Bill & Belinda?.. What's this about?

Care .. you are the one that is making Hillary out to be Mother Teresa ... clearly blinded by partisan poliics. Damo is right on.... Hillary wares the blinders because she and Bill are in it for the political partnership.. iow THE POWER.. and that is it. To think otherwise is political naivety.

No, I am NOT making her out to be mother Terresa and I would like to know where YOU got this from.....?

Be specific please.

I think that it is EXTREMELY JUDGEMENTAL for you and Damo to continue to spout this garbage with no knowledge at all regarding their circumstances...

why not talk about her and her strengths or weaknesses regarding the political arena?

male chauvinists...coming out in you both imo.

and for you to mask it as something else is utterly ridiculous...examine need it in this case imo.

No, I am NOT making her out to be mother Terresa and I would like to know where YOU got this from.....?

Be specific please.

I think that it is EXTREMELY JUDGEMENTAL for you and Damo to continue to spout this garbage with no knowledge at all regarding their circumstances...

why not talk about her and her strengths or weaknesses regarding the political arena?

male chauvinists...coming out in you both imo.

and for you to mask it as something else is utterly ridiculous...examine need it in this case imo.

I am no male chauvinist, give me evidence. Is it realistic to believe that somebody who didn't live in New York and was totally unknown would become their Senator? Come on, Care... It isn't my blinders that are evident here. It is yours. Attempting to paint me as a chauvinist isn't working, but painting yourself as a total partisan hack who can see nothing wrong with their candidate so long as they are of the same party? Yes, that appears evident at this time.

There is no way that Hillary, as an unknown, would ever be the Senator of New York. Maybe if she stayed in Illinois and worked hard she might be there, but she most certainly wouldn't have talk of Presidential runs, etc.

This has nothing to do with Chauvinist, and everything to do with reality.
Yes, that is what I am saying. I think it would be especially unlikely in New York, where she didn't live. I believe that without her husbands name and borrowed fame she would not be the Senator of New York State, and likely wouldn't even be the Senator of Arkansas...

It has nothing to do with being sooooo partisan, it has a ton to do with what is actually likely. Without her husband's fame and name an unknown carpetbagger from a southern state would not become the Senator of New York state. In fact, it takes partisan blinders to believe that she would.

And who's to say she would not have become a Senator in another state ALOT SOONER if her husband had not been President or governor?

your presumptions are ASTOUNDING....astounding to say the least and extremely biased getting this garbage from the right wing propaganda machine's spin...

shameful can't even speak about her record....the job she has done or her qualifications as a Senator on material things or even compared to her MALE counterparts...they are senators because they are qualified and earned it .....

but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the chauvinists like you and klaatu think that Hillary is LESS OF A SENATOR than "one of the guys, one in the boys club" and I AM CALLING YOU and klaatu and others that spout the same garbage.... ON IT.....

that's how it comes off in your posts imo.....and I don't see it how anyone can see it otherwise.


(Darla? Darla darling...where are you? I need your help in blasting these guys... hahahaha)
And who's to say she would not have become a Senator in another state ALOT SOONER if her husband had not been President or governor?

your presumptions are ASTOUNDING....astounding to say the least and extremely biased getting this garbage from the right wing propaganda machine's spin...

shameful can't even speak about her record....the job she has done or her qualifications as a Senator on material things or even compared to her MALE counterparts...they are senators because they are qualified and earned it .....

but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the chauvinists like you and klaatu think that Hillary is LESS OF A SENATOR than "one of the guys, one in the boys club" and I AM CALLING YOU and klaatu and others that spout the same garbage.... ON IT.....

that's how it comes off in your posts imo.....and I don't see it how anyone can see it otherwise.


(Darla? Darla darling...where are you? I need your help in blasting these guys... hahahaha)
*sigh* My point was that she would not have the position she does right now without her husband and pretending otherwise is simple pretense, and not even well-disguised pretense. If you read my next post I even say she might be able to make it to Senator in her own right in her own state. Don't be so disingenuous that your ranting gives away your partisanship! Oh, wait... It's too late for that now!
And by Damos logic on senator clownottn , then GWB would not be president and Jeb would not be gov, because they rode on their daddsy coattails...umm GHWB would not have been president except for his senator daddy either I suppose....
And by Damos logic on senator clownottn , then GWB would not be president and Jeb would not be gov, because they rode on their daddsy coattails...umm GHWB would not have been president except for his senator daddy either I suppose....

Yes, by my logic this would be true. I feel less respect for people who ride their family's fame to power than for those who build it form their own ability.
The fact that Hillary was first lady definetly helped her become a senator from new york.

But, she is extremly competent, intelligent and ambitious. She became one of the top lawyers in the country all on her own. Even without Bill, she may well have become a congresswoman, a mayor, or some other prominent public official.
And had she done it that way I would respect her all the more for it...

However, people began talking of runs for President before she had even announced she was actually going to run for Senate and that too was still a rumor. This would not be the case if she hadn't that fame from the name.
Amazingly we hear how much Daddy's help got Bush his job and how his accomplishment is less for it, but we are supposed to ignore it for somebody else because they have a D near their name?
And had she done it that way I would respect her all the more for it...

However, people began talking of runs for President before she had even announced she was actually going to run for Senate and that too was still a rumor. This would not be the case if she hadn't that fame from the name.

Being first lady is an advantage for her.

All Im saying is that Hillary has the intellect, the qualifications, and the personal ambition to have succeeded in anything she wanted, even without Bill.

George junior, without the Bush family, wouldnt have amounted to much, imo
Being first lady is an advantage for her.

All Im saying is that Hillary has the intellect, the qualifications, and the personal ambition to have succeeded in anything she wanted, even without Bill.

George junior, without the Bush family, wouldnt have amounted to much, imo
True. I believe I stated earlier that Hillary could even possibly be a Senator without Billie earlier in the thread. In fact, I know I did. However it is extremely unlikely that she would be in a position to run for President, or even to have so many talk about it without it. To say she is somehow eliminated from such points because she is a D and a woman is sexist and silly.
And had she done it that way I would respect her all the more for it...

However, people began talking of runs for President before she had even announced she was actually going to run for Senate and that too was still a rumor. This would not be the case if she hadn't that fame from the name.


That always happens with first ladies.

Why I remember the hue and cry for Nancy Reagan, Lady Bird Johnson and Barbara Bush to run for President as soon as their husbands terms were up. And even now, there are rumors in the wind that Laura is to be presumptive Republican nominee.

Oh wait,....none of that happened. Yet all of these women were as "famous" as Hillary and in the exact same way.

Explain why none of the above did happen, but did with Hillary Damo.

That always happens with first ladies.

Why I remember the hue and cry for Nancy Reagan, Lady Bird Johnson and Barbara Bush to run for President as soon as their husbands terms were up. And even now, there are rumors in the wind that Laura is to be presumptive Republican nominee.

Oh wait,....none of that happened. Yet all of these women were as "famous" as Hillary and in the exact same way.

Explain why none of the above did happen, but did with Hillary Damo.
*sigh* That they had no ambition for it means little. However I do remember hearing a cry for Libbie Dole....

Don't be so deliberately disingenuous. And read the whole of the thread and catch up before limiting yourself to already answered remarks.
And who's to say she would not have become a Senator in another state ALOT SOONER if her husband had not been President or governor?

your presumptions are ASTOUNDING....astounding to say the least and extremely biased getting this garbage from the right wing propaganda machine's spin...

shameful can't even speak about her record....the job she has done or her qualifications as a Senator on material things or even compared to her MALE counterparts...they are senators because they are qualified and earned it .....

but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the chauvinists like you and klaatu think that Hillary is LESS OF A SENATOR than "one of the guys, one in the boys club" and I AM CALLING YOU and klaatu and others that spout the same garbage.... ON IT.....

that's how it comes off in your posts imo.....and I don't see it how anyone can see it otherwise.


(Darla? Darla darling...where are you? I need your help in blasting these guys... hahahaha)

I'm on the phone Care, and about to go out, and had been avoiding this thread because I knew what it must be about, and sure enough, I'm sorry I am reading it. And now I don't have the time to delve into it as I would like to.

But I will come back to it.
*sigh* That they had no ambition for it means little. However I do remember hearing a cry for Libbie Dole....

Don't be so deliberately disingenuous. And read the whole of the thread and catch up before limiting yourself to already answered remarks.

How do you know what they had ambition for???

They had no ambition, or they had no qualifications for it?

Why don't you try the latter Damo.
And once again Damo performs feats of magic, this time jumping into the minds of women he will never meet and discerning their true "ambitions."
How do you know what they had ambition for???

They had no ambition, or they had no qualifications for it?

Why don't you try the latter Damo.
And once again Damo performs feats of magic, this time jumping into the minds of women he will never meet and discerning their true "ambitions."
Well, because they never once attempted to run, nor even put forward a trial baloon about it? Come on you have to truly be deliberate in ignorance to even attempt to ask this question!

How do I know? Because of their action.
I love myself, who do you love?

I am witty and pretty and consistent and persistent and just all around magnificant!
Libbie Dole certainly had the ability... However, I would say much the same about her had she run...
Of course the real question should not be, would Hillary be a Senator without Bill, but rather, the question men everywhere are loathe to ask for fear of what the answer might tell them about themselves, their own sucesses, and their own capacity.

And that question is, would Bill ever have been President, without Hillary?