Bill & Belinda?.. What's this about?


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Bill and Belinda’s excellent adventure

But Clinton’s new, er, friendship isn’t helping his wife’s presidential aims, writes eric reguly

As potential girlfriends go, Belinda Stronach would rank as a true catch. She is single, youngish (she just turned 40), attractive, wealthy, impeccably well-connected and politically ambitious - glamorous in every respect. Two years ago, Time magazine listed her as one of the 100 most powerful people on the planet. The tabloids cut to the chase: they called her the "blonde bombshell" or "Bubba's blonde."

Bubba, of course, is Bill Clinton. He has been photographed with Stronach (right) several times. The sightings seem to be getting more frequent, leading to...

leading to.... a nasty spitefilled divorce with hellery raking bubba over the coals. Look out bubba the wicked witch of the eastcoast is going to cut your balls off. lIke he had any to begin with.

This could put a real crimp in hellery's running for president.
leading to.... a nasty spitefilled divorce with hellery raking bubba over the coals. Look out bubba the wicked witch of the eastcoast is going to cut your balls off. lIke he had any to begin with.

This could put a real crimp in hellery's running for president.

Hillary believes in the vows of marriage to its fullest, for better or for WORSE....she did not divorce him when he failed to keep his marriage vows before...she forgave him, what's to say she wouldn't do that again....there are women out there that end up forgiving their husbands over and over again, aren't there? (And don't be thinking those guys are lucky bastards, even if they are! :D)


As far as the GOSSIP in this thread and post and article.....

It's none of my business, just LIKE IT WAS NOT any of my business when the republicans pointed a finger at clinton before regarding this, without ever looking at themselves before stoning him....history repeating itself again?

Who cares he can't be elected president again :)
Oh no sounding like a rebutliken.....shame on me....

Ohhhh, but it is hillary that could be elected, and this is her husband so the republicans very much will make it their business....

The oh so religious republicans will be mocking her... for HONORING HER MARRIAGE VOWS, yes mocking her and laughing at HER for staying with her husband even though it turned out to be "for the WORSE" AND NOT BECAUSE IT WAS FOR "THE BETTER"..... ohhhh, but gay marriage is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage... :(

Bunch of Hypocrites imo and it sickens me how these SO CALLED Christians will probably end up making a mockery out of Christianity and me.


Christianity is a religion Care, and has many fake Christians in it.
You are you, and if you are a good true christian that is good, and you should not let the faux Christians drag you down.
Hillary believes in the vows of marriage to its fullest, for better or for WORSE....she did not divorce him when he failed to keep his marriage vows before...she forgave him, what's to say she wouldn't do that again....there are women out there that end up forgiving their husbands over and over again, aren't there? (And don't be thinking those guys are lucky bastards, even if they are! :D)


As far as the GOSSIP in this thread and post and article.....

It's none of my business, just LIKE IT WAS NOT any of my business when the republicans pointed a finger at clinton before regarding this, without ever looking at themselves before stoning him....history repeating itself again?

LOL. Not often with a "strong feminist" woman...

Forgiveness comes easier if you need the name to get the job you have and the job you want.
Ohhhh, but it is hillary that could be elected, and this is her husband so the republicans very much will make it their business....

The oh so religious republicans will be mocking her... for HONORING HER MARRIAGE VOWS, yes mocking her and laughing at HER for staying with her husband even though it turned out to be "for the WORSE" AND NOT BECAUSE IT WAS FOR "THE BETTER"..... ohhhh, but gay marriage is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage... :(

Bunch of Hypocrites imo and it sickens me how these SO CALLED Christians will probably end up making a mockery out of Christianity and me.


This is total rubbish. People aren't mocking her for sticking to her vows, they are mocking her for attempting to stand upright as a strong feminist while still allowing a man to cuckhold her making it clear that she does it for the power it could lend her rather than what she earned as a woman in her own right....

Feminist? I don't think so...

Also, one of the direct reasons for dismissing your spouse is infidelity. One does follow their vows if they leave a cheating spouse....
here we go with clinton's sex life again.

And, mere months ago I fondly remember Cons belatedly proclaiming that the whole impeachement had nothing to do with Sex. That they didn't care about Clinton's sex life. It was merely about upholding the letter of the law, and principles.
here we go with clinton's sex life again.

And, mere months ago I fondly remember Cons belatedly proclaiming that the whole impeachement had nothing to do with Sex. That they didn't care about Clinton's sex life. It was merely about upholding the letter of the law, and principles.
I've never been one that was all, "It had nothing to do with sex"... Clearly it did. I was also against wasting government resources on such wasteful spending as that impeachment. There were far better things to do than waste that time.
I've never been one that was all, "It had nothing to do with sex"... Clearly it did. I was also against wasting government resources on such wasteful spending as that impeachment. There were far better things to do than waste that time.

Yes , but I think congress's preoccupation with clowntoon helped those years to be good for us. The did not have time to screw us very much.
I've always like gridlock. If we aren't actively taking it apart, thowing a wrench in the works is a better solution than building it larger, stronger, and more expensive...
gridlock and balance forces compromise and slows down the process so people can see what is going on instead of a rubberstamp congress.
Wow, you sure got Hillary pegged Damo, or rather you sure think you do!

Is there some FEMINIST MOVEMENT STILL out there that Hillary belongs to or am I missing something?

And what does a feminist stance on some issues have to do with marriage vows?

And are you saying that Jesus told us that WE SHOULD DIVORCE an unfaithful spouce? Cuz....that is what YOU SURE SOUND like you are saying, and that is NOT TRUE....what so ever in my humble opinion....from the reading in the Gospel?

Wow, you sure got Hillary pegged Damo, or rather you sure think you do!

Is there some FEMINIST MOVEMENT STILL out there that Hillary belongs to or am I missing something?

And what does a feminist stance on some issues have to do with marriage vows?

And are you saying that Jesus told us that WE SHOULD DIVORCE an unfaithful spouce? Cuz....that is what YOU SURE SOUND like you are saying, and that is NOT TRUE....what so ever in my humble opinion....from the reading in the Gospel?

It is specifically mentioned in the Bible as one of the reasons divorce is allowed. Pretending otherwise is just that, pretending.

Again, people consistently shove her in my face as somebody the right doesn't like because she "Is a strong woman, and a feminist!"

I just point out that she is neither. She takes her strength from the name of her husband and allows him to cuckhold her in trade.

Unless you really want to pretend that she would have been the Senator from New York without that power gained from her borrowed name... That would just be more pretending.
Actually we are supposed to stone our unfaithful wife to death. But it is ok for the man to fool around, according to the bible :)

You know that sounds pretty good.....
It is specifically mentioned in the Bible as one of the reasons divorce is allowed. Pretending otherwise is just that, pretending.

Again, people consistently shove her in my face as somebody the right doesn't like because she "Is a strong woman, and a feminist!"

I just point out that she is neither. She takes her strength from the name of her husband and allows him to cuckhold her in trade.

Unless you really want to pretend that she would have been the Senator from New York without that power gained from her borrowed name... That would just be more pretending.

What are you saying don't think Hillary could have been a senator like olympia Snow or or Senator Cantwell or Senator Landrieu or senator Dole or Senator Collins?

I totally disagree with you!

She takes her strength from her husband? BULLSHIT to say the least...

YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO partisan, yet you always claim not to be....a little male chauvanistic too imo....especially with this....

She's a brain Damo and she was and is the backbone of her husband and contributes to his success imo....

but hey.....women are dummies without their husbands...

remind me to pick up that book!

What are you saying don't think Hillary could have been a senator like olympia Snow or or Senator Cantwell or Senator Landrieu or senator Dole or Senator Collins?

I totally disagree with you!

She takes her strength from her husband? BULLSHIT to say the least...

YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO partisan, yet you always claim not to be....a little male chauvanistic too imo....especially with this....

She's a brain Damo and she was and is the backbone of her husband and contributes to his success imo....

but hey.....women are dummies without their husbands...

remind me to pick up that book!

Yes, that is what I am saying. I think it would be especially unlikely in New York, where she didn't live. I believe that without her husbands name and borrowed fame she would not be the Senator of New York State, and likely wouldn't even be the Senator of Arkansas...

It has nothing to do with being sooooo partisan, it has a ton to do with what is actually likely. Without her husband's fame and name an unknown carpetbagger from a southern state would not become the Senator of New York state. In fact, it takes partisan blinders to believe that she would.
Wow, you sure got Hillary pegged Damo, or rather you sure think you do!

Is there some FEMINIST MOVEMENT STILL out there that Hillary belongs to or am I missing something?

And what does a feminist stance on some issues have to do with marriage vows?

And are you saying that Jesus told us that WE SHOULD DIVORCE an unfaithful spouce? Cuz....that is what YOU SURE SOUND like you are saying, and that is NOT TRUE....what so ever in my humble opinion....from the reading in the Gospel?


Care .. you are the one that is making Hillary out to be Mother Teresa ... clearly blinded by partisan poliics. Damo is right on.... Hillary wares the blinders because she and Bill are in it for the political partnership.. iow THE POWER.. and that is it. To think otherwise is political naivety.