Blacks Arrested for "Contempt of Cop" at 8x Higher Rate

When the poor are unjustly arrested, abused, charged, etc., they have no means to fight back. It's not about class warfare. It's about cops attacking the defenseless as most predatory fuckheads tend to do.

The system is fucked up. Why is it wrong to condemn it but okay to condemn public education, healthcare, etc.?

I don't like it when anyone's unjustly arrested, abused, charged etc. But you're right, it's easier for the rich to get revenge when it happens.

I get really pissed off when the rich use their wealth and influence to slide out of righteous charges as well.
Read BB's posts, and know that his testimony has put people in prison.

That's enough to scare anybody straight. I wouldn't convict anyone on the word of a cop.

You shouldn't be prepared to convict anyone on the word of anyone else, even the Pope.
Caribou is better than Starbucks, imo.

Also, in response to RString-- why should I take the word of some random felon over the word of a cop? Do you really think that criminals aren't smart enough to know that if they accuse the cops at their trial of some wrong doing, shit heads such as yourself are going to run to their defence?

They're usually not smart enough, that's why they have lawyers to their thinking for them.
And you are not assuming guilt? Random felon, criminals, not in line at "Starbucks" etc..

Why should I believe the word of cops over that of anyone else? Cops are not superior to any other citizen, they are not above the law, they are not above suspicion and they deserve no greater protection against accusations than anybody else. Like I said in the other thread, treat them the same as any other "criminal."

That's definitely over the top. In court you're well advised to treat a cop as a professional witness (eg they shouldn't be so nervous that they're shitting themselves, that's a sign of liar) but also an objective, disinterested witness. If you can't do it then get yourself out of jury duty.
No they are not. Read the original post. You want us to assume cops are always innocent and that their accusers are "criminals."

No thanks. Cops lie frequently. Their word is worthless.

Lying went out of fashion years ago. Nowadays if you haven't got a voice or video recorder of some type it's unusual. Any internvention by a cop vis-a-vis a citizen is likely to be recorded either by the citizen (or the cop) or by a third party. Now, add to that the (in my state) the compulsory audio and video recording of interviews in police stations and you've just about removed any chance for a cop to lie and get away with it. Lying, in my experience, was never very widespread, but it did happen (usually for arse-covering reasons) but it's just about extinct now.
Yeah, goddamn liberty, it's a bitch isn't it?

We should just get rid of all responsbility to cops, allow them to arrest anyone, hold them indefintely, give them devices of torture...

Crime will not exist then.

Can you wait until I retire?
No state do allows you to use lethal force to stop an illegal arrest. SOME states, like my own, allows you to use reasonable force to stop an illegal arrest but boy howdy you better be right. In SOME states lethal force can be used to combat illegal lethal force by the police. Again New Mexico allows self defense if the killing of a cop if you can show that the lethal force used by the cop was illegal. We had a guy here in Las Cruces that shot a cop in the neck with a .22 after the cop pulled a gun on him and set the hammer to single action. There were numerous witnesses and the jury acquitted very quickly. There was then a law suit against the police, cause the old man got beaten up pretty badly after shooting a cop and that too was settled very quickly. Almost everyone in the criminal defense world calls obstruction contempt of cop. Hell I got threatened with it two days ago because the cop was fucking with one of our witnesses for grand jury. She is a veteranarian who had a dog in her truck with the windows rolled down half way and outside temp of 69 degrees. He was telling the vet he was going to cite her for leaving her dog in an enclosed vehicle. I asked what the ambient air temp had to be for that particular ordinance to kick in, and he told me one more question outta me and I was going to jail for obstruction. Then I pointed out that I had a recorder on in my shirt pocket and he shut the fuck up and went away. The cops just didn't want the vet testifying at grand jury.

That's pretty bloody rough. I'd give three warnings before binning you.
Lying went out of fashion years ago. Nowadays if you haven't got a voice or video recorder of some type it's unusual. Any internvention by a cop vis-a-vis a citizen is likely to be recorded either by the citizen (or the cop) or by a third party. Now, add to that the (in my state) the compulsory audio and video recording of interviews in police stations and you've just about removed any chance for a cop to lie and get away with it. Lying, in my experience, was never very widespread, but it did happen (usually for arse-covering reasons) but it's just about extinct now.

Yeah, right. All of these arrest on nonsense charges are valid. Only the cops that have been busted with video and tape happened to be lying.
That's definitely over the top. In court you're well advised to treat a cop as a professional witness (eg they shouldn't be so nervous that they're shitting themselves, that's a sign of liar) but also an objective, disinterested witness. If you can't do it then get yourself out of jury duty.

Fuck that. I'd smile and nod and then give no more weight to cops than anybody else. Why should I?
Yeah, right. All of these arrest on nonsense charges are valid. Only the cops that have been busted with video and tape happened to be lying.

You'll have to enlarge on that for me I'm afraid. I mean are you making a point to which I can respond or is it just a drive-by? If you want a response then I missed your point so I'll have to ask for another iteration. If it's a drive-by then :clink:
You'll have to enlarge on that for me I'm afraid. I mean are you making a point to which I can respond or is it just a drive-by? If you want a response then I missed your point so I'll have to ask for another iteration. If it's a drive-by then :clink:

Clearly, I am contesting your point that lying is almost extinct.

The cop here in Hillsborough County, Florida and all of those involved lied about dumping the guy out of the wheelchair. If it had not been for him obtaining the videotape before it could be erased, no one would have said boo. He would just have been another criminal filing false charges.

The cop that beat the crap out of the woman, after turning off the camera, is still lying about it.

Cops lie FREQUENTLY and only ever come clean when they are caught red handed. Even then sometimes they say she fell.
Everyone is aware that many states have made videotapping a police officer without his knowledge a crime right? Why would you make that a crime if you did not want to cover up the bad acts of your cops? And if it is just one or two bad apples then the law makes even less sense because you can get rid of them with one well placed video. It has become more and more of us vs. them with law enforcement. We did an intake on a criminal/civil case where the guy called 911 to report a break in at his business and ends up getting tazed twice by the cops. He could not afford us for the criminal case, which is 5 counts of resisting, evading or obstructing a police officer and one county of battery on a peace officer which is a felony. The cops will shit themselves when they hear the 911 tape where the guy says to the dispatcher, "oh there is a cop right there I will just go report this to him." and she replies "ok".
Everyone is aware that many states have made videotapping a police officer without his knowledge a crime right? Why would you make that a crime if you did not want to cover up the bad acts of your cops? And if it is just one or two bad apples then the law makes even less sense because you can get rid of them with one well placed video. It has become more and more of us vs. them with law enforcement. We did an intake on a criminal/civil case where the guy called 911 to report a break in at his business and ends up getting tazed twice by the cops. He could not afford us for the criminal case, which is 5 counts of resisting, evading or obstructing a police officer and one county of battery on a peace officer which is a felony. The cops will shit themselves when they hear the 911 tape where the guy says to the dispatcher, "oh there is a cop right there I will just go report this to him." and she replies "ok".

Looks like the US has a shitload of problems with law enforcement. No wonder some of the posters were getting upset.

There's no prohibition here in Australia on videotaping or photographing. You can video cops in public without a problem. I have no idea why any state in the US would legislate against that, it astounds me frankly.

In most if not all of the states in Australia it's an offence to record a conversation to which you are not a party but that applies to any conversations, not just cops (there is usually a public interest defence though). Plenty of people record their conversations with cops here and they're quite entitled to and no-one gets fussed about it.
I'm allowed to use lethal force to prevent an illegal arrest?

Call me crazy, but I think I won't take your word as law.

I don't blame you, I wouldn't take anyones word as law either, but i have looked it up. US supreme court case US v. John Bad Elk.

Now, most states have decided to write laws stating that a person may NOT resist an arrest even if they know the arrest to be illegal, except in cases of self defense. screw that. Most statists and totalitarians are pretty much in support of those kinds of police state laws i'm sure.