Black Pill Wrongness: Getting yours and letting it burn is wrong.


Verified User
This whole thing about the black pill and getting yours and watching it all burn is wrong.

Doing nothing while poor kids that aren't yours are groomed into externalized lucifer hierarchy genital mutilated transhuman symbiot borgs with devil insertions points imprisoning their immortal soul is wrong.

it is incumbent on you to save the world. because you're the only ones who can.

white hat deep state, it IS on you.
I've lost my Captain Midnight Decoder Ring ... can someone translate this for me?

I needed to look it up too. I recognized Red and Blue Pills, but this is the first I had heard Black Pills.

Ass Hat is using incel(involuntarily celibate) terminology. The incels are a mostly online community of men who have trouble attracting a woman, because they have nothing to offer. They have bad financial prospects, terrible personalities, creepy look/vibe, etc. They talk online about getting revenge on women in general, and men who are not failures.

They have adopted a plot point from The Matrix series. If you take the Blue Pill in the Matrix, you remain in the dream world. If you take the Red Pill, you learn the truth, with all its ugliness. They claim they have taken the Red Pill, and learned to hate women, and men who are successful with women.

Now we get to the Black Pill. The Black Pill means that Ass Hat has learned the "truth", but has given up fighting the "truth", and has accepted failure. Whereas when someone takes the Red Pill, they learn the "truth", and then assumably use that knowledge to fight for what is "right".

On one level, it is good that he is saying he will not turn to terrorism, it is sad that he believes he lives in a universe where terrorism is the reasonable reaction to his romantic prospects. Somehow I think the solution is to get a better personality, speak nicely to women(all women, not just those you want to have sex with), and maybe set the bar a little lower as far as looks. pill,heterosexual sex and masculine status.
I needed to look it up too. I recognized Red and Blue Pills, but this is the first I had heard Black Pills.

Ass Hat is using incel(involuntarily celibate) terminology. The incels are a mostly online community of men who have trouble attracting a woman, because they have nothing to offer. They have bad financial prospects, terrible personalities, creepy look/vibe, etc. They talk online about getting revenge on women in general, and men who are not failures.

They have adopted a plot point from The Matrix series. If you take the Blue Pill in the Matrix, you remain in the dream world. If you take the Red Pill, you learn the truth, with all its ugliness. They claim they have taken the Red Pill, and learned to hate women, and men who are successful with women.

Now we get to the Black Pill. The Black Pill means that Ass Hat has learned the "truth", but has given up fighting the "truth", and has accepted failure. Whereas when someone takes the Red Pill, they learn the "truth", and then assumably use that knowledge to fight for what is "right".

On one level, it is good that he is saying he will not turn to terrorism, it is sad that he believes he lives in a universe where terrorism is the reasonable reaction to his romantic prospects. Somehow I think the solution is to get a better personality, speak nicely to women(all women, not just those you want to have sex with), and maybe set the bar a little lower as far as looks. pill,heterosexual sex and masculine status.

It looks like I asked the right person. Thanks.
It looks like I asked the right person. Thanks.

I study these people, because they have such a different perspective on the world. Look at the number of alt right posters posting there is no food... And then look at the unbelievable amount of food we have by historical standards.
I needed to look it up too. I recognized Red and Blue Pills, but this is the first I had heard Black Pills.

Ass Hat is using incel(involuntarily celibate) terminology. The incels are a mostly online community of men who have trouble attracting a woman, because they have nothing to offer. They have bad financial prospects, terrible personalities, creepy look/vibe, etc. They talk online about getting revenge on women in general, and men who are not failures.

They have adopted a plot point from The Matrix series. If you take the Blue Pill in the Matrix, you remain in the dream world. If you take the Red Pill, you learn the truth, with all its ugliness. They claim they have taken the Red Pill, and learned to hate women, and men who are successful with women.

Now we get to the Black Pill. The Black Pill means that Ass Hat has learned the "truth", but has given up fighting the "truth", and has accepted failure. Whereas when someone takes the Red Pill, they learn the "truth", and then assumably use that knowledge to fight for what is "right".

On one level, it is good that he is saying he will not turn to terrorism, it is sad that he believes he lives in a universe where terrorism is the reasonable reaction to his romantic prospects. Somehow I think the solution is to get a better personality, speak nicely to women(all women, not just those you want to have sex with), and maybe set the bar a little lower as far as looks. pill,heterosexual sex and masculine status.

Asshatzombie is a moron.
I am trying to figure out if there are more morons out there than there used to be, or whether they are just screaming louder, and I can hear them better, because of the internet.

Many liberals left after the moderator started harassing liberal posters.

The conservatives mostly harass the liberals and never engage in discussion.
I needed to look it up too. I recognized Red and Blue Pills, but this is the first I had heard Black Pills.

Ass Hat is using incel(involuntarily celibate) terminology. The incels are a mostly online community of men who have trouble attracting a woman, because they have nothing to offer. They have bad financial prospects, terrible personalities, creepy look/vibe, etc. They talk online about getting revenge on women in general, and men who are not failures.

They have adopted a plot point from The Matrix series. If you take the Blue Pill in the Matrix, you remain in the dream world. If you take the Red Pill, you learn the truth, with all its ugliness. They claim they have taken the Red Pill, and learned to hate women, and men who are successful with women.

Now we get to the Black Pill. The Black Pill means that Ass Hat has learned the "truth", but has given up fighting the "truth", and has accepted failure. Whereas when someone takes the Red Pill, they learn the "truth", and then assumably use that knowledge to fight for what is "right".

On one level, it is good that he is saying he will not turn to terrorism, it is sad that he believes he lives in a universe where terrorism is the reasonable reaction to his romantic prospects. Somehow I think the solution is to get a better personality, speak nicely to women(all women, not just those you want to have sex with), and maybe set the bar a little lower as far as looks. pill,heterosexual sex and masculine status.

whoa.... thats kind of out there.

there are a LOT of females out in the wide world. I still believe the old line that there is someone out there for everyone. OK its corny I know but I still believe it.

that said you cannot expect a girl to meet you more than half way. you cannot love someone you dont respect so that one hurdle the guy has to get over and its a big one for some.

If you did something foolish like tattoo your face you will obviously limit your potential pool so best avoid the silly.

Not every girl will require you to be wealthy but if you expect her to look past that maybe she doesnt have to look like Cheryl Tiegs. Even mutts at the dog pound have a lot of love to give. Ask yourself whats the real goal.

Thx for enlightening me to this black pill thing. Hopefully saves me from unneeded conversations in the future.
Many liberals left after the moderator started harassing liberal posters.

The conservatives mostly harass the liberals and never engage in discussion.

They are using the Three Percenter strategy. The Three Percenter are a terrorist group that believes that with just 3% of the population they can intimidate the rest of America into becoming a totalitarian state.
They are using the Three Percenter strategy. The Three Percenter are a terrorist group that believes that with just 3% of the population they can intimidate the rest of America into becoming a totalitarian state.

Basically, yes. A technique of fascism. Trump was being quite direct when he praised nazis as good people.

The GOP officially declared the violent attack on the Capitol was "free speech." Nearly 200 police officers were seriously injured. The GOP is fascistic.
I study these people, because they have such a different perspective on the world. Look at the number of alt right posters posting there is no food... And then look at the unbelievable amount of food we have by historical standards.

You have a point there. 'Reality' doesn't affect their 'view of the world'.
This whole thing about the black pill and getting yours and watching it all burn is wrong.

Doing nothing while poor kids that aren't yours are groomed into externalized lucifer hierarchy genital mutilated transhuman symbiot borgs with devil insertions points imprisoning their immortal soul is wrong.

it is incumbent on you to save the world. because you're the only ones who can.

white hat deep state, it IS on you.

Sounds like a good plot to a book or screenplay. You writing?

letting the world go to hell because "im an individualist" is wrong.

letting satanic pedophiles groom children is wrong.

black pill cynicism and inaction is wrong.

"letting satanic pedophiles groom children is wrong."

Uh, yeah. You may be living in some QAnon fantasy world.