Black Pill Wrongness: Getting yours and letting it burn is wrong.

I think we would be targets of people around us. They would say we did nothing to earn the money, so why do we deserve the money more than they do? Why not give the money to them?

And then there is the violent crimes. Everyone who is looking for easy money will learn you made easy money. They might kidnap your family members.

One piece of advise is to take the money and run. Some people, your family, you take with you, but you never have contact with everyone else again. I could never follow that advice.

I am a little paranoid about it all. I recently had a neighbor offer me a job for $20 an hour, not realizing that I make a lot more than that. I keep my finances secret from my neighbors.
Which is a good reason to dress like you're broke and hide your true financial value.

My finances are nobody's business but my wife and myself.

Women are welcome to a nudity First Amendment as well especially when about politics and is worth a thousand words (from an economic perspective.)
My last "new car" purchase was in 1986, a Dodge Caravan for my wife just before I deployed to the Med for 6+ months.

You beat me out. I have bought three cars for myself in my lifetime, not including cars for my wife. I bought a used car when I was 18, and two new ones, a Saturn in 1997ish and a Yaris in 2019ish.

I like the Yaris. It is one of the last cheap stick shifts sold in America. It has all the bluetooth/rear view camera stuff of a more expensive car, because they could not deactivate it all. It is a nice little car combining the cheap with the modern.
Does anyone here know if two bluetooth speakers will automatically play left and right channels on their own? I have one speaker now that sounds like it could be stereo.