LOL, it would be quite a doozy if officers got shot every day and somebody used as they're defense 'I thought the arrest was wrongful!"
If they leveled charges, you are required to go with them. If the arrest was wrongful, then you are released and the officer as disciplined. It would be idiotic and irresponsible to use lethal force just because you disagree with the charges.
spoken like the perfect dictator. It certainly doesn't care, or takes in to account, the possibility that a certain police office might just wish to harass an individual by constantly arresting them for bullshit charges in an attempt to cause them money, pain, and emotional distress.
Cops are RARELY disciplined, if at all, unless it would be politically nuclear not to.
Now, is it irresponsible to use lethal violence to avoid a single arrest? usually, however, if the same cop in the example above gets his kicks out of causing me this kind of harassment, he's getting a cap or two in the ass.