There Can be Only One!
See, there's the problem....the nano-second someone criticizes the other political party, they're demonized. Forget the content of the critique, whether it be accurate, true or not. Just go after them, and if you can't totally discredit the content, damn them with feint praise.
And I'm REALLY fucking tired of everyone using the "woke" excuse for their diatribes. I dismissed the origin as just another cutesy phrase used by some wanna-be activist or author to gain attention ... who knew that the rabid right wing would co-opt it as a "boogey man" phrase for everything they're against.
Oh well, stupid is as stupid does. Just don't get caught up in the hype.
You're putting up a strawman, misrepresenting my intent, friend. I'm not "demonizing" anyone. I'm saying it's important, when elections are coming up to be on the same page. The Republicans never have any problem spewing false and misleading talking points... all the dems have to do is not be a circular firing sqaud.
Understand now?