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Christianity has not proven to be a peaceful religion nor has Judism.

Take a deep breath USC...Chistianity and Judiasm no longer practice cutting off heads..and stoning young girls to a practice and I said they moved forward into the 21st Century..need I really say more???
Yep we use cluster bombs, jets and helicopters and such in the 21st century now.

Less messy than cutting off heads, but dead is dead.
And here ya go again there, Jarod.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrat John Edwards said Tuesday that he worked for a hedge fund between presidential campaigns to learn about financial markets and their relationship to poverty - and to make money too.

And as I said previously, amazingly we haven't tapped the great knowledge on poverty that all the leaders of Hedge Funds must have by now. If we ask them, we'll clearly have all the answers....

Whether or not you think he was genuine, he later stated, "This shouldn't reflect on all work I have done on poverty" and pointed out all the things he does that actually were for the poverty-stricken.

He realized that this excuse wasn't going to fly. That it was paper-thin and an insult to most people's intelligence.
I guess that is why Dawg is working a hedge fund now ? He always did want to help the riff raff trailer trash ;)
Get a grip...Soldier...

Yep we use cluster bombs, jets and helicopters and such in the 21st century now.

Less messy than cutting off heads, but dead is dead.

Like the 'Salvation Army' is responsible for the war on Iraq??? What has military tactics have to do with abuse of women and using terror tactics such as cutting off heads??? You have drunk the coolaid way too long...Sgt!

Be back later as my tummy is a growlin' the store is callin' for my feable
A different culture BB. We electrocute and lethally inject. Over there cutting off the head is a legit way to execute.
To me dead is just dead.
A different culture BB. We electrocute and lethally inject. Over there cutting off the head is a legit way to execute.
To me dead is just dead.
Psychologically hacking off the head with a machete is much different than dying in a battle either being shot or bombed. End the end, dead is dead. The message of the way they die can be much more than that though.
yeah I think we should go back to clusb and swords and such. Would be lots fewer wars.

We are such emotional creatures aren't we.
I'm back...!

A different culture BB. We electrocute and lethally inject. Over there cutting off the head is a legit way to execute.
To me dead is just dead.

Did not feel like heading down the hill to I hit the local Mom&Pop market...stocked up on 'Bistro' Sandwiches and a philly & cheese as I write!

So ya missed the point again Sgt...I referred to slowly cutting off ones head with a butcher knife and stoning to death a young girl for falling in love with a boy of another came back with dead is dead...yes dead is dead...but how and why one dies is altogether different...we were talking about religious fanatics and you went into protesting war! What is with y'all libs...can we discuss reality without canned talking points??? Pa-lease!
Canned talking points ? Shirley you jest ?

A part of the problem is just a different culture.
But Religion is the root of the problem. And not just their religion either.
It is the use of religion for political ends in the ME for thousands of years is the root of the problem. Both Jews/Christians and Muslims have done this.
And your point is...?

Canned talking points ? Shirley you jest ?

A part of the problem is just a different culture.
But Religion is the root of the problem. And not just their religion either.
It is the use of religion for political ends in the ME for thousands of years is the root of the problem. Both Jews/Christians and Muslims have done this.

I stated that 'Islam' continues this Barbaric practice...whereas Christianity and Judaism gave this up long ago!
So we are ahead of the curve and now pick on those lagging behind ?

WE used to do it but don't now, so anyone who does is bad....

Kinda like some reformed smokers I know...

So we are ahead of the curve and now pick on those lagging behind ?

WE used to do it but don't now, so anyone who does is bad....

Kinda like some reformed smokers I know...

This is why those who fail to study history are doomed to fail..and what pray tell does this have to do with reformed smokers...more canned responses I see! Smoke only hurts those who smoke...but to cut ones head off for a disagreement is way off the chart!
None were burned ? Oh well we still believed in them.

BB, umm because we invaded and occupied their country ?