Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

You have me at a disadvantage brother. I am NOT a fan of Sharpton .. thus the disadvantage is that I don't want to try to defend him .. although that comment is indefensible.

I remember the comment .. and I remember the backlash he got from black people like me for making it.

I'm certainly not a fan because the man is a race baiter if not an outright racist. My point is that he gets a pass from most, and for the reasons stated in my OP.

We've seen a lot of progress in race relations over the last 50 years, in spite of guys like Sharpton. Hopefully the race-baiting industry that he and Jackson depend on will die out when they do.
Near 50 fucking years ago.

Now days half of the cops are black and most of the crime is black on black crime.

The fucking War On Drugs is unconstitutional and every race has been negatively affected by it.

White kids were killed in the south for marching with the blacks and thousands of whites died in a bloody civil war to free the blacks. Get the fuck over it!!!!!

Lies and bs
The Japanese, Chinese, Italians, Irish and Latinos, Jews and Catholics and others have had the “deck stacked against them” and got over it with self determination and personal self-respect. They didn’t allow the fucking Democrats and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to convince them they were ”The Eternal Victims” of the world. Fucking Democrats and especially Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are the BIGGEST racist race baiters in America. They’ve made a political industry out of racism. If it weren’t for their “race card” that they endlessly play, they wouldn’t have anything to say, they’d be speechless.
there is nothing about you that is classic or liberal. You're a joke.
watching you bleed out after you tried to whup my ass? no, i think i'd enjoy that actually
yes, you calling me a racist is null and void, next?

The facts bear themselves out. And you wouldn't be able to see, let alone watch anything. I keeps a jar of acid with me, at all times, just in case I run into someone who thinks they are "smarter than me".
And apparently you think women should know their roles and remember their place.

According to you, no woman should ever go out to have drinks without assuming they are going to get raped for daring to be so presumptuous.

Why do have to take something I say and subject it to a reductio ad absurdum argument. You have a daughter, when she grows up are you seriously telling me that you won't warn her to be careful when going out at night?
It's because he's a bitch.
Probably carries it in his purse.

No It's because he's a bitch and carries a purse.

Seriously though WTF? A bottle of acid? "Here, wait, evil sir, while I sprinkle this nasty liquid in your eyes." What if he drops his purse and breaks the bottle? What if it leaks all over his wallet, or cell phone?

Poet just hasn't thought this shit through.
Why do have to take something I say and subject it to a reductio ad absurdum argument. You have a daughter, when she grows up are you seriously telling me that you won't warn her to be careful when going out at night?
He'll tell her to always carry extra rubbers in her purse, along with that acid.
To me the reason is obvious, I've known for a long time, and since I've never used the word anyway I think it's awesome.

It's in no way hypocritical. To use your opponent's words against them is "high art". It's like stealing a guy's gun. And to do so in such a way that forbids them from using them against you, or in this case at all, is downright masterful. :good4u:

The Paula Deen fiasco highlights this. And I don't know the details of when she said it or in what context because I don't care. She typifies the White Southern Democrat (in fact many Democrats everywhere) and exposes the lie that the Democrat Party "switched" in the 60's.

The Zimmerman case is another example. You bet the prosecution looked under every stone in his past to see if he used the word. If he did, they've got the jury in their back pocket. He could be Jesus it wouldn't matter.

You're white? Don't use the friggin' word. Ever. A white guy could have a black wife, black kids, live in Harlem, work with and be friends with dozens of blacks, but if he used the word just once, all those who didn't know him would label him racist.


*no offense but that is the only praise you will get*

Blacks can say a word, but whites cant. It's the basic rubber band effect. Blacks still think it's ok because they have some power now, but it's not. They were never exposed to politics, because they were black. But equality is equality. If they can use the term, everyone can. That is what equality is and what the Left fights for.

And to my knowledge, the term "N"bomb means "uneducated" since the slaves were uneducated.

But as far as Paula Deen calling the actors "nigs" in her reenactment of a slave day feast? I'm pretty sure it would take an uneducated American to fight for this to be ok. The theme was "Plantation". It's just ignorance and I love to expose the turds that haven't accepted that blacks are just as important as them.

Or maybe you can tell me why a black is less important than you. Maybe that could clear things up for me...
The facts bear themselves out. And you wouldn't be able to see, let alone watch anything. I keeps a jar of acid with me, at all times, just in case I run into someone who thinks they are "smarter than me".

Final proof that you are unbalanced. Why would anybody do that when you could carry a taser? It is plainly obvious that you have psychiatric problems.
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That is what equality is and what the Left fights for.

“Equality?” Is that what you call what Democrats fight for? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Democrats fight for the inequality of “Affirmative Action.” Democrats fight for the inequality of taking law-abiding folks means of self-defense away from them and leaving criminals unequally better armed. Democrats fight for the inequality of progressive income tax brackets. Democrats fight for the socialist bribery scam of the black vote with social programs that keep blacks “enslaved” to a reliance on government and thereby unequal. Democrats are lower than whale shit!!!
What a crock.....poor folk in poor sections of our country (no matter what race they are) lack the same(EQUAL) access to education, jobs and the American Dream.

You think it's "unequal" to give those people a helping hand.

I'll tell you what....when the day comes that we ALL start out on the ground floor, I'll gladly get rid of affirmative action and drastically scale down the welfare system. But as long as this country is one where it depends on who's crotch you were pulled out of....where some have all the access to information and the best teachers in the world that they could ever hope for, and that access and quality of education drops as one's socioeconomic status drops.....I say fuck you.