Black Pill Wrongness: Getting yours and letting it burn is wrong.


letting the world go to hell because "im an individualist" is wrong.

letting satanic pedophiles groom children is wrong.

black pill cynicism and inaction is wrong.

"letting the world go to hell because "im an individualist" is wrong."

Is that what is happening?
I needed to look it up too. I recognized Red and Blue Pills, but this is the first I had heard Black Pills.

Ass Hat is using incel(involuntarily celibate) terminology. The incels are a mostly online community of men who have trouble attracting a woman, because they have nothing to offer. They have bad financial prospects, terrible personalities, creepy look/vibe, etc. They talk online about getting revenge on women in general, and men who are not failures.

They have adopted a plot point from The Matrix series. If you take the Blue Pill in the Matrix, you remain in the dream world. If you take the Red Pill, you learn the truth, with all its ugliness. They claim they have taken the Red Pill, and learned to hate women, and men who are successful with women.

Now we get to the Black Pill. The Black Pill means that Ass Hat has learned the "truth", but has given up fighting the "truth", and has accepted failure. Whereas when someone takes the Red Pill, they learn the "truth", and then assumably use that knowledge to fight for what is "right".

On one level, it is good that he is saying he will not turn to terrorism, it is sad that he believes he lives in a universe where terrorism is the reasonable reaction to his romantic prospects. Somehow I think the solution is to get a better personality, speak nicely to women(all women, not just those you want to have sex with), and maybe set the bar a little lower as far as looks. pill,heterosexual sex and masculine status.

Not all men will attract ANY woman

The women on earth don’t have to give them any sex

They have somehow convinced themselves that they own the right to sex with a person even if no person agrees to have sex with them

They have criminal minds

They have no right to touch people who dont want to touch them

Women don’t have this problem

There will be a man or two quite willing to do them

no matter what they look like And the whole world knows that’s a fact

These idiot just have RAPEY thoughts in their minds

No wonder no woman wants them
Red pill: makes you woke

Blue pill: stay in dream state

Black pill: die so you won’t rape some woman and the go to prison and get fucked over and over by men bigger than you
Not convinced this is happening. But, hey, I won't stop you from getting amped up about it.

we have teachers publicly upset they cant talk about sexuality with those under 8 years old.

if you can't see that's wrong there's a chance you have some confusion in your head box.
when did you turn to the dark side jack?

what do they have on you?


The law is so ambiguous that they don’t know what they can and can’t say

Some teachers are beginning to solve that mess

They have sent home to parents notes that they are not allowed to say boy or girl

That they can’t say mom or dad to the kids

That they can no longer say brother or sister to their children in class

That they are now required to say only them and they and cant use any gender identifying words by order of this new law

They will be forced to remove all books from the class that uses these gender specific words


They will follow the law to the tee

The law is so ambiguous that they don’t know what they can and can’t say

Some teachers are beginning to solve that mess

They have sent home to parents notes that they are not allowed to say boy or girl

That they can’t say mom or dad to the kids

That they can no longer say brother or sister to their children in class

That they are now required to say only them and they and cant use any gender identifying words by order of this new law

They will be forced to remove all books from the class that uses these gender specific words


They will follow the law to the tee

GO retards go!