Bill & Belinda?.. What's this about?

What a looney. Dole is an example of an accomplished woman who was put forward to run for President because of the name of her husband. Ignoring her accomplishments because it doesn't fit well with your argument isn't very becoming.

WTF are you talking about? I'm not ignoring her accomplishments, you are. I don't believe her sucess has anything to do with her husband, you clearly do.
Read again, Care. I am more impressed by those who make it with their own work rather than that of others. Hillary is Senator in a state that wouldn't have voted her for Senator and speculation of running for President began before she even ran for Senator. This would not have happened without her husband. Period. And we are talking specifically of this one person, not of all women, etc.

You keep passing by my actual comments to throw up this strawman.

I will ask you one more time, Care...

Would Hillary be the Senator of New York State, as a carpetbagger coming from Arkansas (or let's assume Illinois as that is where she originally is from) without first being the first lady to Clinton? Really look within and actually honestly answer that question...

Do I think it would be possible for her to become a Senator? Sure I do... But with early speculation of Presidential runs? Before she actually ran for Senate even? No. As the Senate Seat being her very first elected position in government? Nope. Would it be in New York just after moving there? No fricking way....

Do you see where I am going here, Care? Attempting to say she used none of the benefit of the name of her husband is ridiculous, totally and unequivocally she did... Is it my opinion that she stayed with a cuckholding husband to keep that benefit? Yes, it is. Do I think less of her for it? You bet I do. Do I want my girls to emulate her? Hell, no!

This is a crock of BULLSHIT.

George Allen is the Senator of VA and comes from California, if I googled how many congress people and Senators could I find that ran and won in states other than their own.

YES, she could easily have been the Senator from NY without being married to Bill. We don't know, because we don't know what she would have done had she not married him AND become a mother. But, because of her accomplishments alongside that marriage, and motherhood, what we do know is that she would have been a professional, and due to her early work such as on the Watergate panel, we can clearly assume she would have entered politics.

You have no idea why she stayed with Bill, you are making assumptions on her motives and then assuming them to be and presenting them as fact. Which is a habit you have with posters here too.

Women, and oh yes! men, choose to stay with a spouse who has had an affair every fucking day.

You don't know their motives anymore than you know hers. And it's not your business to.
Darla writes this:

Elizabeth Dole, a Duke and Harvard graduate, who also attended Oxford, was an extremely politically accomplished woman BEFORE she ever set eyes on Bob Dole, you incredible jackass.

Then you respond with this:

What a looney. Dole is an example of an accomplished woman who was put forward to run for President because of the name of her husband. Ignoring her accomplishments because it doesn't fit well with your argument isn't very becoming.

And then you fault me for not reading the whole thread and all of your posts in it before asking you a simple quetion. At least I read the posts I respond to. I don't really believe in reading a whole thread before posting. I wouldn't post a thing if I did that. Do you really expect every one who responds to read the whole thread before posting? You really should write all these rules down someplace for those of us who are unfamiliar with the board rules.
At least before she got cuckholded and held on to it regardless for the name...

I would not want my daughter to emulate those actions. I would love for my daughter to become a Senator, just not at the cost she paid.

You're making a lot of assumptions about why Hillary stayed married to Bill.

I don't think you or I are in a postion to know the details of their relationship. You die-hard republican DNA is showing Damo :)
George Allen is the Senator of VA and comes from California, if I googled how many congress people and Senators could I find that ran and won in states other than their own.

Of course you realize, that Dick Cheney was formally a resident of Texas, and therefore constitutionally barred from being George Bush's running mate in 2000....that is, until he quickly and belatedly, ran back to Wyoming (where he hadn't lived in years) to establish residency there ;)
George Allen is the Senator of VA and comes from California, if I googled how many congress people and Senators could I find that ran and won in states other than their own.

Of course you realize, that Dick Cheney was formally a resident of Texas, and therefore constitutionally barred from being George Bush's running mate in 2000....that is, until he quickly and belatedly, ran back to Wyoming (where he hadn't lived in years) to establish residency there ;)

The only reason he was able to get elected as VP, being a carpetbagger, was because he's married to Lynne Cheney.

Known Fact. I sure would not want my sons to emulate him.
Yet I do. You haven't read the thread... You make assumptions again? Man, you are a glutton for abuse. I do not like Bush and have stated that I have the same dislike for the way he got there, IN THIS VERY THREAD!

Ok, as I said I hadn't read every damn post in the five page thread, so for the sake of keeping you honest I went back through the thread and found this post:

Amazingly we hear how much Daddy's help got Bush his job and how his accomplishment is less for it, but we are supposed to ignore it for somebody else because they have a D near their name?

Now I know in hindsight this probably looks to you like a strong statement of disgust with how Bush attained his current status, and I can understand that, but to an uneducated eye such as mine, it really appears like someone whining about how put upon poor George has been because his Daddy got him there, while the Democrats are getting away with murder. Is there another post that I may have missed where you really give it to George for his "legacy" aid, because I gotta tell ya this just doesn't seem to me to be you complaining about how Bush got there, sorry. Of couse, it has been filtered through my eyes, so I will ask others here to comment or you can explain what I am missing. It's a short post so it shouldn't take much to show me exactly where you complain about how Bush got there. The part of the quote that shows that will do!!!
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Ok, as I said I hadn't read every damn post in the five page thread, so for the sake of keeping you honest I went back through the thread and found this post:

Now I know in hindsight this probably looks to you like a strong statement of disgust with how Bush attained his current status, and I can understand that, but to an uneducated eye such as mine, it really appears like someone whining about how put upon poor George has been because his Daddy got him there, while the Democrats are getting away with murder. Is there another post that I may have missed where you really give it to George for his "legacy" aid, because I gotta tell ya this just doesn't seem to me to be you complaining about how Bush got there, sorry. Of couse, it has been filtered through my eyes, so I will ask others here to comment or you can explain what I am missing. It's a short post so it shouldn't take much to show me exactly where you complain about how Bush got there. The part of the quote that shows that will do!!!

I read it the same way you did.

And if Damo believes that this is a strong stand, or ANY stand against how Bush became President, then this goes a long way to explaining why I rarely understand what the hell he is talking about, and anytime I get involved in a conversation with him I start to think maybe I am crazy, until I go back through the thread an ascertain that No I never said what he is claiming I must "have meant", and NO he never said what he claims "everybody knows" he thinks and in fact, you can find him saying it "yet again" on this very thread.
WTF are you talking about? I'm not ignoring her accomplishments, you are. I don't believe her sucess has anything to do with her husband, you clearly do.
I believe that her being suggested to take on the Presidency was largely because of the fame of her husband.
I read it the same way you did.

And if Damo believes that this is a strong stand, or ANY stand against how Bush became President, then this goes a long way to explaining why I rarely understand what the hell he is talking about, and anytime I get involved in a conversation with him I start to think maybe I am crazy, until I go back through the thread an ascertain that No I never said what he is claiming I must "have meant", and NO he never said what he claims "everybody knows" he thinks and in fact, you can find him saying it "yet again" on this very thread.
Rubbish. That I didn't go into a long dissertation on Bush doesn't mean that I am all for his getting the job. This is a strawman and based in inanity. I have been significantly against Bush, whom I will admit I voted for as what I thought was the "lesser of two evils" against Gore, but not against Kerry, I voted Badnarick that time. (How is it Bush would say it, "Fool me twice... Can't get tricked again!")

The thread isn't about Bush, unlike so many others. The world does not revolve around him. I have been vocal about my dislike of Bush before, that you ignore it or weren't around doesn't change it.

It is foolish to assume crap about me based on one single thread or the fact that I have a differing opinion of Clinton than you do...
for another curve, another dynasty the Kennedys. Joe kennedy lost one son in the war and had another one wounded. How many bush clan members are in Iraq or Afganistan ?

Now I for sure don't take up for Teddy boy, just making a point.
I do agree with a couple of his points, but I am sure I agree with a few minor ones with Bush as well ;)
I believe that her being suggested to take on the Presidency was largely because of the fame of her husband.

That's great. And some people believe that if they never have sex, don't masturbate, and never tell a lie, then upon their death they will be transported to a paradise that exists just above the clouds but that no one can see, and float around with a harp for eternity. Others believe that God hands out virgins as door prizes.

Still others believe that ciggerattes do not cause lung cancer. In fact, you name anything, and you can find some fool who believes it.

But you have no evidence of any such thing, and the fact remains that Elizabeth Dole was a politically accomplished, very well educated, upwardly mobile woman before she met Bob Dole.

And lastly, none of what you said does anything to explain why you accused me of "ignoring her accomplishments" to further my own ends.
Rubbish. That I didn't go into a long dissertation on Bush doesn't mean that I am all for his getting the job. This is a strawman and based in inanity. I have been significantly against Bush, whom I will admit I voted for as what I thought was the "lesser of two evils" against Gore, but not against Kerry, I voted Badnarick that time. (How is it Bush would say it, "Fool me twice... Can't get tricked again!")

The thread isn't about Bush, unlike so many others. The world does not revolve around him. I have been vocal about my dislike of Bush before, that you ignore it or weren't around doesn't change it.

It is foolish to assume crap about me based on one single thread or the fact that I have a differing opinion of Clinton than you do...

Damo, you made this claim:

I have been consistently against legacy families since you and I have first met, pretending otherwise so I can back-pat Hillary? I don't think so!

Then Care said you had voted for Bush JR in 2000 and Prakosh pointed out if that were true, then your claim to have been "consistently" against legacy families would have to be called into question, since voting for one of them is not being "against them".

It's real simple.
Damo, you made this claim:

I have been consistently against legacy families since you and I have first met, pretending otherwise so I can back-pat Hillary? I don't think so!

Then Care said you had voted for Bush JR in 2000 and Prakosh pointed out if that were true, then your claim to have been "consistently" against legacy families would have to be called into question, since voting for one of them is not being "against them".

It's real simple.
Even while I voted for him then it was because of the "lesser of two evils" thing... I didn't make the same mistake. Pretending that none make such compromises regurlarly is just pretense and another strawman. I have been consistently against them. In that case BOTH of them were legacy families. Or did you forget that Gore's father was also a Senator?

It's real simple. When both candidates are Legacies what do you do? I thought at that time that voting Libertarian was wasting my vote. Instead I held my nose and voted for what I believed to the the "lesser evil"...

The next time I voted Badnarick.
That's great. And some people believe that if they never have sex, don't masturbate, and never tell a lie, then upon their death they will be transported to a paradise that exists just above the clouds but that no one can see, and float around with a harp for eternity. Others believe that God hands out virgins as door prizes.

Still others believe that ciggerattes do not cause lung cancer. In fact, you name anything, and you can find some fool who believes it.

But you have no evidence of any such thing, and the fact remains that Elizabeth Dole was a politically accomplished, very well educated, upwardly mobile woman before she met Bob Dole.

And lastly, none of what you said does anything to explain why you accused me of "ignoring her accomplishments" to further my own ends.
Amazingly, we have many years of life and observation of others, and the ability to place ourselves in other's shoes with reasonable accuracy. Pretending that it is the same as Faith-based irrelavancies is simply pretense.

As for the Dole portion. I'll give you that one. However I do have evidence of Libby Dole not being brought up until after her husbands bid... She was unknown beforehand and without her husband would not have been brought up and hence she makes an excellent example of what I am talking about.

This gets repetitive...

In a nation of 300 million people we can do better than continuously electing the same families to run our nation! There are other qualified people that we should put forward rather than continuously present the same people because of the fact that name recognition nets them tons of campaign contributions. These types of legacies promote the coin-operated government that I believe we should be working to end.