Biggest decline in US productivity in 74 years

a. welfare was large enough to just say no to working
b. unfilled can become non existent in the twinkling of an eye
c. when inflation on non-disposable household budgets devours all the disposable income
d. its common when consumer confidence tanks

Biden's precious jobs numbers will become an albatross very soon.

I love it when the GOP taliban wishes for economic demise.. the demise they caused..then the Dems come in and clean up their mess, just like Clinton had to for Reagan/Bush, and Obama had to for little Bush. Geez little
Bush (W) almost finished us!
Thats exactly why the Biden economy has brought back all the jobs that trump lost, and we still have so many positions available to fill. How quickly you pretend to forget the economic disaster we had in Trumps final years. Is there any wonder why he lost by 7 million votes?

Yep had trump and his negligent GOP govs locked down and supported the preventative measures, and vaccines, the pandemic would have been over much more quickly, much fewer deaths and illness and we'd have all been back to work much more quickly.

So obvious.
Have you ever made a correct prediction? Lets go back to every time you promised that the Obama economy would collapse, only it turned out to be the trump economy that put millions of workers out of a job.

Ask him if Mexico's sent us the wall check yet!

if companies are contracting they are doing it because they cant afford those people because their business prospects are looking bad.

get inflation under control and make Washington stop pissing fiat money away like the dam broke and economic conditions can begin to improve.

but we have to finish crashing first. about halfway there by expert opinion. (of course that was BEFORE the Make Inflation Worse Act being bandied about right now.

You're wrong.
Powell kept BO alive by giving Wall Street a trillion a year they didnt need. and for that he tread water for 8 years. Trump got stuck with the pandemic Fauci's research got us. And the economy roared back as we got ahead of that.

The left, on the other hand, is never close to correct.


Silly twumptard!

Contracting is more expensive on a hours worked basis than hiring generally........They contract rather than hire because they want the flexibility of being able to get rid of headcount fast and cheap.

That actually IS true. The Amazons and Microsofts bring in employees as contractors to begin with and either work them to death or determine whether or not they're worth being made into W2's.

I guess you're a stopped clock that can be correct but - only once in a full moon!
Nope. Every computer inside Microsoft is built by many people in factories scattered across the globe.
Microsoft also depends heavily on contractors to do the actual coding and testing. Full time people there just 'manage' it, and do relatively little coding or testing. After a year of service, those contractors leave, taking their knowledge with them.

Ever wonder why Windows is such a piece of shit?

Microsoft is a software company. they dont make computers. they do force people to buy new computers from companies that do by making their OS more burdensome but thats another matter.

They have contract employees but they are still managed in-house as opposed to contracting with other software companies to do their work.
America lost the primary work force as the Baby Boomers retired

That is a reasonable statement, but let me give you the flip side. Millennials are a bigger generation than Baby Boomers, at least at the moment. The labor force keeps growing. While we do have more older people per worker, that is because the number of older people keeps expanding.

Baby Boomers were called the Me Generation, because they are selfish. Millennials can be selfish too, but they are also hard working when they want to be.

On the far more theoretical side: The Economist Solow said, "computers are everywhere, except for in the productivity statistics", or something like that. He said it back during the 1980's, and computers have contributed more to productivity since then. But the basic point still stands, that computers have contributed less to productivity than would be expected. Maybe the problem is that older people cannot use computers well. There is a theory that we will see a huge bump in productivity when we get the Baby Boomers out of leadership.
Pandemics have not been part of economics for so long, economists seriously do not have the answers to your questions. When the answers are not known, I give the honest answer, it is not known yet.
"Not known yet" is a moronic response... How do you suppose that shutting down much of the economy INCREASES productivity?

It is going to be interesting to read the papers that are written on this subject over the next couple of decades.
Too bad you are illiterate.

The rest of Nights post goes downhill from the original stupidity.
Then why are we all richer
Is that why many people have ever increasing credit card debt?

and happier?
Is that why libtards are truly miserable people to be around?

I just paid almost a dollar less for gas today than I did a month ago.
Let me spell it out for you and see if you can understand what you are "soooooo happy" about...

Prior gas price under Trump: $2.00/gallon
Prior gas price under Biden: $5.00/gallon
Current gas price under Biden: $4.00/gallon


gfm7175: You're STILL paying $2 MORE for gas than you did under Trump, dumbass...

Sorry for the good news, Mary.
Paying $2/gallon MORE for gas than before is "good news"??

Hey, cheer up, there might be another attack on the FBI soon! Chin up, Nazi dirtbag!
What "attack on the FBI"?? What are you even talking about??
Is that why many people have ever increasing credit card debt?

Is that why libtards are truly miserable people to be around?

Let me spell it out for you and see if you can understand what you are "soooooo happy" about...

Prior gas price under Trump: $2.00/gallon
Prior gas price under Biden: $5.00/gallon
Current gas price under Biden: $4.00/gallon


gfm7175: You're STILL paying $2 MORE for gas than you did under Trump, dumbass...

Paying $2/gallon MORE for gas than before is "good news"??

What "attack on the FBI"?? What are you even talking about??

I stopped reading about a quarter way though, because it occurred to me - I'm correct. You are miserable. You proved my point.

You're an evil propaganda puppet, spewing whatever garbage Tucker or Alex tell you.

I actually feel a little sorry for you.
I stopped reading about a quarter way though, because it occurred to me - I'm correct. You are miserable. You proved my point.

You're an evil propaganda puppet, spewing whatever garbage Tucker or Alex tell you.

I actually feel a little sorry for you.

Cry me a river, libtard...

Continue to deny the truth, libtard... :seenoevil: :hearnoevil: :speaknoevil:
Many historians and economists will tell you that the Black Death contributed, or even caused, the sudden growth in productivity that went on to produce the industrial revolution.
You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy. The Black Death did not cause a growth in productivity. It killed HALF the population of Europe.
There is a real chance that Covid will cause amazing long term rises in productivity.
Covid does not kill. It does not cause productivity.
People are refusing to take low paying, unpleasant jobs.
Lazy asses. Welfare is better?????!? That is NO productivity!
The obvious solution is to automate as much as possible of those jobs, that way raising productivity.
Automation can only go so far, and people have to produce and maintain that automation. You are advocating permanent welfare, with NO productivity.
That way you can pay fewer workers more to produce more products.
And what about the ones that are out of work??????!?
The other obvious solution is to just cut staff, and try to figure out a way to make fewer people do more.
Staff was cut all right...when the business WENT OUT OF BUSINESS due to fear mongering over Covid.
If you have been to a movie theater lately, you know what I mean. That too raises productivity.
A lot of them have closed...permanently. NO productivity.
These are just possibilities, but we will not know for sure for years to come.
We know right now. It's visible right now. The devastation as a result of the economic depression and all of it's misery is happening right now.
You can produce software for hardware that other people produce and sell.
Not without hardware.
Advising on hiring programmers is one of my main side gigs. No one is throwing all their programmers out every year.
Blatant lie.
God, I wish Microsoft was losing the desktop market, but that is not reality.
It is. It's losing it to Linux, Mac, and AWS...particularly Linux and AWS. It has already been driven out of the automotive market, the phone market, the server market, and the consumer device market (with the exception of gaming).
False authority fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy...especially for development systems. Holy Links will not prove anything. If you want to deny what's happening to Microsoft, that's your problem.
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I have answered the question as put to me.
No one knows for sure yet. We do not know is a legitimate, and honest answer.
So you admit that you are not going to answer the question, because you are unable.
I have been questioned by just about every type of lawyer and investigator,
and know that if we do not know, just say that. Do not lie and claim to know what you do not know.
If you do not know, just say that. Don't evade the question.
I have given the most reasonable theory as to what will happen to productivity due to Covid. Maybe calling it a theory is too strong, but it is a reasonable possibility.
Covid does not increase productivity. The current economic depression is due to Covid fear mongering by Democrats.