
nobody seems to notice the point......the Hillarytards need to wait and see if the Trump presidency turns out to be something even better than biscuits.....
The only thing missing from the prayer? Red Eyed Gravy to dip dem biscuits.....and some county cured pork fat back to compliment the free range chicken eggs, lots and lots o good ole cholesterol and a massive coronary. YeeeFuckinHaw!:)


More ad hominem bullshit that demonstrates revelations about you more than the made up attempt to induce anger in others.

A selfie? :) You've got to love fat people. Again....logic and reason seem to be at a disconnect with the party of the people that promotes equality for all. Just why would you 'assume' that presenting a picture of some person that is....how do you lefties pretend to say it in a politically correct fake manner.....metabolically challenged...would generate the response you hope for...anger?

Logic dictates that you find this person disgusting and assume that would induce the anger you "would feel" if anyone knew that you were really a fat soft body....by projecting that hated toward another....with the expectation of anger being generated. This proves one thing. You hate fat white people....apparently. Because "YOU" will feel angered and you assume everyone must therefore hate fat people because you have been conditioned to see those people as less than people simply because they don't fit the liberal mold of the perfect LIBERAL living in a perfect liberal la la utopia. Do you really need the accolade of idiots to be a human? Really?

That about sum it up...sport? Liberals are their own worst enemies. You can't pretend to be something when you constantly expose your ignorance and "ID".....a supposed hidden inner desire. Any one that has taken psych 101 can peg you as the closet bigot and racist that you are.

In the real world....you pay attention to the acts of people, not their words. You pasted this picture for one reason....you hate fat people. I never knew this about you until you revealed it. Thanks, for future reference. :palm:
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nobody seems to notice the point......the Hillarytards need to wait and see if the Trump presidency turns out to be something even better than biscuits.....

You mean like W did?


Oh I have to give you Trump supporters credit. You're far funnier that W supporters were. Those lock step fanatics had no sense of humor.

Yea....I'm sitting back to wait for what happens. Will he prove a spineless nit wit and let loose the power of reactionism and send this nation backwards 100 years? Will he stumble over his own dick like W consistently did? Will he actually do something productive that benefits all the nation and not just his fellow billionaire? Enquiring minds would like to know! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA :)
A minister was attending a men's breakfast. He asked one of the old time farmers to say the prayer that morning.
The farmer began; "Lord I hate buttermilk." The pastor opened one eye and wondered where this was going.
The farmer continued, "And Lord I hate lard." Now the pastor was worried.
The farmer prayed on, "And you know
Lord I don't care too much for raw flour."
The pastor was just about to stop everything when the farmer said;
"But Lord, when you mixiz'em all together and bakes 'em up; I love me some Biscuits. So Lord, when we don't
understand what is happening; when life gets hard;
when things come up that we don't like; whenever we just don't
understand what you are telling us that we need to just relax and
wait till you are done fixing what you are fixing, and probably it will
be something even better than biscuits."
You Septics just can't get anything right, biscuits come from French and mean twice cooked as in bis cuit. These are biscuits, you ignorant peasants!


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Ok. I looked at those recipes (and pictures). Who in the world puts sugar in their biscuits.
Everybody but you lot!! You took our scones and turned them into biscuits, and to compound the crime you then called biscuits cookies!! As for that crap you call gravy, it is supposed to be brown not white.

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Everybody but you lot!! You took our scones and turned them into biscuits, and to compound the crime you then called biscuits cookies!! As for that crap you call gravy, it is supposed to be brown not white.

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Actually the Italians know gravy is red....