Blade runner gun nut blows away model

So why doesn't the HK government compel the landowners to release more land. Don't they have compulsory purchase orders over there?

The land is owned by the government ... until its sold. The government cant do anything without the unofficial agreement of the major developrs. Present policy discussions are like closing the stable door.
Low, I will do a little wager with you, can you look at the online edition of the Mail for a week and point out all of these racist stories you are alluding to, it should be very easy for you to do if you are right!!

When I was in Leeds a couple of years ago my wife and I were sort of window shopping. She had the intention of buying something, I had the intention of finding a pub. We were approached by a young lady. Obviously on drugs of some sort, she was filthy and offered to sleep with me for a bed. (I thought she said 'for a bet' at first!!). My wife was about to interject when the girl said 'and I'll give you a good time too, I just want somewhere to sleep.'
The Mail, bless its very white cotton socks, maintains that the UK has very few homeless people and those it does have are Polish! Racist? Naah. Thats the truth. Everyone knows someone who has seen a pole sleeping in the street . Common knowledge, innit like?
Well everyone knows a Prime Minister called David Cameron. It doesnt mean the nation is teeming with Camerons! Six steps to Kevin Bacon.
Property prices are an indicator the economic health of an area. I dont know how much your house is worth, 300grand, 400 grand? I could go to Rotheram or Colne or parts of Liverpool and buy a 2 or 3 bedroomed house for less than 30 grand! The living conditions in some of these places are not much better than the worst Daily Mail pics of Hong Kong.
I image googled Hong Kong street sleepers and London street sleepers and New York street sleepers. What did I find? Nothing that I could possibly use to prove a story one way or another.
Anyone, with the motivation, could find a genuine story about the number of six fingered Ukrainians or one eyed Mongolians and spin it to be racist or simply biased and chauvinistic. In that regard the Mail just aint that smart.
Do you believe what you read in the Sun? Owned by the Dirty Digger? No? Then why on earth would you believe the Daily Mail?
You are prepared to criticise the left for the behaviour of Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Kevin Bacon. If Sting chooses to spend his fortune on saving rain forests that is up to him. We cant all try to save or help the same poor man. Rain forests need saving and I can do nothing and neither can you.
How much bonus did the boss of RBS just take? £150,000,000.00 wasnt it? How much will go to the tax payer of the UK who bailed the bank out? How much will he spend on saving trees, or whales, or dolphins or PEOPLE?
Fuck all, thats how much. That's capitalism after all. I hope you watched Question Time on Thursday. Not as lively as usual apart from tarzan's phone going off, but it addressed some of the points I have touched on here.
When I was in Leeds a couple of years ago my wife and I were sort of window shopping. She had the intention of buying something, I had the intention of finding a pub. We were approached by a young lady. Obviously on drugs of some sort, she was filthy and offered to sleep with me for a bed. (I thought she said 'for a bet' at first!!). My wife was about to interject when the girl said 'and I'll give you a good time too, I just want somewhere to sleep.'
The Mail, bless its very white cotton socks, maintains that the UK has very few homeless people and those it does have are Polish! Racist? Naah. Thats the truth. Everyone knows someone who has seen a pole sleeping in the street . Common knowledge, innit like?
Well everyone knows a Prime Minister called David Cameron. It doesnt mean the nation is teeming with Camerons! Six steps to Kevin Bacon.
Property prices are an indicator the economic health of an area. I dont know how much your house is worth, 300grand, 400 grand? I could go to Rotheram or Colne or parts of Liverpool and buy a 2 or 3 bedroomed house for less than 30 grand! The living conditions in some of these places are not much better than the worst Daily Mail pics of Hong Kong.
I image googled Hong Kong street sleepers and London street sleepers and New York street sleepers. What did I find? Nothing that I could possibly use to prove a story one way or another.
Anyone, with the motivation, could find a genuine story about the number of six fingered Ukrainians or one eyed Mongolians and spin it to be racist or simply biased and chauvinistic. In that regard the Mail just aint that smart.
Do you believe what you read in the Sun? Owned by the Dirty Digger? No? Then why on earth would you believe the Daily Mail?
You are prepared to criticise the left for the behaviour of Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Derek Hatton. Everyone knows Kevin Bacon. If Sting chooses to spend his fortune on saving rain forests that is up to him. We cant all try to save or help the same poor man. Rain forests need saving and I can do nothing and neither can you.
How much bonus did the boss of RBS just take? £150,000,000.00 wasnt it? How much will go to the tax payer of the UK who bailed the bank out? How much will he spend on saving trees, or whales, or dolphins or PEOPLE?
Fuck all, thats how much. That's capitalism after all. I hope you watched Question Time on Thursday. Not as lively as usual apart from tarzan's phone going off, but it addressed some of the points I have touched on here.

If you go to Lincolnshire you will see plenty of East Europeans living rough, you should ask the people of Boston or Peterborough about that. Why do you single out the Sun anyway, do you believe everything in the Mirror for instance. They had a story about the Bullingdon Club the other day, favourite bête noire of the Left, and said that one of them was burning fifty pound notes in front of a homeless person. Is that true, I very much doubt it but they know they can get away with shit reporting like that. I have learned to be wary of all politicians and not to be beguiled by promises and propaganda from the Left as much as the Right.

So is it racist to discuss immigration even Labour doesn't believe that anymore? The chief speechwriter Andrew Neather for Tony Blair admitted that Labour deliberately opened the floodgates in 2004 to embarrass the Tories and to provide a source of cheap labour. I bet you didn't know that, now did you? If you don't believe me maybe you will believe Frank Field?

Actually I could get pretty offended that you seem to think that I get all my news from one source despite me telling you otherwise. Do you think I am imagining what is likely to happen if 30 million Bulgarians and Romanians come here from next year. Is it racist to say that we don't want a shedload of Romanian gypsy pickpockets, pimps, ATM thieves and Bulgarian Mafia here. If it is then I am unashamedly racist, I spent a lot of time going to Eastern Europe in the 90s and seeing first hand what could easily happen here. I suggest that they go to Romania and Bulgaria and see for yourself the abject poverty over there. Romania, kind people that they are, have also handed over another million passports to ethnic Romanians in Moldova, I bet you've never even heard of that one, and they are even poorer still. I believe that you have a house in England, let's hope that you don't get any squatters in but at least you can be rest assured you might get them out easier as they've finally made it an offence.
Yes, the Daily Mail is really terrible. Only today they have a story about the palatial conditions that some Hong Kongers live in!!

It appears that these are the "unwashed masses" that LowIQ hides from, behind the walls of his Gated Community.
Another example of how England's rule of another nation, was only to the benefit of those who swore loyality to the King/Queen.
And now "ex-partriots" of England, live there and still take advantage of the rightful inhabitants.
If you go to Lincolnshire you will see plenty of East Europeans living rough, you should ask the people of Boston or Peterborough about that. Why do you single out the Sun anyway, do you believe everything in the Mirror for instance. They had a story about the Bullingdon Club the other day, favourite bête noire of the Left, and said that one of them was burning fifty pound notes in front of a homeless person. Is that true, I very much doubt it but they know they can get away with shit reporting like that. I have learned to be wary of all politicians and not to be beguiled by promises and propaganda from the Left as much as the Right.

So is it racist to discuss immigration even Labour doesn't believe that anymore? The chief speechwriter Andrew Neather for Tony Blair admitted that Labour deliberately opened the floodgates in 2004 to embarrass the Tories and to provide a source of cheap labour. I bet you didn't know that, now did you? If you don't believe me maybe you will believe Frank Field?

Actually I could get pretty offended that you seem to think that I get all my news from one source despite me telling you otherwise. Do you think I am imagining what is likely to happen if 30 million Bulgarians and Romanians come here from next year. Is it racist to say that we don't want a shedload of Romanian gypsy pickpockets, pimps, ATM thieves and Bulgarian Mafia here. If it is then I am unashamedly racist, I spent a lot of time going to Eastern Europe in the 90s and seeing first hand what could easily happen here. I suggest that they go to Romania and Bulgaria and see for yourself the abject poverty over there. Romania, kind people that they are, have also handed over another million passports to ethnic Romanians in Moldova, I bet you've never even heard of that one, and they are even poorer still. I believe that you have a house in England, let's hope that you don't get any squatters in but at least you can be rest assured you might get them out easier as they've finally made it an offence.

There was no intention to offend, Tom. None at all.
I know about the Romanian gypsies and the other scroungers and ne'er do wells. I agree that it is a problem. I agree that immigration is one of the most important matters for any government to address and I agree that no modern government has really come to grips with the matter.
At the same time I can remember the first major wave of Asians to hit Lancashire and remember an old man complaining that they come over here with their extended families living 25 to a room they do nothing and expect us to look after them...AND they take our jobs! He was a chicken farmer in Rawtenstall who would only keep white chickens! Nasty piece of work.
There was terrible racism against the jews in London a hundred years ago and towards the Jamaicans that Enoch brought over after the war. But what happened to those people? They became British. And as with any other British citizen, some failed and some succeeded but they all contributed to the nation that was and still is a beacon of civilisation and standards that the world looks to often in envy. Yes we all know the bad guys. I knew some guys in Lancashire who were selling fake Chanel No 5 and went to gaol for it (well one did). Not all Lancastrians are evil crooks. Not all jews are modelled on Fagin. Not all Indians and Pakistanis sleep 25 to a bed and plan to blow up innocent people. Not all Yorkshiremen play cricket!
We have always had gypsies. We have gypsy words in our language. We have had more cases of farmers trying to remove them from private land than I care to remember. We have always had pickpockets. Some are English, some are French, some are Scottish some are Romanian, some are Polish. We have laws and police to manage these things. We might be able to do a better policing job if the police numbers had not been cut by Cameron and the police been so open to corruption from Murdoch et al.
Where I do come towards you is that I believe that first generation immigrants have an obligation to assimilate and to obey the laws of the land. If they choose not to then they should be sent home. We in HK have to comply with the law although after 7 years you become a permanent resident and they will send you to gaol if you break the law, but in those first 7 years they can send you packing - and do.
There was no intention to offend, Tom. None at all.
I know about the Romanian gypsies and the other scroungers and ne'er do wells. I agree that it is a problem. I agree that immigration is one of the most important matters for any government to address and I agree that no modern government has really come to grips with the matter.
At the same time I can remember the first major wave of Asians to hit Lancashire and remember an old man complaining that they come over here with their extended families living 25 to a room they do nothing and expect us to look after them...AND they take our jobs! He was a chicken farmer in Rawtenstall who would only keep white chickens! Nasty piece of work.
There was terrible racism against the jews in London a hundred years ago and towards the Jamaicans that Enoch brought over after the war. But what happened to those people? They became British. And as with any other British citizen, some failed and some succeeded but they all contributed to the nation that was and still is a beacon of civilisation and standards that the world looks to often in envy. Yes we all know the bad guys. I knew some guys in Lancashire who were selling fake Chanel No 5 and went to gaol for it (well one did). Not all Lancastrians are evil crooks. Not all jews are modelled on Fagin. Not all Indians and Pakistanis sleep 25 to a bed and plan to blow up innocent people. Not all Yorkshiremen play cricket!
We have always had gypsies. We have gypsy words in our language. We have had more cases of farmers trying to remove them from private land than I care to remember. We have always had pickpockets. Some are English, some are French, some are Scottish some are Romanian, some are Polish. We have laws and police to manage these things. We might be able to do a better policing job if the police numbers had not been cut by Cameron and the police been so open to corruption from Murdoch et al.
Where I do come towards you is that I believe that first generation immigrants have an obligation to assimilate and to obey the laws of the land. If they choose not to then they should be sent home. We in HK have to comply with the law although after 7 years you become a permanent resident and they will send you to gaol if you break the law, but in those first 7 years they can send you packing - and do.

"...still is a beacon of civilisation and standards that the world looks to often in envy..."

There was no intention to offend, Tom. None at all.
I know about the Romanian gypsies and the other scroungers and ne'er do wells. I agree that it is a problem. I agree that immigration is one of the most important matters for any government to address and I agree that no modern government has really come to grips with the matter.
At the same time I can remember the first major wave of Asians to hit Lancashire and remember an old man complaining that they come over here with their extended families living 25 to a room they do nothing and expect us to look after them...AND they take our jobs! He was a chicken farmer in Rawtenstall who would only keep white chickens! Nasty piece of work.
There was terrible racism against the jews in London a hundred years ago and towards the Jamaicans that Enoch brought over after the war. But what happened to those people? They became British. And as with any other British citizen, some failed and some succeeded but they all contributed to the nation that was and still is a beacon of civilisation and standards that the world looks to often in envy. Yes we all know the bad guys. I knew some guys in Lancashire who were selling fake Chanel No 5 and went to gaol for it (well one did). Not all Lancastrians are evil crooks. Not all jews are modelled on Fagin. Not all Indians and Pakistanis sleep 25 to a bed and plan to blow up innocent people. Not all Yorkshiremen play cricket!
We have always had gypsies. We have gypsy words in our language. We have had more cases of farmers trying to remove them from private land than I care to remember. We have always had pickpockets. Some are English, some are French, some are Scottish some are Romanian, some are Polish. We have laws and police to manage these things. We might be able to do a better policing job if the police numbers had not been cut by Cameron and the police been so open to corruption from Murdoch et al.
Where I do come towards you is that I believe that first generation immigrants have an obligation to assimilate and to obey the laws of the land. If they choose not to then they should be sent home. We in HK have to comply with the law although after 7 years you become a permanent resident and they will send you to gaol if you break the law, but in those first 7 years they can send you packing - and do.

Those previous waves of immigration came over a long period of time whereas the Eastern Europeans from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary etc were let into the country in 2004 in a massive influx in a very short period of time putting huge strain on resources. The next wave will be some of the poorest people in Europe including two million gypsies, who will have full and unfettered access to resources including the dole, housing and child benefits. Once they are here it will be impossible to put the cork back in the bottle unless we leave the EU, something which I personally favour.

Look, don't get me wrong I used to go to Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania in the '90s on business. However ask yourself a question why didn't any other EU countries, apart from Sweden and Ireland, allow unfettered access? The useless bastards in Labour and the wankers in the Home Office thought that only 13,000 people would come here per year, instead it was over a million in a little over two years. That is not Daily Mail rhetoric, that's a fact and I cannot see anyway that you can justify it. Contrast that with West Indians where around about the same number came over but were spread out over a period of twenty or more years.

Talking about gypsies most of the so called gypsies are in fact Irish travellers or tinkers as they are called in Ireland. Why do you think they came to England anyway? It is because the Irish couldn't stand them and they saw somewhere that was a soft touch by comparison. They have all come here in the last 15-20 years and they should not be confused with Romany gypsies who have been here for hundreds of years and are quite different.
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If you go to Lincolnshire you will see plenty of East Europeans living rough, you should ask the people of Boston or Peterborough about that. Why do you single out the Sun anyway, do you believe everything in the Mirror for instance. They had a story about the Bullingdon Club the other day, favourite bête noire of the Left, and said that one of them was burning fifty pound notes in front of a homeless person. Is that true, I very much doubt it but they know they can get away with shit reporting like that. I have learned to be wary of all politicians and not to be beguiled by promises and propaganda from the Left as much as the Right.

So is it racist to discuss immigration even Labour doesn't believe that anymore? The chief speechwriter Andrew Neather for Tony Blair admitted that Labour deliberately opened the floodgates in 2004 to embarrass the Tories and to provide a source of cheap labour. I bet you didn't know that, now did you? If you don't believe me maybe you will believe Frank Field?

Actually I could get pretty offended that you seem to think that I get all my news from one source despite me telling you otherwise. Do you think I am imagining what is likely to happen if 30 million Bulgarians and Romanians come here from next year. Is it racist to say that we don't want a shedload of Romanian gypsy pickpockets, pimps, ATM thieves and Bulgarian Mafia here. If it is then I am unashamedly racist, I spent a lot of time going to Eastern Europe in the 90s and seeing first hand what could easily happen here. I suggest that they go to Romania and Bulgaria and see for yourself the abject poverty over there. Romania, kind people that they are, have also handed over another million passports to ethnic Romanians in Moldova, I bet you've never even heard of that one, and they are even poorer still. I believe that you have a house in England, let's hope that you don't get any squatters in but at least you can be rest assured you might get them out easier as they've finally made it an offence.

Firstly I have no reason to even think of going to Lincolnshire. Its in the North and its in the east. I am told. I chose the Sun as representative of the red tops and murdoch and because I can spell 'sun', whereas I cant spell Mirror!
Firstly I have no reason to even think of going to Lincolnshire. Its in the North and its in the east. I am told. I chose the Sun as representative of the red tops and murdoch and because I can spell 'sun', whereas I cant spell Mirror!

Isn't Leeds in the North? You wanted to know where all these homeless Eastern Europeans are and I've told you. Seeing as you won't believe the Mail then maybe you will believe the Telegraph or the Guardian?

PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA—Hundreds of grieving friends and family members gathered at a private memorial service today to mourn the death of the bathroom door that was shot by paralympian Oscar Pistorius late last week. “This poor door was only three years old—what kind of a monster would do such a thing?” said mourner Henrik Lourens of the poplar entryway, which died of multiple gunshot wounds early Valentine’s Day. “We got a carpenter to fix it up for the casket, and he did a pretty good job, but it’s still hard to see it just lying there. At least it’s in a better place now.” Sources confirmed the door would be cremated.,31414/
I am sorry Low but there seems to be an awful lot of the professional "working class" who are always trading on their roots but first chance they get they flee to somewhere else. Billy Bragg is someone who comes to mind, he is always banging on about poverty and class yet he lives in a million quid house on the South Coast well away from the proles. It is not an outmoded belief to think that many rich people with left wing beliefs are in fact hypocrites. Holy shit just look at Sting, he has houses all over the world, has a massive carbon footprint and then bangs on about the rain forests. Bono is another example, haranguing governments all over the world to do more for the poor but indulging in massive tax avoidance from the Irish government. As you know LIverpool so well, I expect you know of Derek Hatton, another first class hypocrite. He professed to be a Trotskyist yet he is now a property developer and has his snout firmly in the trough.

I do have to jump in here. Stories like this proliferate along with the idea any wealthy individual who campaigns for the poor is a hypocrite. Of course the right wing would love it if every advocate for the poor were poor themselves. Then they could say, "Look at him. Class envy." Also, if advocates didn't have money and/or weren't well known who would listen to them? How would they get their message out? I imagine it's a bitch trying to hitch a ride to the rain forest to check things out.

Advocates for the poor still have to live in this reality and why would an advocate for the poor choose to live poorly? That is precisely what they're fighting against. The advocate is not advocating poverty for everyone. They're advocating poverty for no one.

Just my two cents.
I do have to jump in here. Stories like this proliferate along with the idea any wealthy individual who campaigns for the poor is a hypocrite. Of course the right wing would love it if every advocate for the poor were poor themselves. Then they could say, "Look at him. Class envy." Also, if advocates didn't have money and/or weren't well known who would listen to them? How would they get their message out? I imagine it's a bitch trying to hitch a ride to the rain forest to check things out.

Advocates for the poor still have to live in this reality and why would an advocate for the poor choose to live poorly? That is precisely what they're fighting against. The advocate is not advocating poverty for everyone. They're advocating poverty for no one.

Just my two cents.

So explain why an eco warrior like Sting has at least seven houses around the world and has a huge carbon footprint. I don't begrudge him his money but I do protest when he acts in such a hypocritical manner. Bono is the same, he fights tooth and nail to avoid paying tax in his native country of Ireland yet is always telling governments to cough up for Africa. So call me old fashioned but when people ask others to behave a certain way is it too much to expect them to show a good example?
Just normal randomly chosen yank fillies. Not what we associate with american street views where the american 'ass' is bigger than the British 'ass'. (They wont get that)