Blade runner gun nut blows away model

Not for me to explain, but none of that can possibly be described as 'tyranny'. If things are that bad why don't you march to Washington and use your false dicks to shoot whoever you think is responsible.
All governments con. All governments lie. All governments need overthrowing at some point. And in most democracies, yours and mine, we have the opportunity to change governments at least every four years. It still doesn't make tyranny. You say you have guns to prevent this sort of thing from happening yet for a hundred years you have done nothing with those guns (coke cans have never really been a threat). Frightened to act or do you know you are wrong?
again, your love of the state is apparent, but you also have many comrades in this country who would be quite satisfied to see their beloved state kill every one of us in pursuit of their all powerful government. However, like the founders, we the people appear to still be ready to accept quite alot of tyranny before we're finally ready to act.
The polarisation you and your mentally challenged right wing god fearers have wrought on the US is preventing many of the things you want. Still, what the hell, he's black isnt he, and commie, and Kenyan, and has no birth certificate, and has big teeth and black...did I say that before? .. well he's not American is he? Bloody foreigner, jumped up black sitting in your whitehouse. Time to get angry. Put the wheels back on your house and drive up to
since i've been referring to ALL government for decades, why did YOU go all Obama on us? Do you really think that tyranny only started because Obama is in the white house? maybe you should try leaving your ignorance at the door before attempting to debate with intelligent people here.
again, your love of the state is apparent, but you also have many comrades in this country who would be quite satisfied to see their beloved state kill every one of us in pursuit of their all powerful government. However, like the founders, we the people appear to still be ready to accept quite alot of tyranny before we're finally ready to act.
since i've been referring to ALL government for decades, why did YOU go all Obama on us? Do you really think that tyranny only started because Obama is in the white house? maybe you should try leaving your ignorance at the door before attempting to debate with intelligent people here.

Frankly I couldn't care less what you have been saying for decades. You represent a certain kind of American that is despised by sensible Americans and held in disdain and as a figure of fun in much of the world.
Intelligent people here? Yes there are some before whom I pale, but my poor 'ugly american' you are not and can never be counted in their number.
it's not 2013 we are necessarily worried about dipshit. Maybe it's 2030. Maybe never. We want the option to make sure freedom takers like yourself can never feel too comfortable. The fact that you are on edge just in this thread is a very good start. We WANT you to be scared, we WANT you to be worried of our 300 million guns waiting in the wings. BE AFRAID. BE TERRIFIED. They aren't going ANYWHERE and we'll be sure to always keep them locked, loaded, and ready to go.

I have a question. I assume people who target practice shoot at stationary objects. Bottles, cans, silhouettes, etc. Is that correct? Wouldn't they be wiser to practice skeet shooting considering drones are the wave of the future? What say you?
I have a question. I assume people who target practice shoot at stationary objects. Bottles, cans, silhouettes, etc. Is that correct? Wouldn't they be wiser to practice skeet shooting considering drones are the wave of the future? What say you?

Just killing coke cans will make the place a lot safer.
Because the Daily Mail publish one true story or one well researched report or one non racist rant doesnt mean that, at its heart, it is not a scurrilous piece of racist, right wing shit.
Of course that's only my opinion.... and that of just a few others.

On the subject of racism and the Daily Mail, how do you square that allegation with its campaign to get the killers of Stephen Lawrence convicted. Isn't that a little odd for a supposedly racist paper?
I've barely followed this case but from what little I know it seems he killed her. However I reserve judgement until I read more. What I can't figure out is why he did it. I believe they've only been dating for three months. Unless he got her pregnant why wouldn't he just break up with her?

And to Darla this guy became world famous during the Olympics and an inspiration to a lot of people for what he accomplished without having any legs. That's why he's getting so much attention world wide. If we see some uneducated poor guy who's in a gang get charged with murder we usually don't think much about it. But with someone like this you're like what would make him throw it all away?
I think you're far more inspirational than Petorious is Wacko.....I mean yea he's accomplished a lot with no legs but think about all you've accomplished without a brain!