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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

now we all know you want to argue that they are not in the constitution, but that's because you know jack shit about the reason for the constitution or who fucking wrote it. we all know that you're a wannabe slave to the state and that the government wrote the constitution and the bill of rights assigns us all a set of rights that can be removed at any time by your all seeing master. that just makes you an idiot of epic proportions and EARNS you the banning in threads that you so richly deserve.
now we all know you want to argue that they are not in the constitution, but that's because you know jack shit about the reason for the constitution or who fucking wrote it. we all know that you're a wannabe slave to the state and that the government wrote the constitution and the bill of rights assigns us all a set of rights that can be removed at any time by your all seeing master. that just makes you an idiot of epic proportions and EARNS you the banning in threads that you so richly deserve.


Another cut and paste retard. Any of those rights in the Bill of Rights CAN be removed at any time. By just exactly the same process they were granted in the first place, you fucking idiot. Alienable, moron
Where did they insert the words "Natural Law" anywhere?

Can you even identify one 'Natural Law'?

If you were capable of reading John Locke, then you would know the answer to that question. Just because someone says "3.14," does not mean they aren't referring to pi.

Another cut and paste retard. Any of those rights in the Bill of Rights CAN be removed at any time. By just exactly the same process they were granted in the first place, you fucking idiot. Alienable, moron

would you feel better about it if I typed it out manually? and no, they can not be REMOVED at any time. what CAN happen is that government can DENY those rights and then it's up to cowards like yourself to determine whether you want to fight for them or not......or make fun of others if they choose to.
If you were capable of reading John Locke, then you would know the answer to that question. Just because someone says "3.14," does not mean they aren't referring to pi.

John Locke, stupid fuck, neither wrote or signed the Declaration nor the Bill of Rights. If you were capable, you would know that.
would you feel better about it if I typed it out manually? and no, they can not be REMOVED at any time. what CAN happen is that government can DENY those rights and then it's up to cowards like yourself to determine whether you want to fight for them or not......or make fun of others if they choose to.

Stupid moron. The only rights you have are defined by the government you live under. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Not "Natural". Not from your "Creator".

Stupid fuck
Yeah, cornflake, I think everybody should be able to participate. Are you and your fellow shitwads afraid of being challenged? This asshole posted bullshit and banned the people he thought would call him on that fecal material.

Lightweight pussies

Well that is why you are a pussy libtard snowflake.

You aren't entitled to shit.

BTW did you know that the only reason we have the thread ban feature is because libtards like Rana, KKKhristiefan and Zipperhead clamored for it? Well not IT specifically but their bitching led to it.

Let me give you a quick history lesson

When I got to this here slice of political message board heaven, I made a big splash. I quickly realized that this board allowed a level of freedom of expression I had never experienced. You see many sites were run by delicate liberal snowflakes like yourself who don't like hearing dissenting views and they used that power with a vengeance. But this place is different

Suffice to say, I have a gift when it comes to riling up lefties. One in particular on this site thought she ran this place. She had her cronies Rancid, Zipperhead and KKKhristiefan lined up like dutiful lapdogs and they whined incessantly about big bad ILA and lobbied the Mods regularly to have me banned.

The Mods told them "just ignore him". But they couldn't. And they complained that "even though we put him on ignore, he responds to our threads and people respond to him and we inadvertently read his posts by accident"

So the thread ban was born to deal with big, bad ILA.

But knowing libtards the way that I do, I knew that I could use the thread ban against them. And of course I did. So I began thread banning libtards in masse and on cue those same libtards that lobbied for a way to deal with me cried about the thread ban much like you are doing now

Suck it up snowflake. You have no right to be heard on this forum.
Well that is why you are a pussy libtard snowflake.

You aren't entitled to shit.

BTW did you know that the only reason we have the thread ban feature is because libtards like Rana, KKKhristiefan and Zipperhead clamored for it? Well not IT specifically but their bitching led to it.

Let me give you a quick history lesson

When I got to this here slice of political message board heaven, I made a big splash. I quickly realized that this board allowed a level of freedom of expression I had never experienced. You see many sites were run by delicate liberal snowflakes like yourself who don't like hearing dissenting views and they used that power with a vengeance. But this place is different

Suffice to say, I have a gift when it comes to riling up lefties. One in particular on this site thought she ran this place. She had her cronies Rancid, Zipperhead and KKKhristiefan lined up like dutiful lapdogs and they whined incessantly about big bad ILA and lobbied the Mods regularly to have me banned.

The Mods told them "just ignore him". But they couldn't. And they complained that "even though we put him on ignore, he responds to our threads and people respond to him and we inadvertently read his posts by accident"

So the thread ban was born to deal with big, bad ILA.

But knowing libtards the way that I do, I knew that I could use the thread ban against them. And of course I did. So I began thread banning libtards in masse and on cue those same libtards that lobbied for a way to deal with me cried about the thread ban much like you are doing now

Suck it up snowflake. You have no right to be heard on this forum.

You don't rile me up ...You just come off as an angry egotistical asshole...
Well that is why you are a pussy libtard snowflake.

You aren't entitled to shit.

BTW did you know that the only reason we have the thread ban feature is because libtards like Rana, KKKhristiefan and Zipperhead clamored for it? Well not IT specifically but their bitching led to it.

Let me give you a quick history lesson

When I got to this here slice of political message board heaven, I made a big splash. I quickly realized that this board allowed a level of freedom of expression I had never experienced. You see many sites were run by delicate liberal snowflakes like yourself who don't like hearing dissenting views and they used that power with a vengeance. But this place is different

Suffice to say, I have a gift when it comes to riling up lefties. One in particular on this site thought she ran this place. She had her cronies Rancid, Zipperhead and KKKhristiefan lined up like dutiful lapdogs and they whined incessantly about big bad ILA and lobbied the Mods regularly to have me banned.

The Mods told them "just ignore him". But they couldn't. And they complained that "even though we put him on ignore, he responds to our threads and people respond to him and we inadvertently read his posts by accident"

So the thread ban was born to deal with big, bad ILA.

But knowing libtards the way that I do, I knew that I could use the thread ban against them. And of course I did. So I began thread banning libtards in masse and on cue those same libtards that lobbied for a way to deal with me cried about the thread ban much like you are doing now

Suck it up snowflake. You have no right to be heard on this forum.


You have no 'gift', you fucking idiot. You're nothing more than another clueless RW moron. Your posts validate that. You only ban those who would challenge you on your horseshit, proving that you are nothing more than another run-of-the-mill pusswipe.

Poor little bitch
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not according to the constitution, you epic retard. you should read it sometime.

here's the preamble.........

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

the rest of the constitution ONLY creates the federal government and gives the very limited and specific powers. not one of which is the power to give us rights or take them away without due process of law, dick cheese
John Locke, stupid fuck, neither wrote or signed the Declaration nor the Bill of Rights. If you were capable, you would know that.

And yet, strangely enough, his words and philosophy found their way into those documents. Jefferson must have spilled ink on the Declaration without realizing it.
And yet, strangely enough, his words and philosophy found their way into those documents. Jefferson must have spilled ink on the Declaration without realizing it.

Yep, sure did. Those words about all men being created equal were a lie when TJ was still wetting his quill pen, weren't they?
not according to the constitution, you epic retard. you should read it sometime.

here's the preamble.........

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

the rest of the constitution ONLY creates the federal government and gives the very limited and specific powers. not one of which is the power to give us rights or take them away without due process of law, dick cheese

Fuck O Dear, ignorant hole. I just don't find anything about a Creator nor Natural Rights anywhere in your sophomoric cut and paste.

Try harder, bitch.
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