Low, I will do a little wager with you, can you look at the online edition of the Mail for a week and point out all of these racist stories you are alluding to, it should be very easy for you to do if you are right!!
When I was in Leeds a couple of years ago my wife and I were sort of window shopping. She had the intention of buying something, I had the intention of finding a pub. We were approached by a young lady. Obviously on drugs of some sort, she was filthy and offered to sleep with me for a bed. (I thought she said 'for a bet' at first!!). My wife was about to interject when the girl said 'and I'll give you a good time too, I just want somewhere to sleep.'
The Mail, bless its very white cotton socks, maintains that the UK has very few homeless people and those it does have are Polish! Racist? Naah. Thats the truth. Everyone knows someone who has seen a pole sleeping in the street . Common knowledge, innit like?
Well everyone knows a Prime Minister called David Cameron. It doesnt mean the nation is teeming with Camerons! Six steps to Kevin Bacon.
Property prices are an indicator the economic health of an area. I dont know how much your house is worth, 300grand, 400 grand? I could go to Rotheram or Colne or parts of Liverpool and buy a 2 or 3 bedroomed house for less than 30 grand! The living conditions in some of these places are not much better than the worst Daily Mail pics of Hong Kong.
I image googled Hong Kong street sleepers and London street sleepers and New York street sleepers. What did I find? Nothing that I could possibly use to prove a story one way or another.
Anyone, with the motivation, could find a genuine story about the number of six fingered Ukrainians or one eyed Mongolians and spin it to be racist or simply biased and chauvinistic. In that regard the Mail just aint that smart.
Do you believe what you read in the Sun? Owned by the Dirty Digger? No? Then why on earth would you believe the Daily Mail?
You are prepared to criticise the left for the behaviour of Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Kevin Bacon. If Sting chooses to spend his fortune on saving rain forests that is up to him. We cant all try to save or help the same poor man. Rain forests need saving and I can do nothing and neither can you.
How much bonus did the boss of RBS just take? £150,000,000.00 wasnt it? How much will go to the tax payer of the UK who bailed the bank out? How much will he spend on saving trees, or whales, or dolphins or PEOPLE?
Fuck all, thats how much. That's capitalism after all. I hope you watched Question Time on Thursday. Not as lively as usual apart from tarzan's phone going off, but it addressed some of the points I have touched on here.