Black Pill Wrongness: Getting yours and letting it burn is wrong.

This whole thing about the black pill and getting yours and watching it all burn is wrong.

Doing nothing while poor kids that aren't yours are groomed into externalized lucifer hierarchy genital mutilated transhuman symbiot borgs with devil insertions points imprisoning their immortal soul is wrong.

it is incumbent on you to save the world. because you're the only ones who can.

white hat deep state, it IS on you.

So which women do you think should be forced to give you sex against their will?
We know who black pill people are idiot

Dweebs so creepy no chick wants them

As they get mad at the world and hate all women

As if women should be forced to give them a piece

You hate women

They want nothing to do with you because of that

So you blame them

You would rape them if you could get away with it

That’s why your group is hated and shunned
We know who black pill people are idiot

Dweebs so creepy no chick wants them

As they get mad at the world and hate all women

As if women should be forced to give them a piece

You hate women

They want nothing to do with you because of that

So you blame them

You would rape them if you could get away with it

That’s why your group is hated and shunned

I don't hate women.

Im just not a simp pedestalizer like will smith.

it's a cynicism about many issues, and a belief that nothing can be done.
For Black Pill adherents seeking to change society rather than simply accept their fate, the use of mass violence to forcibly overthrow the system and force normies to take notice is positioned as a key pathway to structural change.
For Black Pill adherents seeking to change society rather than simply accept their fate, the use of mass violence to forcibly overthrow the system and force normies to take notice is positioned as a key pathway to structural change.

that's not the black pill.

I don't espouse violence.

This is your problem

You are stuck in a toilet swirl of thinking everything is about You

You are a sociopath

That is why the world shuns you

Dont be mad at the world because you hate everyone and everything

Basically, yes. A technique of fascism. Trump was being quite direct when he praised nazis as good people.

The GOP officially declared the violent attack on the Capitol was "free speech." Nearly 200 police officers were seriously injured. The GOP is fascistic.

I never thought I would see American politics becoming so violent... And only from one side.