Every attempt to establish socialism has been squashed within months by capitalist murder gangs, or turned into state socialism. Don't listen to propaganda, Evince: you've got more sense.
my friend,
socialism is the best form of government ON PAPER
capitalism fettered by the PEOPLE in a democratic powered nation who are not afraid to use EVERY tool the founders found useful ( which includes socialistic elements)
that is what HAS worked in practice
the only reason America is stumbling is that we did not KILL the election cheating of the republican party
since FDR the republican party has found that they have to lie to the people about their aims.
That is why they southern strategy was developed
they have increasingly thwarted democracy in every way they could to glean power
they have also increasingly lifted on high their members WILLING to cheat, lie and steal democracy from the people
they have been running a political factory which increasingly promoted the most evil of their own until the logical outcome is the evil of trump and their party selling out to the Russians
we are about to end that
This beautiful nation of mine is about to Prove how brilliant our founders were
This progressive and liberal nation is about to be unleashed
Democracy is the answer
capitalism with the correct sized harness and muzzle on it crafted by the people (not just the CEOs)
We will be walking this beautiful animal once again
pure socialism has never in the history of mankind worked
Pure democracy has never in the history of mankind worked
unfettered capitalism has never in the history of mankind worked
the founders designed a hybrid
that hybrid has worked
we just had evil men who have been allowed to thwart it
All because we ignored election cheating