because it has not been properly fettered
without capitalism you cant have true freedom
It is consumerism not capitalism that is the problem. Instead of maximizing their wealth, people maximize their things. To get the most things for a buck, they use the internet to look for the cheapest price on these things which then feeds into a whole spiraling situation regarding velocity and pooling.
People have to look for the cheapest price because Capitalism creates a society where most people don't have enough disposable income.
People don't have enough disposable income because cheapskate people want to cut everybody's throat to save themselves a nickel.
That's what happens when you have an economic system like Capitalism. Life becomes all about making money to survive for 99% of the population.
Hello StoneByStone,
I presume he obviously can see that while he was able to get very rich by basically juggling numbers, and that many others worked very hard to do hands-on productive contributions to society and are left with very little, that capitalism is really not structured very well to reward the things that make society function.
That's what happens when you have an economic system like Capitalism. Life becomes all about making money to survive for 99% of the population.
Yet extreme poverty continues to decline, life-spans continue to grow bigger, and the quality of everyone's lives continues to get better.
Yet extreme poverty continues to decline, life-spans continue to grow bigger, and the quality of everyone's lives continues to get better.
The overall living standards are improving everywhere. We could look at North Korea and say things have gotten better there, dictatorships must be great.
To know what works, we need to compare countries, and examine individual issues. I would say that America's living standards would grow faster with Liberal Socialism.
Howdy Heff,
Socialism built that. You really think poverty would be on the decline without the government safety net?
The overall living standards are improving everywhere. We could look at North Korea and say things have gotten better there, dictatorships must be great.
To know what works, we need to compare countries, and examine individual issues. I would say that America's living standards would grow faster with Liberal Socialism.
It is no different under socialism. You have to pay outrageous taxes in most of the places and don't really own anything like your house. When 10,000 people buy 10,000 book from amazon, a bookstore somewhere dried up which gave 5-10 people pink slips which then created 5-10 people who would work for less just to have a job than 5 or 10 people who otherwise would have taken the job at 105% of the wage, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat.
Capitalism can't ever be properly fettered because it's nature leads to a situation where the people making the rules are the super rich.