Birth Right Citizenship Will It Finally End?


White Libs would rather not have any barricades at all.
What do you base that claim on? You can barely speak for yourself. We want immigrants treated with respect and a chance to prove their cases in immigration court.
We need labor. The American economy grows with immigration and stagnates without it. Wait for the crops to sit in the fields and rot.
Oh, so I guess then Article 1, Sections 1 and 8, plus Article II, Section 1, have been removed
Nothing has been removed from the Constitution, anchovies. You just choose to ignore it and all State constitutions.
And, who decides if a law is unconstitutional,
The owners of the Constitution of the United States is the States, and in turn, the People.
you’ve told us previously the SCOTUS can’t do it,
SCOTUS has NO authority over the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.
so who can especially since you told us up above something can constitutional even if it is not in the Constitution

Time to go back to your Google glossary of fallacies
The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution, anchovies.
The absurd interpretation of the 14th amendment is finally being challenged. The left loves to argue that it's clear the following Amendment somehow says that birth rights citizenship is clearly stated in our Constitution.

Section 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Those words in bold are the ones that the left argue somehow translate to those who enter America ILLEGALLY and drop an infant on our soil should automatically be citizens. Section 1 was to leave no ambiguity about the rights for blacks to become citizens. The democrat activist SC Libtards had sided with Sanford in the case Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) in which the democrat appointed Chief Justice Roger B. Taney spewed typical drone drivel:
  1. That African Americans, free or enslaved, were not and could not be citizens of the United States under the Constitution, which meant they had no rights that white men were bound to respect.
  2. That the Missouri Compromise, which prohibited slavery in certain U.S. territories, was unconstitutional.
Republicans fighting racist policies didn't just start a few years ago. This also proves that the Supreme Court always fails America when it deviates from the true meaning of our brilliant Constitution. It's amazing how many things change yet stay the same.

I also love that last sentence, do the EPA rules and restrictions constitute due process? I don't think so, I'd like someone explain how it does. If the zealots with un-elected powers can and do make ridiculous rules that have severe impacts on ones private property rights, what real recourse does that property owners have? That's a bit off subject at the moment other than it points out how convoluted Libtard thinking is.
Lefty black bitch here and on this I completely agree with Trump. The wealthy Chinese are nortorious for flying in private jets coming to this country, given birth to thier yellow rice cakes for full citizenship and then flying back home, as do the Canadians. That law was exclusive for slaves forced here by the white man granting their off spring citizenship after raping its black mother. That law was really for thier half white babies.
Lefty black bitch here and on this I completely agree with Trump. The wealthy Chinese are nortorious for flying in private jets coming to this country, given birth to thier yellow rice cakes for full citizenship and then flying back home, as do the Canadians. That law was exclusive for slaves forced here by the white man granting their off spring citizenship after raping its black mother. That law was really for thier half white babies.
So you think those billionaires, you claim are doing that, means we should change the constitution? Rightys used to claim they loved the Constitution. Now they trash it. Changing the Constitution is a long process. A change bill has to be written in a conference. After approval, the House has to approve it by a 2/3rds vote. Then the Senate has to approve by 2/3rds. Then the states have to vote an approval. Three quarters of the states have to vote for it. Are you dumb enough to think that can happen?
Nothing has been removed from the Constitution, anchovies. You just choose to ignore it and all State constitutions.

The owners of the Constitution of the United States is the States, and in turn, the People.

SCOTUS has NO authority over the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.

The Constitution is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution, anchovies.
You know he’s done when he has to start attacking phrases, but we’ll play

Well, if those sections of Articles I and II haven’t been removed now then did Trump not violate the Constitution?

Now we got the States owning the Constitution, we went from inherent rights to States owning the Constitution

No, no, no, you said something is constitutional even if it is not in the Constitution, so, how can the Constitution be the only reference is that something isn’t even in the Constitution?
What do you base that claim on?
Illegal aliens have broken the law and are subject to deportation. It's really pretty simple, Sybil.
You can barely speak for yourself. We want immigrants treated with respect and a chance to prove their cases in immigration court.
No court. They are subject to arrest and deportation. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS, not immigrants.
We need labor. The American economy grows with immigration and stagnates without it. Wait for the crops to sit in the fields and rot.
They are not laborers. They are living on welfare provided by DEMOCRATS.
Crops are sown, grown, and harvested by automation. Illegal aliens don't drive combine harvesters.

You cannot justify slavery using illegal aliens.
So you think those billionaires, you claim are doing that, means we should change the constitution?
The Constitution is not being changed, Sybil. You simply want to ignore it.
Rightys used to claim they loved the Constitution. Now they trash it.
Changing the Constitution is a long process. A change bill has to be written in a conference. After approval, the House has to approve it by a 2/3rds vote. Then the Senate has to approve by 2/3rds. Then the states have to vote an approval. Three quarters of the states have to vote for it. Are you dumb enough to think that can happen?
Again, you are ignoring the Constitution.
Congress can suggest an amendment, but they are not a required part of the amendment process.

No amendment is currently under consideration, Sybil.

You just want to ignore the Constitution. NOTHING confers citizenship to an illegal alien or their offspring.
' All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. '

Illegal aliens are NOT subject to the jursidiction of the United States. They are subject to the jurisdiction of the nation they arrived from. They broke the law, and are subject to deportation, along with any of their offspring.
You know he’s done when he has to start attacking phrases, but we’ll play

Well, if those sections of Articles I and II haven’t been removed now then did Trump not violate the Constitution?
Now we got the States owning the Constitution, we went from inherent rights to States owning the Constitution
Non-sequitur fallacy.
No, no, no, you said something is constitutional even if it is not in the Constitution, so, how can the Constitution be the only reference is that something isn’t even in the Constitution?
Go read the Constitution of the United States. Your answer is there.
Can we just call the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment RE-EMPHASISE and move on ?

I'll accept that the Founding Fathers weren't all that bright. They didn't even have long trousers.
The 14th amendment does NOT confer citizenship to illegal aliens nor their offspring. The illegal aliens broke the law and are subject to deportation, along with their offspring.
Oh, I see we are moving on now, changing the goal line,
Nothing has changed. You simply want to ignore the Constitution. Fallacy fallacy.
back into the rights are God given deflection.
I did not mention God here. Inherent rights are just that...inherent rights. They exist simply we are living, breathing, people. Even animals have the right to defend themselves, using any method available to them. So does Man.
Nothing can change that, no matter how oppressive the government is.
Man has the right to his own thoughts and beliefs. Nothing can change that, no matter how oppressive a government is.
I strongly recommend you read Locke’s Two Treatises of Government before you go down that avenue

Rights are based upon reason, not desire
You deny both.
Lefty black bitch here and on this I completely agree with Trump.
Happy to hear it.
The wealthy Chinese are nortorious for flying in private jets coming to this country, given birth to thier yellow rice cakes for full citizenship and then flying back home, as do the Canadians.
Agreed with the exception of the racist tone. But many died for your right to believe and say whatever you want, and I fully support it. Those protections are not for nice, agreeable, or accurate thoughts or speech, but the exact opposite. That right is crucial for people to freely talk, learn, and progress in a free nation.
That law was exclusive for slaves forced here by the white man

granting their off spring citizenship after raping its black mother. That law was really for thier half white babies.
Not so much, rather it was done to close down several attempts to implement prejudice laws directly relating to keeping blacks from becoming citizens, voting, and or holding certain jobs or buying real-estate, etc. It was rightfully argued that our great Constitution treats ALL people equally under the law of the land and melanin levels have nothing to do with one's rights or worth, be they any shade of color.
The law he is “disobeying” is the Constitution, and you are telling us he is a strict follower of the Constitution when he himself admits he is going against the Constitution? Love to see how one violating a law means he is supporting the law
The Kingdom of Britain is the the Constitution of the United States, anchovies.