Bill Maher strikes again!

See, there's the problem....the nano-second someone criticizes the other political party, they're demonized. Forget the content of the critique, whether it be accurate, true or not. Just go after them, and if you can't totally discredit the content, damn them with feint praise.

And I'm REALLY fucking tired of everyone using the "woke" excuse for their diatribes. I dismissed the origin as just another cutesy phrase used by some wanna-be activist or author to gain attention ... who knew that the rabid right wing would co-opt it as a "boogey man" phrase for everything they're against.

Oh well, stupid is as stupid does. Just don't get caught up in the hype.

You're putting up a strawman, misrepresenting my intent, friend. I'm not "demonizing" anyone. I'm saying it's important, when elections are coming up to be on the same page. The Republicans never have any problem spewing false and misleading talking points... all the dems have to do is not be a circular firing sqaud.

Understand now?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
See, there's the problem....the nano-second someone criticizes the other political party, they're demonized. Forget the content of the critique, whether it be accurate, true or not. Just go after them, and if you can't totally discredit the content, damn them with feint praise.

And I'm REALLY fucking tired of everyone using the "woke" excuse for their diatribes. I dismissed the origin as just another cutesy phrase used by some wanna-be activist or author to gain attention ... who knew that the rabid right wing would co-opt it as a "boogey man" phrase for everything they're against.

Oh well, stupid is as stupid does. Just don't get caught up in the hype.

You're putting up a strawman, misrepresenting my intent, friend. I'm not "demonizing" anyone. I'm saying it's important, when elections are coming up to be on the same page. The Republicans never have any problem spewing false and misleading talking points... all the dems have to do is not be a circular firing sqaud.

Understand now?

No strawman, but easily recognizable fact. You used words and terminology that have been co-opted by the MAGA minions for negative and disparaging connotations. That is why I cautioned you not to "get caught up in the hype".

Your clarification is a satisfactory, if not slightly detouring from your original assertion. Capice'?
No strawman, but easily recognizable fact. You used words and terminology that have been co-opted by the MAGA minions for negative and disparaging connotations. That is why I cautioned you not to "get caught up in the hype".

Your clarification is a satisfactory, if not slightly detouring from your original assertion. Capice'?

No, no "caprice". You're a Republican angry at me for giving the Dems sound advice. Figured you out, Mr. MAGA. Sorry your moron lost in 2020, but you might be successful in overturning our democracy in 24.. so there is that.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No strawman, but easily recognizable fact. You used words and terminology that have been co-opted by the MAGA minions for negative and disparaging connotations. That is why I cautioned you not to "get caught up in the hype".

Your clarification is a satisfactory, if not slightly detouring from your original assertion. Capice'?

No, no "caprice". You're a Republican angry at me for giving the Dems sound advice. Figured you out, Mr. MAGA. Sorry your moron lost in 2020, but you might be successful in overturning our democracy in 24.. so there is that.

Okay, now you've gone off the deep end. Anyone who has read my posts/threads over the years knows that I'm anything BUT a conservative/Republcan/necocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/maga minion. Hell, some have accused me of being left of progressives! Seems that when taken to task for what YOU write, you come unhinged. Sorry toodles, but if you can't take a little criticism, you're in the wrong forum.

I don't waste time of fools. Adios.
Okay, now you've gone off the deep end. Anyone who has read my posts/threads over the years knows that I'm anything BUT a conservative/Republcan/necocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/maga minion. Hell, some have accused me of being left of progressives! Seems that when taken to task for what YOU write, you come unhinged. Sorry toodles, but if you can't take a little criticism, you're in the wrong forum.

I don't waste time of fools. Adios.

I always thought you were a right winger.
Okay, now you've gone off the deep end. Anyone who has read my posts/threads over the years knows that I'm anything BUT a conservative/Republcan/necocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/maga minion. Hell, some have accused me of being left of progressives! Seems that when taken to task for what YOU write, you come unhinged. Sorry toodles, but if you can't take a little criticism, you're in the wrong forum.

I don't waste time of fools. Adios.

Anyway. The Dems need to get on the same page. I felt if you disagreed, you were a Republican. Turns out your political instincts just suck.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, champ. I've only been here a few weeks, and not contiguously.. so I need to learn the personalities here.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, now you've gone off the deep end. Anyone who has read my posts/threads over the years knows that I'm anything BUT a conservative/Republcan/necocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/maga minion. Hell, some have accused me of being left of progressives! Seems that when taken to task for what YOU write, you come unhinged. Sorry toodles, but if you can't take a little criticism, you're in the wrong forum.

I don't waste time of fools. Adios.

I always thought you were a right winger.

Are you serious? Just go to the categories and search for my post & threads. That should clear things up.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Are you serious? Just go to the categories and search for my post & threads. That should clear things up.

The only people on this forum citing Maher are right wingers.

Well, since I don't a LOT of time going through every blessed poster and topic (and I have a fair amount of the fringe right wingers on ignore), I have no way to verify what you say.

Be that as it may, if you had read the OP carefully, you would have noted that I don't lock step agree with Maher on a lot of subjects. And again, anyone familiar with my posts & threads no that I anything but a right winger. If you chose to believe otherwise because of the OP, that's your problem.

This is why I'm a registered Independent voter....I can't stand the "lemmings to the cliff" attitude that you now display.
Maher has jumped the shark as much as the expression "jump the shark" has jumped the shark.

He's alienated his liberal bass.
In some instances, he's right, In others, he's full of shit.
But right or wrong doesn't matter a bit in pop culture.
Maher needs to take up golf and call it a career.
Maher has jumped the shark as much as the expression "jump the shark" has jumped the shark.

He's alienated his liberal bass.
In some instances, he's right, In others, he's full of shit.
But right or wrong doesn't matter a bit in pop culture.
Maher needs to take up golf and call it a career.

His show is no different from all other cable news shows.
What does that mean?!&p=5120628#post5120628

Lemmings do not commit suicide. However, this particular myth is based on some actual lemming behaviors. Lemmings have large population booms every three or four years. When the concentration of lemmings becomes too high in one area, a large group will set out in search of a new home. Lemmings can swim, so if they reach a water obstacle, such as a river or lake, they may try to cross it. Inevitably, a few individuals drown. But it’s hardly suicide.

So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.
Maher has jumped the shark as much as the expression "jump the shark" has jumped the shark.

He's alienated his liberal bass.
In some instances, he's right, In others, he's full of shit.
But right or wrong doesn't matter a bit in pop culture.
Maher needs to take up golf and call it a career.

But to date no one has debated the content of the OP video. Wonder why.!&p=5120628#post5120628

Lemmings do not commit suicide. However, this particular myth is based on some actual lemming behaviors. Lemmings have large population booms every three or four years. When the concentration of lemmings becomes too high in one area, a large group will set out in search of a new home. Lemmings can swim, so if they reach a water obstacle, such as a river or lake, they may try to cross it. Inevitably, a few individuals drown. But it’s hardly suicide.

So why is the myth of mass lemming suicide so widely believed? For one, it provides an irresistible metaphor for human behavior. Someone who blindly follows a crowd—maybe even toward catastrophe—is called a lemming. Over the past century, the myth has been invoked to express modern anxieties about how individuality could be submerged and destroyed by mass phenomena, such as political movements or consumer culture.

I know what the term means. How am I "displaying" it?
Can't stand Oliver. Shouting stuff. Who cares.

He reveals a lot of disturbing things about our nation and its many deficiencies, though.
I would not have done what he did--leave the UK to come here. Their food sucks, but not for people with money,
and they have a National Health Service.