Too funny. You too have a huge "I'm in DENIAL" billboard over your head.
I think it says "triggered loon."

Too funny. You too have a huge "I'm in DENIAL" billboard over your head.
LV426 makes up lies about people and then argues with his lies.
looting is reparations without the middle man. Instant financial wholeness. just grab and go
Because they can't get it any other way.
Where did I say I was "colorblind"? How fucking dumb are you? Seriously? I never said that to you. You don't even know who the fuck you are talking to. You're like that moron Biden.
Apologies, I got you mixed up with one of the other frauds here because you all look the same to me.
So what would you call what happened to Black Wall Street in Tulsa in 1921?
Or, what would you call what happened in Rosewood in 1923?
I like your signature. Very thought-inspiring. Allow me to piggy-back ...
Keep changing the names. It doesn't change the meaning.
Democratic Socialism
Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA
Women's rights
Reproductive/Women's Health
Late-Term or Post-Birth Doctor/Patient Decision
It is a rapid redistribution of wealth.
The black community ensconced on the Democratically controlled urban shithole plantations need to understand that pointing the finger of blame at white folks won't make their lives any better. You cannot expect progress in a sewer of crime, teen pregnancies, drugs, dropping out of school and gang violence. Time to get WOKE snowflake.
There is no limit to wealth in this world. Anyone can do it. "Redistribution' of wealth is nothing other than a buzzword for those that cannot achieve wealth through their own failures and wanting the efforts and wealth of those that can , do or did. Create your own wealth or just shut the fuck up.
Well OK then.
Not if you're black.
Or Latino.
Or Asian.
Or Indian.
Or Middle Eastern.
Or Muslim.
Or Jewish.
Or even a woman.
Doubt any of them would find that funny.
Thanks to you, of course. You're the reason we are in a decline. You. Your posts. Your general attitude. But mostly, your laziness.
I never spoke for my wife. I said I have seen her experience prejudice and discrimination. You pretend the views of a black woman who learned her economics from Push speaks for poor black people. Most black people have jobs and work for things they want---only a limited few loot because that is the only way they can get things as she tries to justify. She does a disservice to black people who she pictures as having to resort to crime and you help portray blacks as helpless waiting for guilty white liberals to take care of them.
More cliches and partisan rhetoric. I robbed her of nothing. I described what I observed. She can speak for herself. You are just arguing to hear yourself spout liberal slogans.
She clearly said looting was to get things they wanted. Meanwhile, most blacks go to work everyday to make a living and buy the things they want. I wonder why they don't have grievances that lead them to loot--they live under the same economic system.
Your acknowledgement of your white privilege also makes you lucky they don't want revenge. They would probably come after you first for thinking they are incapable of taking care of themselves and need your help. But you don't really offer any help, you just agree to feel guilty and preach about it on message boards.
LyingVagina426 believes that blacks are too stupid to get an education, too stupid to get a good paying job and because LyingVagina426 believes blacks are idiots, their only recourse is to murder, loot, burn and steal.
You're a racist of the WORST kind LyingVagina426