Bought & Paid For


...but by exactly whom? Well, that they don't want you to know.

No speculation over what McCain or Romney might be trying to hide, and the speculation over what Clinton is trying to hide, seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Donations her husband's charity foundation received?

The only thing they've got right here is Rudy and Edwards. Rudy, no surprise, anyone who knew anything about him knew his business dealings were going to cause him big problems. And his problems haven't even started yet. But Edwards, I am really pissed off at him. WTF was he thinking advising a hedge fund? I'm not saying he shouldn't make a good living, but for a guy who is running on two Americas and an anti-poverty platform to be in bed with a freaking hedge fund, you know what? That's just really bad judgement. Who advises these idiots? I should have that job. I'd do much better.

Anyway, bottom line, it's nice to know that 5 out of the 6 front-runners to be the next President of the United States are so freaking dirty that they're afraid to release their tax returns.

Front-Runners Refuse Release of Tax Returns
Undisclosed Candidate Tax Returns Contain a Treasure Trove of Information
May 15, 2007 —

Call them the concealers.

Five of the six presidential front-runners -- Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and John McCain, R-Ariz., former Republican Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, former Democratic Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- are as yet refusing to release their tax returns.

"It's very unusual," said Mary Boyle of the good government group Common Cause. "For the past almost 35 years, it has been tradition most certainly in the White House as well as almost every presidential candidate to disclose their tax returns -- and for some reason we're not seeing it this year."

Obama: Releasing Returns a Matter of 'Good Government'
Of the "Big Six" front-runners, only Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has released his tax returns.

All the other campaigns pointed ABC News to the forms they're filling out for the Federal Election Commission and, for some of them, the U.S. Senate, which are due today. But these documents provide only general estimates of net worth.

"They are quite vague," Boyle said. "It's not a really detailed financial picture that you get."

The Candidates as Consultants
And beyond the undisclosed tax returns lie a treasure trove of undisclosed information.

Running for president four years ago, Edwards released his IRS returns, but he hasn't yet done so this year. What changed?

Since his last presidential campaign Edwards has consulted for the controversial hedge fund Fortress Holdings. Fortress has been criticized for incorporating its hedge funds in the Cayman Islands, a move that allows partners and foreign investors to avoid U.S. taxes, as well as for its role in the high-risk mortgage sector.

Edwards will not say how much Fortress paid him, and in general avoids specifics about what he did for the company.

"Basically, I was just giving them general advice about what was happening globally and what was happening here in the United States," Edwards told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News' "This Week."

Giuliani also avoids discussing the millions he's made with his consulting and lobbying firms. One client was Purdue Pharmaceuticals, whose executives just admitted lying about the addictiveness of their drug OxyContin. What did he do for the company? Giuliani will not say, and he will not name other clients

Worth of the Clinton Factor
The question for Clinton has to do with her husband. Former President Clinton has made tens of millions in speaking fees  more than half of which are from other countries. Those are listed in her Senate disclosure report, but remaining secret are donations to his charity the William J. Clinton Foundation, contributions to the Clinton library and his salary as an adviser to the Yucaipa investment firm.

Full Story:
Here's some more interesting info from today's NY Times. They all had to fill out these financial disclosure forms, even the 5 of them who refused to provide their tax returns.

"Neither Mr. Giuliani, a Republican, nor Mr. Edwards, a Democrat, is the richest of the White House hopefuls. That title belongs to Mitt Romney, a founder of the private equity firm Bain Capital, who has said he expects to report as much as $350 million in assets, including a trust for his heirs. Mr. Romney and Senator John McCain of Arizona, both Republicans, and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, have all received extensions of the filing deadline for their forms."

Well, that gives us some idea of what Romney is trying to hide. He's the wealthiest of all of them, who knew?

But this is my favorite part:

"Mr. Giuliani’s $30 million fortune is the most unexpected information to emerge from the disclosure forms so far. During his divorce from Donna Hanover in June 2001, a lawyer for Mr. Giuliani said he had only $7,000 in personal money “under his control.”"

Ah, yes. One of those. "I"d love to support the wife I f'd over and my kids, but Mr. divorce Judge, I'm flat broke".

"The latest disclosure form suggests that his biggest source of income was speeches, capitalizing on his celebrity after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. For the period covered by the form — roughly the calendar year 2006 — Mr. Giuliani reported making 124 speeches for as much as $200,000 each and earning a total of about $11.4 million."

Ah, and here I thought Bush was the only person to have greatly benefitted from Sept 11th. 9/11 been berry berry good to you, huh Rudy? It made you a multi-millionaire, and now you're hoping it will make you President. Well, some people had to jump from 100 stories up, other's became unspeakably rich. It's all how the dice tumble.
Politician or not, how much should one man be allowed to profit from 9/11, before being asked if he has no shame? When does disgust set in?

There's nothing dishonest or immoral about high speaking fees. Good for him. I wouldn't pay it. But i'm rarely in the market for top rate event speakers.
There's nothing dishonest or immoral about high speaking fees. Good for him. I wouldn't pay it. But i'm rarely in the market for top rate event speakers.

Good morning AHZ...hey, where'd you get a hat that so closely resembles your face? Nice look.

You could make millions and millions of dollars from an event that caused 3,000 people to die in a horrific manner?

Not me. And I wouldn't have someone who would over for coffee, no less vote for them as President.
Politician or not, how much should one man be allowed to profit from 9/11, before being asked if he has no shame? When does disgust set in?

For me in regards to my attitude on politicians, disgust set in many years ago.
Good morning AHZ...hey, where'd you get a hat that so closely resembles your face? Nice look.

You could make millions and millions of dollars from an event that caused 3,000 people to die in a horrific manner?

Not me. And I wouldn't have someone who would over for coffee, no less vote for them as President.

I have to be involved in one first. Only then, I could.
Hey AHZ, which politicos are not a part of the NWO ?

Not sure exactly, but it's a short list. Certain precepts of the NWO must be accepted and acted upon just to enter the fray. For instance, it takes a ton of cash, just to run. SO if one has rejected the excessively materialistic system, one can't even get in the running. Even getting through higher education requires a modicum of acceptance of the system. Professional schools generally teach the elitism of the NWO as a core part of the curriculum, under various guises.

My sister went to law school. And is a family law practioner, and a democrat, (she would probably get along with darla (shudder)). I asked her once why, and she said the basic cornerstone of her worldview is that people are stupid and need elites to rule them. basically. Not in exactly that verbiage. And before that she went to a very left wing undergrad program. The precepts of the NWO are advanced as "knowledge" itself.

And sadly, the smartest amongst us are lulled into professions controlled nearly exclusively by the military complex, such as the hard sciences, or programs of complete uselessness and confusion, such as philosophy, that destroy the mind in an endless redefinition of words.
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Duhhla!!! what's wrong with Romney being a successful businessan?
stop drinking the Koolaid
Duhhla!!! what's wrong with Romney being a successful businessan?
stop drinking the Koolaid

Ask him. He's the one afraid to release his tax returns. Guess he must think something's wrong.

Top, you forgot to toast yourself in this post! How surprising of you. you're the only one here who writes a sentence and a half, most of them only borderline coherently, looks at it, and says "that deserves a toast, if I do say so myself!"

Pearls of wisdom, vs bookloads of jiberish

He's not the only one who hasn't listed. And if he spent most of his career in Business he's got exponentially less exposure to the take that the rest of them have. Personally I care a lot more about their policy stances than their bank accounts, but hey the tabloid readers need something don't you.
Pearls of wisdom, vs bookloads of jiberish

He's not the only one who hasn't listed. And if he spent most of his career in Business he's got exponentially less exposure to the take that the rest of them have. Personally I care a lot more about their policy stances than their bank accounts, but hey the tabloid readers need something don't you.

That's right topper! He isn't. If you look at my original post, you will see that I state that 5 out of the 6 top contenders have refused to release their returns.

There are reasons for that, and those reasons are going to begin to make news.
well perhaps it is the type of outsiders Texas attracts then. But if they are in TX then no way with LBJ.
So what was so terribly wrong with Dwight D. Eisenhower that you eschew all Texas Presidents because of LBJ?

And Massachussetts born Presidents don't count....
So what was so terribly wrong with Dwight D. Eisenhower that you eschew all Texas Presidents because of LBJ?

And Massachussetts born Presidents don't count....

Umm I was referring to TX presidents from LBJ in this direction....

Eisenhower pretty much got us into Nam didn't he ? providing equipment and weapons to the French in "indochina"