Black people are getting smarter!

So pointing out an great injustice, and how black people are now wise to it, puts me in the klan?

THen again, to a libtard, not being in favor of AA, puts you in the klan so this is on par.

No. It is the condescending tone you are using. You can ask if the jury members were duped, or if they were misled. Calling them stupid is a non starter to an intelligent conversation.
Man, people are STILL going on about this. Let's just remind folk that:

1) forensics could NOT place OJ at the scene of the crime.
2 )the prosecutions key witness was a documented bigot with a past of tampering with evidence.
3) the prosecutions key witness was directly contradicted in testimony by other officers at the crime scene.
4) the world's foremost authority on crime scene blood spatter stated that there were more than one assailant during the crime.

Did Simpson know why she was killed? Yep, that's why the dope was rushing over to the house with a bag of money and cheap wig disguise....she was into partying with gangsters and drug dealers, ya know. Simpson's a POS, dating and marrying a kid barely out of high school...then verbally & mentally abusing her for years...but he didn't kill her. FACTS over belief, people. Deal with it and move on.

Much better.
That you thought you could think was yet another mistake on your part and proof that liberals, along with no character and plenty of cowardice, lack intelligence.

You ever see a thread started by your homey Alice in Liberaland?

You'll die of thirst working your way through the preemptive banned list.....
I wouldn't use the broadest of brushes, or bigotry will swing back right at you. Integrity and character isn't a right or left wing deal, nor is it black or white.

You fight the good fight Lovebug but people on this board especially like to aspire the best virtues to themselves and those who think politically like they do and the worst to those who think differently. There's a reason people are so divided.

And what Cypress is saying is doing exactly that. Very transparent.
While ignorant white trash, subhuman peckerwood garbage like CFM just gets dumber and dumber...

Nobody gives a shit what you think, BOY.

You were raised ignorant in a typical right-wing redneck shit hole, so who the fuck are you to talk???

Just shut the fuck up and keep paying your taxes like a good little WIGGER BOY.

Another useless contribution to what could have been a sensible conversation.
Actually DNA evidence placed him at the crime scene and on his bronco. THey claimed DNA evidence wasn't as understood in the early 90s. But we all know the real reason Juice walked.

Do you think the verdict would be different, taking into account the advances in science we have made since then?
I wonder what would happen if a white guy killed his black gf, and her black friend; and 4 whites in the jury voted not guilty because he was white, then gave the nazi salute leaving the courthouse. I'm guessing riots if not an all out civil war.

Shouldn't matter.
There is a night and day difference between the black experience with police and white people. It's just reality.

It also seems that many blacks are quicker to take justice into their own hands, and don't stop until they get the justice they seek. Of course most are perfectly capable of letting our system do its thing.
You realize OJ basically confessed to the murders by writing a book "If I did it." Which was going to highlight how he did it and got away with it.

We also never saw what was in the bag robert kardashian hid.

That argument makes no sense. You want to know if the jurors were duped, yet they had no way of knowing about the book, because if was written years later.
It also seems that many blacks are quicker to take justice into their own hands, and don't stop until they get the justice they seek. Of course most are perfectly capable of letting our system do its thing.

ESPN 30 for 30 did an amazing documentary on the OJ Trial and all that was happening in LA the two decades prior vis a vis black folks and the police. A lot of corruption in the LAPD during that time.

They also interviewed a couple of jurors which was VERY insightful.
He showed up AFTER the crime was committed...none of his blood was there. And as I said, Furman had a history of evidence tampering and was directly contradicted by other officers at the scene.

I think that made a huge difference. Evidence tampering makes the entire prosecution team seem less trustworthy, and that is imho the biggest factor why he was acquitted.
I think that made a huge difference. Evidence tampering makes the entire prosecution team seem less trustworthy, and that is imho the biggest factor why he was acquitted.

To get the facts correct OJ never showed up at Nicole's house prior to or after the murder's. I'm not sure where Taichi is getting that from but it's wrong.

(well if you believe he committed the murders of course he was there but not once in the defense's telling of the story did they state he was at the house)
To get the facts correct OJ never showed up at Nicole's house prior to or after the murder's. I'm not sure where Taichi is getting that from but it's wrong.

(well if you believe he committed the murders of course he was there but not once in the defense's telling of the story did they state he was at the house)

Sorry, but the man's kids were there and he had visited the house on occasion. That the prosecution couldn't nail him as being there with their "eye witness" or with DNA....the defense wasn't going to give the prosecution any ideas.
he never claimed he went to the house. that was never introduced in testimony nor in his story of what happened. I'm not sure where you are getting that info from.

What is your timeline for what happened. I'm not sure you understand what actually went down.

And a large majority of America believes OJ to be a murderer and it's not from willful ignorance.

People believe what they want....I look at evidence.
Sorry, but the man's kids were there and he had visited the house on occasion. That the prosecution couldn't nail him as being there with their "eye witness" or with DNA....the defense wasn't going to give the prosecution any ideas.

Yes his kids lived there but we're talking about the night of the murders. You are/were saying he was at the house. He wasn't according to OJ and the defense.

According to the prosecution OJ's blood was at the crime scene.