Blade runner gun nut blows away model

I've barely followed this case but from what little I know it seems he killed her. However I reserve judgement until I read more. What I can't figure out is why he did it. I believe they've only been dating for three months. Unless he got her pregnant why wouldn't he just break up with her?

And to Darla this guy became world famous during the Olympics and an inspiration to a lot of people for what he accomplished without having any legs. That's why he's getting so much attention world wide. If we see some uneducated poor guy who's in a gang get charged with murder we usually don't think much about it. But with someone like this you're like what would make him throw it all away?

I know who he is. I meant I couldn't remember the name of the football player who murdered his gf last year, and then killed himself. I don't even want to remember it. I wish I didn't know who this guy was either. I wish I knew more about the young woman whose life he stole.
Blade Gunner?!!



Dont stop posting the cartoons, Ken. HOWEVER in this case you have posted cartoons which belittle the girl and make light of the tragedy. You have taken them from the Daily Mail which is really Fox in a Union Flag (Ams might call it a Union Jack).
The Mail has been roundly pilloried for its handling of this tragedy as have other shit papers like the Sun.
Here's one guy (with a sense of humour and with the occasional ethic), that objects to this sort of profiteering in tragedy.
Dont stop posting the cartoons, Ken. HOWEVER in this case you have posted cartoons which belittle the girl and make light of the tragedy. You have taken them from the Daily Mail which is really Fox in a Union Flag (Ams might call it a Union Jack).
The Mail has been roundly pilloried for its handling of this tragedy as have other shit papers like the Sun.
Here's one guy (with a sense of humour and with the occasional ethic), that objects to this sort of profiteering in tragedy.

Thoughtfully said Low. And I agree about the Daily Mail.
Dont stop posting the cartoons, Ken. HOWEVER in this case you have posted cartoons which belittle the girl and make light of the tragedy. You have taken them from the Daily Mail which is really Fox in a Union Flag (Ams might call it a Union Jack).
The Mail has been roundly pilloried for its handling of this tragedy as have other shit papers like the Sun.
Here's one guy (with a sense of humour and with the occasional ethic), that objects to this sort of profiteering in tragedy.

Yes, the Daily Mail is really terrible. Only today they have a story about the palatial conditions that some Hong Kongers live in!!
I do think sometimes. Not often enough for many and too often for some.

I wonder why rich Lefties never seem to want to live amongst the proletariat? There is the Dud who lives in a gated community in Noo Awlins; yourself who lives in a flash apartment in Honkers; my Mate Roy, another raging Lefty, who lives in Berne and another mate Sandy who lives in West Hampstead.
Do you guys think that when one of these sports "heros" kills their girlfriend, the media coverage is a bit off?

With this case, and then that other case recently where the football player (excuse me I am so ignorant on names and who is who in sports) who murdered his gf and then committed suicide, I feel that the coverage has been very strange. It feels to me as if the big tragedy is that the sports "hero's" life was ruined, and it's as if all of these men who cover it are in shock, and just can't believe that this could "happen". It's all about the murderer. It's like they all feel sorry for the guy. It's like something "happened" to the guy. Rather than the truth; the guy murdered an innocent young woman with her whole life ahead of her. And that she had her life stolen from her, that is the tragedy.

The coverage of 'blade runner' was inevitable given the media attention to his Olympic performance six months or so ago.

As for Belcher, the KC Chief player you refer to, as a Chiefs fan (and KC native) I can say the community rallied around the child and the mothers family to support them. Yes, they were saddened by the fact that a player they loved had such mental issues that he killed her and himself. Both are tragedies. Not just one.
I wonder why rich Lefties never seem to want to live amongst the proletariat? There is the Dud who lives in a gated community in Noo Awlins; yourself who lives in a flash apartment in Honkers; my Mate Roy, another raging Lefty, who lives in Berne and another mate Sandy who lives in West Hampstead.
The same reason we don't drive 12 year old pos cars
I wonder why rich Lefties never seem to want to live amongst the proletariat? There is the Dud who lives in a gated community in Noo Awlins; yourself who lives in a flash apartment in Honkers; my Mate Roy, another raging Lefty, who lives in Berne and another mate Sandy who lives in West Hampstead.

You seem to be of the long outmoded belief that people who are pro society and fairness, and who are labelled left wing, somehow think that everyone should be poor.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We want equal opportunities, a society that cares for its people, a society that does not worship greed. Why should anyone want everyone to be poor? Sackcloth and ashes is a biblical concept not a left wing one.
Oh, and my apartment is far from being flash.
Yes, the Daily Mail is really terrible. Only today they have a story about the palatial conditions that some Hong Kongers live in!!

This will, no doubt, sound like spin but it isn't.
One of the problems you, and millions of others in the US, UK yes and HK, have is that their view of what is acceptable to people is often skewed.
Hong Kong is overcrowded, of that there is no question, we have an atrocious policy of rationing building land to force prices higher and ever higher and a government that, far from being run by Beijing, is run by property fat cats.
Actually only a comparatively small part of the territory is developed as you will see if you Google Earth it.
A friend of mine, Jack, started life as the son of a poor peasant in a Chinese village in Guangdong province. He managed to get to Hong Kong in the early 60s and sold anything he could out of cardboard boxes on the street corners. He was harried and chased by the authorities and was frequently in court as a hawker BUT he managed to save enough to open a shop. The shop was in the heart of the tourist district and sold leather wallets and spectacle cases and stuff like that. he got married and had two sons. His business prospered, he is now worth quite literally millions. When asked what he would do if he lost everything he said, and he is 76, it would be OK. I know I can buy rice and survive on almost nothing. Whatever I have is better that it was in my childhood village.
There you have it. Many of the poor do not consider themselves poor. They have food and shelter and health. They are much better off than they were. Yes we have people who live in conditions that you would find intolerable but, as usual, the Daily Mail's figures are just a little out. There are a few (quite horrible) blocks that have been sub-divided and sub-divided to give accomodation to the desperately poor. People who cannot fight those who exploit them. Isnt that the same in all major cities.
Many of those premises that were well known for sub-sub divided accomodation have been forcibly modernised and very often a refusal to take state assistance (The Chinese 'face') forces people to live in comparative squalor.
Several people are fighting, publicly and at this very moment, the practice of large property companies refusing to put flats on the market because it is more profitable to leave them empty and let their value increase.
Another friend of mine, again extremely wealthy is in the throes of starting a charity, through her church, to care for the very poor.
This comment from the article is also quite relevant:

I am horrified at some of the ignorant & stereotyped comments being made about Hong Kong on this forum. Can you think before you post - is what I am about to say based on what I know to be credible or just something I think to be truth? Hong Kong is not overcrowded, it is a crowded city due to the land policies. Most people only have 1-2 children because they simply cannot afford any more. These living conditions are atrocious by any standards - east or west does not come into it. HK has free education, HK has free medical services. The installed government land and housing policy making is at fault here - not the people of Hong Kong. I am glad it has become international news - maybe the Government will be shamed into taking action.

- dimac4 , Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 23/2/2013
The coverage of 'blade runner' was inevitable given the media attention to his Olympic performance six months or so ago.

As for Belcher, the KC Chief player you refer to, as a Chiefs fan (and KC native) I can say the community rallied around the child and the mothers family to support them. Yes, they were saddened by the fact that a player they loved had such mental issues that he killed her and himself. Both are tragedies. Not just one.

Belcher's suicide was not a tragedy, it was an interference with justice. It was also committed several hours later than it should have happened. Fuck him.
Because the Daily Mail publish one true story or one well researched report or one non racist rant doesnt mean that, at its heart, it is not a scurrilous piece of racist, right wing shit.
Of course that's only my opinion.... and that of just a few others.

Low, the Mail is what it is. It is a mid market tabloid on the centre Right. I read a shitload of different stuff anywhere from HuffPo to the Guardian via the Times and Telegraph and I used to buy the Guardian every day but it is now £1.20 and seems to get ever smaller and more turgid. I find it most amusing how Darla likes to call it the Daily Male, when it is known in the UK as more of a women's paper. I will tell you one thing though, not many papers actually make any money these days and the younger generation are not really buying papers. So who do you think will be doing investigative journalism in future when they become extinct? We need the lot otherwise we will end up with the same boring crap that they have to put up with in the US.

I doubt that any of the Hong Kong press would run a story like that? Here is another story today, this is not a good way to get a gong for services rendered. now is it? I could easily see the Morning Star running it.

Oh by the way, if it really was as racist as you seem to think, don't you think that the EHRC would be all over them? Is it racist to say that we don't want any more Eastern Europeans especially the next wave of Bulgarians and Romanians? Can we send Romanian gypsies over to Hong Kong?

One further thing, did you know that Michael Foot and Enoch Powell were friends? Foot even attended Powell's funeral when few on the Conservative side went.
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You seem to be of the long outmoded belief that people who are pro society and fairness, and who are labelled left wing, somehow think that everyone should be poor.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We want equal opportunities, a society that cares for its people, a society that does not worship greed. Why should anyone want everyone to be poor? Sackcloth and ashes is a biblical concept not a left wing one.
Oh, and my apartment is far from being flash.

I am sorry Low but there seems to be an awful lot of the professional "working class" who are always trading on their roots but first chance they get they flee to somewhere else. Billy Bragg is someone who comes to mind, he is always banging on about poverty and class yet he lives in a million quid house on the South Coast well away from the proles. It is not an outmoded belief to think that many rich people with left wing beliefs are in fact hypocrites. Holy shit just look at Sting, he has houses all over the world, has a massive carbon footprint and then bangs on about the rain forests. Bono is another example, haranguing governments all over the world to do more for the poor but indulging in massive tax avoidance from the Irish government. As you know LIverpool so well, I expect you know of Derek Hatton, another first class hypocrite. He professed to be a Trotskyist yet he is now a property developer and has his snout firmly in the trough.
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This will, no doubt, sound like spin but it isn't.
One of the problems you, and millions of others in the US, UK yes and HK, have is that their view of what is acceptable to people is often skewed.
Hong Kong is overcrowded, of that there is no question, we have an atrocious policy of rationing building land to force prices higher and ever higher and a government that, far from being run by Beijing, is run by property fat cats.
Actually only a comparatively small part of the territory is developed as you will see if you Google Earth it.
A friend of mine, Jack, started life as the son of a poor peasant in a Chinese village in Guangdong province. He managed to get to Hong Kong in the early 60s and sold anything he could out of cardboard boxes on the street corners. He was harried and chased by the authorities and was frequently in court as a hawker BUT he managed to save enough to open a shop. The shop was in the heart of the tourist district and sold leather wallets and spectacle cases and stuff like that. he got married and had two sons. His business prospered, he is now worth quite literally millions. When asked what he would do if he lost everything he said, and he is 76, it would be OK. I know I can buy rice and survive on almost nothing. Whatever I have is better that it was in my childhood village.
There you have it. Many of the poor do not consider themselves poor. They have food and shelter and health. They are much better off than they were. Yes we have people who live in conditions that you would find intolerable but, as usual, the Daily Mail's figures are just a little out. There are a few (quite horrible) blocks that have been sub-divided and sub-divided to give accomodation to the desperately poor. People who cannot fight those who exploit them. Isnt that the same in all major cities.
Many of those premises that were well known for sub-sub divided accomodation have been forcibly modernised and very often a refusal to take state assistance (The Chinese 'face') forces people to live in comparative squalor.
Several people are fighting, publicly and at this very moment, the practice of large property companies refusing to put flats on the market because it is more profitable to leave them empty and let their value increase.
Another friend of mine, again extremely wealthy is in the throes of starting a charity, through her church, to care for the very poor.
This comment from the article is also quite relevant:

I am horrified at some of the ignorant & stereotyped comments being made about Hong Kong on this forum. Can you think before you post - is what I am about to say based on what I know to be credible or just something I think to be truth? Hong Kong is not overcrowded, it is a crowded city due to the land policies. Most people only have 1-2 children because they simply cannot afford any more. These living conditions are atrocious by any standards - east or west does not come into it. HK has free education, HK has free medical services. The installed government land and housing policy making is at fault here - not the people of Hong Kong. I am glad it has become international news - maybe the Government will be shamed into taking action.

- dimac4 , Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 23/2/2013

So why doesn't the HK government compel the landowners to release more land. Don't they have compulsory purchase orders over there?
Because the Daily Mail publish one true story or one well researched report or one non racist rant doesnt mean that, at its heart, it is not a scurrilous piece of racist, right wing shit.
Of course that's only my opinion.... and that of just a few others.

Low, I will do a little wager with you, can you look at the online edition of the Mail for a week and point out all of these racist stories you are alluding to, it should be very easy for you to do if you are right!!
I've barely followed this case but from what little I know it seems he killed her. However I reserve judgement until I read more. What I can't figure out is why he did it. I believe they've only been dating for three months. Unless he got her pregnant why wouldn't he just break up with her?

And to Darla this guy became world famous during the Olympics and an inspiration to a lot of people for what he accomplished without having any legs. That's why he's getting so much attention world wide. If we see some uneducated poor guy who's in a gang get charged with murder we usually don't think much about it. But with someone like this you're like what would make him throw it all away?

[h=5]Apparently Oscar Pistorius wanted a new bathroom door, but his girlfriend was dead against it.[/h]