Yup. Our high carb high sugar diets are quite literally poisoning us. We are growing insulin resistant due to these types of diets, and then we wonder why so many people have diabetes and various other issues with their heart/kidneys/etc...
We also ingest too much food too often. We have no need to constantly shove food down our face... We are naturally able to fast for extended periods. Note that fasting does not mean starving. We can easily work for a while, eat a small lunch, work for a while, eat supper, sleep, work for a while, eat a small lunch, etc... We can also easily work all day, have our satiating feast, sleep, work all day, have our satiating feast, sleep, etc... I've found intermittent fasting to be quite natural, rather than: eat breakfast, eat a pre-lunch snack, eat lunch, eat a post-lunch snack, eat a pre-supper snack, eat supper, eat a post-supper snack, then sleep before doing that all over again... Like holy shit, stop shoving food down your face for one second and actually accomplish something... Your poor digestive system is literally working 24/7 and you're on the toilet multiple times each day because you're eating way too damn much food.
Obviously the almonds. Almonds are higher in fat, have some protein, and are lower in carbs and sugars. Quite healthy for oneself. Gummy bears, on the other hand, have zero fat, less protein, and are very high in carbs and sugars. Quite unhealthy for oneself.