Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn

Global Warming is real

  • Agreed. NASA details the evidence and causes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Disagreed as proved by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe - I'm still thinking about it

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Just when I think I've seen the most fucked in the head right wingers, you come along.

Into the Night is a sock for gfm7175 and IBDaMann. Follow his signature links to his "forum" for insights into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic.

Instead of trying to remember/type his names all the time I just call him Sybil.

He is.

No. It is driven by the ability to obtain product and the desire to make money.

Biden cancelled the permits and won't issue any. Leases are not permits.

sorry asshole but you are wrong again.

Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.
Fascism is not capitalism. Communism is not capitalism. Capitalism requires no government. It required no government to figure out how to obtain oil or to fraction it to produce gasoline. It required no government to invent and improve the automobile.

what a fucking moron!
Hey fuckstick, you can't turn a country around overnight after a 2 year pandemic and a braindead shithead spending 4 years fucking it up.

So things are going great for Americans?

Fuck you! Seriously.

Biden caused all of it. That's your boy, motherfucker!
Biden approved of more oil drilling permits his first year than trump did in his first 3.
what is wrong with buying oil from Venezuela?
I'd buy it wherever I could get the best deal. Transport from Venezuela must be cheaper than from the mid-east.
And we would be buying oil today if Trump were president and you are a moron if you think otherwise.
Lie. Whataboutism.
You are right about plain truth winning over sophisticated lies
Which is why you are losing.
but aren't you one who thinks Trump won?
Trump won the 2016 election. There was no election in 2020.
That ain't even a sophisticated lie and you believe it.
No, Trump won in 2016.
None can carry on an intelligent conversation with a fucking moron, you should shut the fuck up. Try taking a magnifying glass and let the sun shine through it and focus the light to a small point on your prick you dumbfuck.

Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
Both parties have grown so partisan that they've become dysfunctional. Notice how much heat Pelosi took from party radicals for suggesting that America is best served with a strong Republican party.

Both parties focus on serving their party first, the nation second even though their oaths demand they serve the nation first.

Sorry dude. You can't hide behind the Constitution you despise.
There are 3 power grids in the continental US, east, west and Texas. Four if you want to count the one for Alaska. Now you go ahead and say something fucking stupid, everyone else can google "what are the 3 power grids in the U.S. if you don't believe me.

Making up numbers and using them as data is a fallacy, dude.

Four is not several thousand.
It isn't possible but you might find some right wing morons who think so.

It is quite possible.

He cancelled existing permits.
He won't issue any more of them.
He cancelled pipeline expansion.
He banned oil from Russia.
He was a major factor in shutting down the economy, and the ports with it.
He was a major factor in manufacturing a panic around a fairly benign virus.
He is interfering with railroads.
He closed a plant manufacturing baby food and refused to open it.
He raised taxes.
He told the Fed to print lots of money with no corresponding increase in wealth.
He is considering price controls on fuel. If that happens, gas shortages will rule the day, just like under Carter, but worse.
NASA can't measure the temperature of the Earth, or cause the Earth to warm. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You are STILL ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
In Brief:
Direct observations made on and above Earth’s surface show the planet’s climate is significantly changing.

Hallucination. There are no such observations. Climate has no value associated with it. What is changing? There is no such thing as a global climate. Earth has many climates. Your use of this term (and the term 'climate crisis') is just a synonym for the Church of Global Warming. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. It is not possible for any gas or vapor to warm the Earth.

What changes? Human activities does not falsify the 1st law of thermodynamics.[/QUOTE]

What a fucking stupid comment. There is no breaking of the law.[/QUOTE]

Yet you still continue to ignore the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Into the Night is a sock for gfm7175 and IBDaMann. Follow his signature links to his "forum" for insights into the mind of a paranoid schizophrenic.

Instead of trying to remember/type his names all the time I just call him Sybil.

Hallucinations. YALSA. Everyone to you is a sock.

Makes me wonder how many socks you have.
sorry asshole but you are wrong again.

Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Propaganda from the Ministry of Truth isn't news or a proof or the list of executive orders. False authority fallacy.
Hallucinations. YALSA. Everyone to you is a sock.

Makes me wonder how many socks you have.

SALSA. Bulverism. Mantra 42.

You wonder a lot of weird shit, Sybil. I have no socks since, as many like to point out, this one keeps me busy enough.

That said, I guessed your socks. If I had a sock on JPP, who would it most likely be? Are you too much of a chickenshit to guess?
Agreed. These idiots are just sucking up the bullshit being fed to them by global corporations. It was the same with Big Tobacco back in the day.


I smoked those very same Camels from sometime in 1962 to March of 1994.
Giving them up is without question the most difficult physical thing that I've ever endured, and I used to be a boxer. and a soldier both.
I don't find opiates the least bit addictive, but nicotine had me by the short curly ones.
I smoked those very same Camels from sometime in 1962 to March of 1994.
Giving them up is without question the most difficult physical thing that I've ever endured, and I used to be a boxer. and a soldier both.
I don't find opiates the least bit addictive, but nicotine had me by the short curly ones.

Not a Camels fan, but agreed, quitting smoking was the most difficult thing I've done. It took a few times but I reached a point where I had to admit whether my desire for smoking was greater than my desire to stay in my chosen profession which had strong cardiovascular health standards.