Blockchain is bullshit.

Conspiracy theorist fantasy.

Look, the Military Industrial Complex - which I worked in for 35 years - is problematic.

It's not a fantasy, fucktoid. citizens united made unlimitd corporate giving a reality.

it's not even crony capitalism because it's TOTALLY LEGAL.

that's why it's textbook fascism.

quit insulting us with your idiotic word games.

stop being a deep state traitor please.

do better.
It's not a fantasy, fucktoid. citizens united made unlimitd corporate giving a reality.

That is a leftist urban legend with zero truth.

Citizens United protected the right of free speech for all Americans. democrats had outlawed media critical of the party. Notice that "Fahrenheit 9-11" was just fine - only "Hillary the Movie" was outlawed.

THAT is fascism.

There are stringent limits on both direct donations by PAC's and in kind contributions.

it's not even crony capitalism because it's TOTALLY LEGAL.

that's why it's textbook fascism.

Conspiracy theory idiocy. You refuse to learn even as I've explained what the collectivist totalitarian system known as "Fascism" is.

quit insulting us with your idiotic word games.

stop being a deep state traitor please.

do better.

You are obviously a leftist trying to defame the right with this moronic shit.
That is a leftist urban legend with zero truth.

Citizens United protected the right of free speech for all Americans. democrats had outlawed media critical of the party. Notice that "Fahrenheit 9-11" was just fine - only "Hillary the Movie" was outlawed.

THAT is fascism.

There are stringent limits on both direct donations by PAC's and in kind contributions.

Conspiracy theory idiocy. You refuse to learn even as I've explained what the collectivist totalitarian system known as "Fascism" is.

You are obviously a leftist trying to defame the right with this moronic shit.


it's unlimited corporate giving in actuality.

your whole 'corporations are people' shtick is wearing thin, libertarian fascist anti-human.

With its decision, the Supreme Court overturned election spending restrictions that date back more than 100 years. Previously, the court had upheld certain spending restrictions, arguing that the government had a role in preventing corruption. But in Citizens United, a bare majority of the justices held that “independent political spending” did not present a substantive threat of corruption, provided it was not coordinated with a candidate’s campaign.

As a result, corporations can now spend unlimited funds on campaign advertising if they are not formally “coordinating” with a candidate or political party.

How has Citizens United changed elections in the United States?
The ruling has ushered in massive increases in political spending from outside groups, dramatically expanding the already outsized political influence of wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups.
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it's unlimited corporate giving in actuality.

your whole 'corporations are people' shtick is wearing thin, libertarian fascist anti-human.

MY whole?


So you claim CU established that "corporations are people", right?

With its decision, the Supreme Court overturned election spending restrictions that date back more than 100 years. Previously, the court had upheld certain spending restrictions, arguing that the government had a role in preventing corruption. But in Citizens United, a bare majority of the justices held that “independent political spending” did not present a substantive threat of corruption, provided it was not coordinated with a candidate’s campaign.

As a result, corporations can now spend unlimited funds on campaign advertising if they are not formally “coordinating” with a candidate or political party.

Complete bullshit.

CU discarded provisions of the McCain-Feingold act that limited media production by Political Action Committees.

How has Citizens United changed elections in the United States?
The ruling has ushered in massive increases in political spending from outside groups, dramatically expanding the already outsized political influence of wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups.

Ohh, the Brennan Center.

I guess you've shed your pretense of being a conservative.

I assume you'll post from DailyKOS and Alternet next.
MY whole?


So you claim CU established that "corporations are people", right?

Complete bullshit.

CU discarded provisions of the McCain-Feingold act that limited media production by Political Action Committees.

Ohh, the Brennan Center.

I guess you've shed your pretense of being a conservative.

I assume you'll post from DailyKOS and Alternet next.

it allowed unlimited corporate ad spend.

the fascism is also the revolving door between elected office and large corporations and banks. the cheney and the haliburton and the bushes and the carlyle and the bin ladens.

the insider trading is also the fascism.

i love watching fascists squirm in their lies.