Blockchain is bullshit.


Verified User
Blockchain is bullshit.

this digital file proves reality and definitely cannot be altered or changed to deceive you and hey, we wouldn't dooooooooo thaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaat.
Blockchain is bullshit.

this digital file proves reality and definitely cannot be altered or changed to deceive you and hey, we wouldn't dooooooooo thaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaat.
Blockchain used to be a way to decentralize currency. They were anarchist like our founding fathers. It's a shame watching Wall Street take control of it.
Blockchain used to be a way to decentralize currency. They were anarchist like our founding fathers. It's a shame watching Wall Street take control of it.


...and all the stupid fucking crypto libertarians.... don't get me started.

any digital file can be falsified.

...and all the stupid fucking crypto libertarians.... don't get me started.

any digital file can be falsified.
You rant and rave about centralized control. Blockchain used to be something our founding fathers would agree on.

I'm at the point now
where if something can't be explained in less than ten minutes,
I don't need to know about it.
i believe it is part of the overall intent program to build a technocratic prison planet.
Blockchain is very expensive and requires a lot of energy. Countries with free energy will beat the crap out of debt heavy Wall Street. It's a fight worth watching.
Blockchain is very expensive and requires a lot of energy. Countries with free energy will beat the crap out of debt heavy Wall Street. It's a fight worth watching.

it's just another unbacked (fiat) currency, which cannot even be taken off grid. It's implicitly techocratic and awful from it's very inception.
what's going on there?


oh that's where bitcoin is legal tender?

are you a bitcoin holder?

the system is a sham of course, like "real money" , but that doesn't mean you can't ride the front percussion wave of the eco-bomb.
Yeah, I got in early. I will ride it out to the end.
do you think they'll offer bitcoiners a buyin to exchange into cbdc at some point?

that's how i would do it.

if i was evil.

luckily im good.

I'm an anarchist who saw Bitcoin as a way to avoid centralized control. Don't count blockchain out, it's too expensive for Wall Street. It needs a country with free energy. El Salvador is the crash test dummy.
Blockchain used to be a way to decentralize currency. They were anarchist like our founding fathers. It's a shame watching Wall Street take control of it.

Blockchain is a technology, there is no "they."

If Wall Street floats certain crypto currencies, it has utterly nothing to do with the technology.