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Your hat is pointy
Your balls ran down your Daddy's leg!!!
Your hat is pointy
Your mom licks a mean taint!Your balls ran down your Daddy's leg!!!
And they weren’t about to allow the fucking Democrats to enslave them to the bribery government reliance scam either.
Furthermore Goober there’s nary a black alive today that was ever “enslaved” in America, nor a white folk alive that ever owned a black slave in America. It’s high time blacks got over slavery, but Democrats and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton won’t let them, it’s their political vote bribing industry and the majority of blacks are proving they’re stupid enough to fall for it.
I don't go to klansman for how blacks should be treated.
Jr grand wizard
Hitler keeps you straightI know! Jesse and Al keep you in the basement for bend over discussions.
To me the reason is obvious, I've known for a long time, and since I've never used the word anyway I think it's awesome.
It's in no way hypocritical. To use your opponent's words against them is "high art". It's like stealing a guy's gun. And to do so in such a way that forbids them from using them against you, or in this case at all, is downright masterful.
The Paula Deen fiasco highlights this. And I don't know the details of when she said it or in what context because I don't care. She typifies the White Southern Democrat (in fact many Democrats everywhere) and exposes the lie that the Democrat Party "switched" in the 60's.
The Zimmerman case is another example. You bet the prosecution looked under every stone in his past to see if he used the word. If he did, they've got the jury in their back pocket. He could be Jesus it wouldn't matter.
You're white? Don't use the friggin' word. Ever. A white guy could have a black wife, black kids, live in Harlem, work with and be friends with dozens of blacks, but if he used the word just once, all those who didn't know him would label him racist.
There are still plenty of blacks that were alive during the Jim Crow era.
There are still plenty alive that witnessed widespread and fairly open police brutality against blacks.
There are still plenty of blacks that were alive when our criminal justice system and the war on drugs was used in a racially biased way against African Americans and another may have been born in the time it took you to read this.
newsflash, YOU (or any other person) has no power or authority to tell anyone else what they can say or do. attempting to bully your wishes upon others will end up with you getting shot. no questions asked.
I can walk wherever I want to. If that's 10 feet behind you, too fucking bad.
no, they will end dead because I shot the stupid motherfucker for thinking I used the word in the first place. YOU automatically assuming I did makes you a fucktard racist.
and you just outed yourself as a racist.
Darling, you will never know the experience of my luscious lips upon your fat white stinky ass.suck my ass
Someones klan panties are in a bunch!Near 50 fucking years ago.
Now days half of the cops are black and most of the crime is black on black crime.
The fucking War On Drugs is unconstitutional and every race has been negatively affected by it.
White kids were killed in the south for marching with the blacks and thousands of whites died in a bloody civil war to free the blacks. Get the fuck over it!!!!!
no you lying fool.
anyone who gets mad that white people will be looked down on by society for using the N word is a racist.
pretending people on the right dont talk about this is silly.
Its the republican base.
how will the right have any power in the future if they dont dumb this very base.
And they weren’t about to allow the fucking Democrats to enslave them to the bribery government reliance scam either.
Furthermore Goober there’s nary a black alive today that was ever “enslaved” in America, nor a white folk alive that ever owned a black slave in America. It’s high time blacks got over slavery, but Democrats and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton won’t let them, it’s their political vote bribing industry and the majority of blacks are proving they’re stupid enough to fall for it.
You are either against this stupidity or you are with it.
make the choice.
Stand up tall and firm and scream into these peoples faces to shut the fuck up and get out of your party.
You will lose election after election until someone on the right has the guts to do it.
Christy is a good chance for you but instead you exscoriate him for any wandering from the idiot path your party is on
blather blather blather.
when will someone in the republican party or even just on the right stand up to the racist base of your party and tell them publically and with PRIDE to so screw themselves and to shove their votes up their asses?