Blockchain is bullshit.

it's the union of state and corporate power.

As suspected - you have no idea what fascism is.

You've never read Mussolini and are driven by slogans on the web.

[FONT=&quot]Fascism is a sect of socialism. Fascism is collectivist by definition. The idea of raising taxes to increase spending by the central government is a very collectivist idea - entirely consistent with fascism.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]So WHAT is fascism? [/FONT][FONT=&quot]You no doubt will trot our some Marxist moron spewing the big lie. But what leftist academia claims is utterly irrelevant. ONLY Benito Mussolini gets to define what Fascism is - it is his creation.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]A fascist corporation is a government body that brings together federations of workers and employers syndicates belonging to the same profession and branch, to regulate production in a holistic manner. Each trade union would theoretically represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. It was theorized that this method could result in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]harmony amongst social classes[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT][FONT=&quot][35][/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Benito Mussolini[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. The [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Charter of Carnaro[/FONT][FONT=&quot] gained much popularity as the prototype of a "corporative state", having displayed much within its tenets as a [/FONT][FONT=&quot]guild system[/FONT][FONT=&quot] combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][36][/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Alfredo Rocco[/FONT][FONT=&quot] spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would later become a member of the Italian fascist regime.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][37][/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Italian Fascism[/FONT][FONT=&quot] involved a corporatist political system in which the economy was [/FONT][FONT=&quot]collectively managed[/FONT][FONT=&quot] by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][38][/FONT][FONT=&quot] Its supporters claimed that corporatism could better recognize or "incorporate" every divergent interest into the state organically, unlike majority-rules democracy which they said could marginalize specific interests. This total consideration was the inspiration for their use of the term "[/FONT][FONT=&quot]totalitarian[/FONT][FONT=&quot]", described without coercion (which is connoted in the modern meaning) in the 1932 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Doctrine of Fascism[/FONT][FONT=&quot] as thus:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]


[FONT=&quot]When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][39][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][39][/FONT][FONT=&quot]}[/FONT]
[h=3][FONT=&quot]Corporatism - Wikipedia[/FONT][/h][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]But democrats are not merely fascist, they are Nazis - you have embraced the scapegoat, the racist attack on a group as foundation for your power as you establish the fascist state.[/FONT]

like thinking all policies should benefit corporations because actual people don't matter.

you're a fascist, for instance.

As pointed out - you don't know what fascism is any more than you grasp what blockchain is.
You can call it what you like - fascism has a defined meaning - supremacy of the state in all things.


what about when corporations have achieved state capture, like when the defense industry (corporations) dictates national defense policy?

that's actual fascism.

you are one of the fascists trying to redefine terms so you can be in denial about what you are.


what about when corporations have achieved state capture, like when the defense industry (corporations) dictates national defense policy?

that's actual fascism.

you are one of the fascists trying to redefine terms so you can be in denial about what you are.


Not correct.

Fascism is collectivist totalitarianism. The state controls all.

You describe a globalist kleptocracy.

Also, how would the "defense industry" which his in fierce competition between elements - particularly due to consolidation with Raytheon and Lockheed each attempting supremacy in the field, determine policy?
Not correct.

Fascism is collectivist totalitarianism. The state controls all.

You describe a globalist kleptocracy.

Also, how would the "defense industry" which his in fierce competition between elements - particularly due to consolidation with Raytheon and Lockheed each attempting supremacy in the field, determine policy?

yes. we have globalist kleptocracy, aka fascism.

they (corporate cartels and banks) have achieved state capture over all the countries basically through a plethora of means.

your inability to honest on this issue pegs you as the fascist bootlick in the room.
this digital file proves reality and definitely cannot be altered or changed to deceive you and hey, we wouldn't dooooooooo thaaaaaaaaaayaaaaaat.

You would have to change all the copies of the distributed ledger. That becomes effectively impossible. If I am wrong, you should change the ledger to say you have billions of dollars worth of Bitcoins, Ether, etc.

any digital file can be falsified.

Again, if you can, you definitely should. It would be extremely profitable.

blockchain is centralized control.

Blockchains are a way to have distributed ledgers. They are by definition not centrally controlled.

Blockchain is very expensive and requires a lot of energy.

Proof of work blockchains require a lot of energy, while proof of stake blockchains do not. There is even proof of authority, proof of burn, and probably a dozen other "proof of..." out there.

do you think they'll offer bitcoiners a buyin to exchange into cbdc at some point? that's how i would do it.

Why? There is no benefit to anyone in doing that. It would make no sense.

Blockchain is a technology, there is no "they."

Blockchain technology is the technology used to create blockchains. There are literally thousands of blockchains out there, maybe even more. They can be referred to as "they".

If "Wall Street" buys out all the cryptocurrency on one blockchain, you can simply make another. It literally costs basically nothing to make. The only limitation is finding people willing to accept it.

If "Wall Street" tries a 51% attack on a blockchain, then simply fork the blockchain.

it's the union of state and corporate power.

like thinking all policies should benefit corporations because actual people don't matter.

you're a fascist, for instance.

We have been over this a dozen times. Corporatism is not belief in modern corporations, but rather a belief that entire segments of the population should be put into "corporations". So all the doctors would be in one corporation, and all the farmers would be in another. These are not limited liability companies, but rather forced partnerships. If the farmers corporation needs money, all the farmers have to cough up. None of this separate corporate personhood stuff.

So all the steal making business corporations would be in a corporation, but not the same business corporation.

And it would all be under the control of the nation, not the state. The difference is that fascists see no value in non-fascist states, but believe there is no such thing as a non-fascist nation.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants

Mussolini never met Lenin, and never had any contact with him. Mussolini considered himself an enemy of Lenin.

Lenin did send one telegram to Mussolini in 1912 congratulating him on an election, but in 1919 sent several telegraphs to others in Italy demanding that Mussolini be kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party. Mussolini never forgave Lenin.

we can call the union of state and corporate power something else if you want.

It is the union of corporations of people(not business corporations) into a nation(not a state).

You can call it what you like - fascism has a defined meaning - supremacy of the state in all things.

Once again, and this cannot be overstressed, it is the supremacy of the nation. That MIGHT include the state, but it is far more than just the state.

I'm at the point now
where if something can't be explained in less than ten minutes,
I don't need to know about it.

You will not learn anything by listening to the conspiracy theories of the alt right.

Blockchains are a way of making a distributed ledger without trust. You know what a ledger is, basically it is a record, usually of money or other assets. A distributed ledger is when there is not a central list, but a lot of copies of the list.

How do you do that when the people holding the copies are anonymous or for some other reason not trusted? It is assumed that whatever 51% of the nodes say is true is in fact true. But I could create an infinite number of virtual(fake) nodes and make it look like I am 51%, so how do we solve that? A common solution is proof of work. Basically, you need 51% of the computer power in the entire network to have the true ledger.

This is done by having changes in the ledger collected into a block. All the miners check all the changes to make sure they make sense. Then they try to solve a difficult computer problem that takes brute force to solve. The chance any miner has to solve it is the portion of the network's computer power he has. So if he has one millionth of the computer power, he has one millionth of a chance of solving it first.

Every time a miner solves a block, they add that solution onto a chain of blocks. If other miners do not think that block is correct, they will not add onto that block's chain. The longer the chain, the higher the confidence that that chain is correct.

If groups of miners disagree on whether blocks make sense, or more likely disagree on the very rules of how a block makes sense, then a fork happens. Two different blockchains form from the one blockchain. This happens from time to time on all the major cryptocurrencies. The longer fork is usually considered the more important/original one.

This is all just a starting point. If you(or anyone else) has any questions, I would be glad to answer them.
You would have to change all the copies of the distributed ledger. That becomes effectively impossible. If I am wrong, you should change the ledger to say you have billions of dollars worth of Bitcoins, Ether, etc.

Again, if you can, you definitely should. It would be extremely profitable.

Blockchains are a way to have distributed ledgers. They are by definition not centrally controlled.

Proof of work blockchains require a lot of energy, while proof of stake blockchains do not. There is even proof of authority, proof of burn, and probably a dozen other "proof of..." out there.

Why? There is no benefit to anyone in doing that. It would make no sense.

Blockchain technology is the technology used to create blockchains. There are literally thousands of blockchains out there, maybe even more. They can be referred to as "they".

If "Wall Street" buys out all the cryptocurrency on one blockchain, you can simply make another. It literally costs basically nothing to make. The only limitation is finding people willing to accept it.

If "Wall Street" tries a 51% attack on a blockchain, then simply fork the blockchain.

We have been over this a dozen times. Corporatism is not belief in modern corporations, but rather a belief that entire segments of the population should be put into "corporations". So all the doctors would be in one corporation, and all the farmers would be in another. These are not limited liability companies, but rather forced partnerships. If the farmers corporation needs money, all the farmers have to cough up. None of this separate corporate personhood stuff.

So all the steal making business corporations would be in a corporation, but not the same business corporation.

And it would all be under the control of the nation, not the state. The difference is that fascists see no value in non-fascist states, but believe there is no such thing as a non-fascist nation.

Mussolini never met Lenin, and never had any contact with him. Mussolini considered himself an enemy of Lenin.

Lenin did send one telegram to Mussolini in 1912 congratulating him on an election, but in 1919 sent several telegraphs to others in Italy demanding that Mussolini be kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party. Mussolini never forgave Lenin.

It is the union of corporations of people(not business corporations) into a nation(not a state).

Once again, and this cannot be overstressed, it is the supremacy of the nation. That MIGHT include the state, but it is far more than just the state.

we can call the union of state and corporate power whatever you want.

fascism is actually accurate, but you people are frantically trying to destroy the word without offering a replacement.

you're hacks and shills for fascism.

and dumb as fuck.
You will not learn anything by listening to the conspiracy theories of the alt right.

Blockchains are a way of making a distributed ledger without trust. You know what a ledger is, basically it is a record, usually of money or other assets. A distributed ledger is when there is not a central list, but a lot of copies of the list.

How do you do that when the people holding the copies are anonymous or for some other reason not trusted? It is assumed that whatever 51% of the nodes say is true is in fact true. But I could create an infinite number of virtual(fake) nodes and make it look like I am 51%, so how do we solve that? A common solution is proof of work. Basically, you need 51% of the computer power in the entire network to have the true ledger.

This is done by having changes in the ledger collected into a block. All the miners check all the changes to make sure they make sense. Then they try to solve a difficult computer problem that takes brute force to solve. The chance any miner has to solve it is the portion of the network's computer power he has. So if he has one millionth of the computer power, he has one millionth of a chance of solving it first.

Every time a miner solves a block, they add that solution onto a chain of blocks. If other miners do not think that block is correct, they will not add onto that block's chain. The longer the chain, the higher the confidence that that chain is correct.

If groups of miners disagree on whether blocks make sense, or more likely disagree on the very rules of how a block makes sense, then a fork happens. Two different blockchains form from the one blockchain. This happens from time to time on all the major cryptocurrencies. The longer fork is usually considered the more important/original one.

This is all just a starting point. If you(or anyone else) has any questions, I would be glad to answer them.

Sounds dystopian to me.
Once they learned how to make portable electric pianos sound so close to real ones,
they needed to put further digital experimentation to rest.
Sounds dystopian to me.

You do not know the half of it. I gave you a basic technical explanation, but the social effects can be scary.

It has led to the rise of the cryptobro. Imagine a man between the ages of 25 and 45 who thinks he is still in a frat. He thinks cocaine and prostitutes are business expenses. He thinks he has the right to be rich, and anyone who is not a white man does not have the right to be rich... No matter how much money they make.

I nearly included a story about a particularly annoying cryptobro, but have thought better of it.

Once they learned how to make portable electric pianos sound so close to real ones,
they needed to put further digital experimentation to rest.

Speaking of pianos, every bar used to need a piano player that could play hundreds of different songs. There was no other way to have music, so if you could play a musical instrument, you were set for life. You would never starve.

Then the player piano came along. They could put a roll of paper with holes into a player piano, and play any song. After that the record player came, and now we have all sorts of digital music recordings. We are even getting AI that can create songs that did not exist. I have heard Elvis do rap and grunge.

Imagine all the piano players that suddenly had no guaranteed income. They invested the hours into learning hundreds of songs. They bought a bunch of sheets of music, and learned to play them. And now they are not needed. Maybe if they are fantastic, they can become a studio musician, but if they are just average, there is no work for them. Why hire an average piano player, when you can have Billy Joel in his prime playing on a perfect sound system?

The next step is to realize we may all be in the same situation.
Mussolini never met Lenin, and never had any contact with him. Mussolini considered himself an enemy of Lenin.

Amazing he was willing to go to prison in Switzerland for organizing a general strike at behest of Lenin for someone he hated. (IOW you're full of shit.)

Lenin did send one telegram to Mussolini in 1912 congratulating him on an election, but in 1919 sent several telegraphs to others in Italy demanding that Mussolini be kicked out of the Italian Socialist Party. Mussolini never forgave Lenin.

Bad blood after Lenin left him to rot in a Swiss prison.

It is the union of corporations of people(not business corporations) into a nation(not a state).

Once again, and this cannot be overstressed, it is the supremacy of the nation. That MIGHT include the state, but it is far more than just the state.


Your ignorance is amazingly amusing.

State: "Governing Body."
Amazing he was willing to go to prison in Switzerland for organizing a general strike at behest of Lenin for someone he hated. (IOW you're full of shit.)

Bad blood after Lenin left him to rot in a Swiss prison.

It is the union of corporations of people(not business corporations) into a nation(not a state).


Your ignorance is amazingly amusing.

State: "Governing Body."

Almost Never Right Walt is a narrative warrior driving the collapse of America, thus has no interest in telling the truth....instead constantly attacks those who tell the truth.

There is a pretty good chance that this is a paid CCP troll.
You will not learn anything by listening to the conspiracy theories of the alt right.

Blockchains are a way of making a distributed ledger without trust. You know what a ledger is, basically it is a record, usually of money or other assets. A distributed ledger is when there is not a central list, but a lot of copies of the list.

How do you do that when the people holding the copies are anonymous or for some other reason not trusted? It is assumed that whatever 51% of the nodes say is true is in fact true. But I could create an infinite number of virtual(fake) nodes and make it look like I am 51%, so how do we solve that? A common solution is proof of work. Basically, you need 51% of the computer power in the entire network to have the true ledger.

This is done by having changes in the ledger collected into a block. All the miners check all the changes to make sure they make sense. Then they try to solve a difficult computer problem that takes brute force to solve. The chance any miner has to solve it is the portion of the network's computer power he has. So if he has one millionth of the computer power, he has one millionth of a chance of solving it first.

Every time a miner solves a block, they add that solution onto a chain of blocks. If other miners do not think that block is correct, they will not add onto that block's chain. The longer the chain, the higher the confidence that that chain is correct.

If groups of miners disagree on whether blocks make sense, or more likely disagree on the very rules of how a block makes sense, then a fork happens. Two different blockchains form from the one blockchain. This happens from time to time on all the major cryptocurrencies. The longer fork is usually considered the more important/original one.

This is all just a starting point. If you(or anyone else) has any questions, I would be glad to answer them.

blockchain is bullshit.

any digital file can be falsified.

and people can't check the funtioning of their software anyway.

if you are saying "blockchain guarantees ulitimate trust and fidelity and if you don't trust us now you're just a problem" then kindly go fuck yourself, banker fascist liar.

blockchain doesnt matter anyway.

appartently the technostate criminals can just take your money in broad daylight for wrongthink.

see ongoing trump persecution.

the whole system is a pernicious outgrowth of a luciferian zeitgeist.

you people are why we can't have nice things.

but i forgive you and want you to change.

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Amazing he was willing to go to prison in Switzerland for organizing a general strike at behest of Lenin for someone he hated. (IOW you're full of shit.)

Bad blood after Lenin left him to rot in a Swiss prison.

It is the union of corporations of people(not business corporations) into a nation(not a state).


Your ignorance is amazingly amusing.

State: "Governing Body."

what do we call it when the defense industry has defacto control of national defense policy and budgeting?
We have been over this a dozen times. Corporatism is not belief in modern corporations, but rather a belief that entire segments of the population should be put into "corporations".

no it means regular corporations, like we have now but more like a large cartel joining a few oligarch families together in world conquest.
you're thinking of unions or something.

fascism is totalitarianism with corporations still running to get things done and fingerpointing between corps and government to confuse the populace, and with "supply side" (pro corporate policies) firmly enforced by the state and corporations worshipped as "job creators".

neocon globalist fascist technostate.
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