law. Pick the best candidate for the job not the best candidate with the correct pigmentation and that how you pick your doctor or your accountant or your plumber for that matter?

You are naive, the law is not the law. There are many interpretations and ways it works. Silly.