BLM Declares Looting "OK", Says It's "Reparations"

People in your life have to take extra steps to accommodate your fragility because the self-image you have wasn't one you built yourself.

You had help.

A lot of help.

It must be a big job for the people in your life to explain your many lies and accusations. All anybody has to do is read my original post and your many lies and accusations to see what a phony you are. I notice you have dropped this topic since you have no defense.

"It is so easy to prove you are a liar, make up things, and make erroneous assumptions based on nothing but your biases. All a poster has to do is go back and read the original post to prove everything you say is untrue.

Here is my original post:

"You have no clue about empathy. I have seen my wife face more prejudice and discrimination in her lifetime than you'll ever know--from both white and black."

Nowhere does it say or imply it was:

"repeatedly and constantly" [LV426 lie]
"more discrimination than anyone" [LV426 lie]
nowhere did I ever say or imply I stood by and did nothing about it [LV426 lie]
nowhere does it say I perceived her as a victim or that she perceived herself as a victim [LV426 lie]

[LV426]"So she is denied whatever victimhood she is entitled."

You think being a victim is an "entitlement"? What a crock. I don't view her as a victim. She doesn't need that entitlement.

You are now taking up for my wife which you earlier accused of being "fake". You are so anxious to show off your anger you can't even keep up with your own arguments.

Everybody can read my original post and see how you lied, distorted, exaggerated, and made unwarranted assumptions--typical of your phony arguments."
Flash, pay no attention to the troll. He admitted that he is “sheltering in place“ in ATL.

He touts restitution to people who have never been a slave.

Lots of minorities have faced prejudice and unfair treatment. Most don’t whine about it, they just go on with their lives and do the best that they can for themselves and their families.

A thousand years from now, these whiners will still be asking us for reparations for something that happened 1200 years ago.

My esposa is a Latina. She handles the insults herself most of the time except once when a neighbor insulted Puerto Ricans and I smashed a plate of food over his head. No more insults.

I know. His lies are becoming more and more blatant and he can't keep to the topic.

If he had covid that obviously explains his bitterness and hostility. He probably blames others for his refusal to follow basic safety procedures.
And THUG LIVES MATTER continue to destroy any credibility they ever had (if any), declaring LOOTING "OK" CALLING IT "REPARATIONS", AFTER CONTINUED LOOTING IN CHICAGO.

I'm sure every BLM member who was ever a slave feels gratified.


Black Lives Matter Holds Rally Supporting Individuals Arrested in Chicago Looting Monday

Members of Black Lives Matter held a solidarity rally on Monday night with the more than 100 individuals who were arrested after a night of looting and unrest in Chicago.

The rally was held at the South Loop police station where organizers say those individuals are currently being held in custody.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organized the rally after overnight unrest throughout the city, with police saying that more than 100 individuals were taken into custody for a variety of offenses, including looting.

“That is reparations,” Atkins said. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”

Chicago police believe the looting began after officers shot a man in the city’s Englewood neighborhood on Sunday afternoon. Authorities say the man, identified as 20-year-old Latrell Allen, had a gun and fired at police before they returned fire, striking and wounding him.


Sorry this Tread didn't get the traction you were looking for ... :laugh:
Everybody can read my original post and see how you lied, distorted, exaggerated, and made unwarranted assumptions--typical of your phony arguments."

So your "wife" faces more discrimination and prejudice than I will ever know...but it's not constant? Or something?

So she doesn't really face a lot of discrimination and prejudice, because I know quite a lot about it, living 40+ years as a Jewish person in America.

Let me ask you this...what is it your wife faces discrimination for? Her race? Her gender? Her ethnicity? Is she disabled? You are very vague and ambiguous, which makes me think it's embellished.

But regardless, the issue I have is the one where you say you don't consider her a victim, while at the same time saying that she's "faced" -another way to say "been victimized by"- more prejudice and discrimination than I will ever know. How do you know that? And furthermore, you say she faces discrimination and prejudice...occasionally? What? Do you only count the times that racism and discrimination has been overt? What about all the covert discrimination and prejudice you don't see? The institutional and invisible stuff that you either choose to ignore willfully or are oblivious to?

Because I can certainly know and imagine quite a bit of prejudice and discrimination, myself. I am Jewish, after all.
It must be a big job for the people in your life to explain your many lies and accusations. All anybody has to do is read my original post and your many lies and accusations to see what a phony you are. I notice you have dropped this topic since you have no defense.

Here's the thing with you; you have to deny systemic, institutional racism exists because if you admit it does, that means the "self-made" man who accomplished what he did through "hard work" owes less to his effort, and more to the system designed for him to succeed at the expense of others.

And/or, if you did achieve your success through a lifetime of hard work, the color of your skin or your gender was not a systemic obstacle to your educational opportunities, employment and promotion opportunities, housing opportunities, etc.

Most of those "I'm a self made person" always forget that their "self made" has always been on the backs of society and thousands of years of other people doing things before them. They didn't mine the ore, that made the metal, that was turned into products. They didn't discover the math that lead to the principles of technology that their products are based on. It would be an easy step to realize that institutional racism helped build the foundation from where they started if they didn't think they were an island and "did it all themselves".

That's the theme of the video and the theme of my argument here.
Who is this BLM that Grok keps quoting? Is there a spokesman he talks to? I have never heard that they have a leader who makes decisions and speaks for them. Yet Grok speaks for them so often. Perhaps he is their leader.
Who is this BLM that Grok keps quoting? Is there a spokesman he talks to? I have never heard that they have a leader who makes decisions and speaks for them. Yet Grok speaks for them so often. Perhaps he is their leader.
Several "leaders" in the video above;)
I saw this interview. If BLM is a serious organization they need better representation. Much better representation.
Agree...but those two are "leaders"...How can anyone think of the organization as anything but a hateful, anti-American group....but many here think they have the right to speak and act out the way they do... that they should be "unhappy" with the "status quo"....unrest is called for...and "warranted" in their eyes....
It's not their cities being destroyed, after all....
Agree...but those two are "leaders"...How can anyone think of the organization as anything but a hateful, anti-American group....but many here think they have the right to speak and act out the way they do... that they should be "unhappy" with the "status quo"....unrest is called for...and "warranted" in their eyes....
It's not their cities being destroyed, after all....

I agree with you. What BLM started out as has been completely hijacked. It has become nothing more than a mob wanting money.
I saw this interview. If BLM is a serious organization they need better representation. Much better representation.

What was it from the video that you had a problem with, specifically?

Be didn't watch the video, did you? I can tell when you're lying.
I agree with you. What BLM started out as has been completely hijacked. It has become nothing more than a mob wanting money.

You are diaper-to-diaper government dependency.

Born in a state hospital.

Educated in public schools.

Couldn't get a job or into college, so you joined the military.

Received decades of government welfare, housing, employment, training, health care.

Retires with a pension and gets government VA care & SS.

Funeral and burial costs picked up by the state.

Sailor is the biggest welfare queen on JPP.