Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

this shouldn't be an issue of contention. if you are white and you are crying crocodile tears over not being able to say the n word, you really need to get a life.

Do you really think n-word is that much better? It won't be long before there will be a euphemism for every letter in the alphabet.
and Darla can kiss my ass the entire time. She's moronic enough to think that men are duty bound to stop any rapist while, at the same time, ridiculing them for using a gun to do it.

I doubt that there are many men who would just carry on if they were disturbed whilst raping someone.
Can you imagine what the uproar would be if whites had a “National Association For The Advancement Of White Folks?” How about a “Congressional WHITE Caucus?” How about a “National Caucasian College Fund?”

Wonder if there will be “Affirmative Action” for White men by 2045 when white men become America’s minority?

But there already IS a "National Association For the Advancement of White People"...

It's called 21st Century America.
Darla will get her wild up when she sees this. Apparently a woman can go anywhere, wear anything, drink anything and everything without any consideration for her personal well being. Anybody who disagrees is an MRA and a potential rapist.

And apparently you think women should know their roles and remember their place.

According to you, no woman should ever go out to have drinks without assuming they are going to get raped for daring to be so presumptuous.
And apparently you think women should know their roles and remember their place.

According to you, no woman should ever go out to have drinks without assuming they are going to get raped for daring to be so presumptuous.

I can understand why you want women to "go out and have drinks". Being blind drunk is the only way one would have sex with you, unless you raped her.
oh you mean no one gets mad when blacks call a white man cracker?

when will you realize its human relations and NOT some made up rules?

never becuase you dont deal in facts

Unless that person has a negative opinion of cowboys in Florida, what would be the reason for someone to get mad?
like having to shoot people who think they can whup someones ass for following them?

Newsflash. This isn't 1860, blacks are no longer slaves, and doing your bidding. Say, or do the wrong thing to the wrong person, and you will wind up dead. No questions asked.
You don't follow people. You are not law enforcement. You are a regular (if scumbucket) citizen, like anyone else. If you call the wrong black man "the n-word", you will wind up dead or in a hospital. You don't like that end result? Don't use the word. If you follow the wrong black person, say Mike Tyson, you may get your ear chomped off. He's done it before. Even white people have limitations. And you can't be walking around with a gun, following people. This is not the Wild Wild West. You're caught in a video game, and have lost touch with reality.
my 'child' wouldnt be out after dark. my ADULT child would know how to defend themselves competently and not be worried about someone following them. There's this thing called 'situational awareness'. maybe you should find some.
You breeded???????????? Lord help us.
Newsflash. This isn't 1860, blacks are no longer slaves, and doing your bidding. Say, or do the wrong thing to the wrong person, and you will wind up dead. No questions asked.
newsflash, YOU (or any other person) has no power or authority to tell anyone else what they can say or do. attempting to bully your wishes upon others will end up with you getting shot. no questions asked.

You don't follow people.
I can walk wherever I want to. If that's 10 feet behind you, too fucking bad.

You are not law enforcement. You are a regular (if scumbucket) citizen, like anyone else. If you call the wrong black man "the n-word", you will wind up dead or in a hospital.
no, they will end dead because I shot the stupid motherfucker for thinking I used the word in the first place. YOU automatically assuming I did makes you a fucktard racist.

You don't like that end result? Don't use the word. If you follow the wrong black person, say Mike Tyson, you may get your ear chomped off. He's done it before. Even white people have limitations. And you can't be walking around with a gun, following people. This is not the Wild Wild West. You're caught in a video game, and have lost touch with reality.
and you just outed yourself as a racist.
What I don't get is how a demographic such as the Caucasian male feels that he is being discriminated against.

It is a clear case of entitlement mentality. "Some black or Hispanic dude....or even worse....a split going to get MY job...or MY spot in college"

Us White males have the most envious demographic in this country. Our "hire-ability" is better than any other....our entrance into higher education is better than any other.

In short? You idiots who are whining about minorities taking your spot because of Affirmitive Action are just slackers who feel that they are entitled to the perks of being a white man.
What I don't get is how a demographic such as the Caucasian male feels that he is being discriminated against.

It is a clear case of entitlement mentality. "Some black or Hispanic dude....or even worse....a split going to get MY job...or MY spot in college"

Us White males have the most envious demographic in this country. Our "hire-ability" is better than any other....our entrance into higher education is better than any other.

In short? You idiots who are whining about minorities taking your spot because of Affirmitive Action are just slackers who feel that they are entitled to the perks of being a white man.

If we are talking college admissions and Student A has higher grades, test scores etc. than Student B and Student B gets admitted when Student A doesn't how does that make Student A a slacker?