No, I keep saying that AFTER his phone conversations with her, he went to the house only to arrive AFTER the murder...which would account for any RECENT DNA smears, etc. As for Alan Park;
During the preliminary hearing, Park did not recall seeing the Bronco but also said that he wasn't looking for it, leaving open the possibility that he might have missed it as he drove by. But today, under prosecutor Marcia Clark's questioning, Park was more certain that he had specifically looked at the spot where the Bronco was later found and did not see it.
That's all basic too.
I only take it personal when people buy into the popular notion or a preconceived notion. I do not like OJ....he's a creep who jumped on and married a kid barely out of high school when he was a grown ass man in his 30's! Then he mentally (and physically?) abused her. Then when the dope gets acquitted of murder, he uses a gun to get back some merchandise! Idiot!
But he DID NOT kill his ex-wife.