Boycott Barilla?

It's their business.... they can choose the Commercials and who plays in them in what capacity they want.

Personally....I see no problem with what he said. What was said is very much a "live and let live" kind of thing. In essence, he said.... I don't agree with it.... But I am for their right to marry.

Everyone doesn't have to agree on everything. The difference is when someone disagrees so vehemently that they try to deny another group's Civil Rights by way of lobbying, etc.

If he doesn't want to make a commercial featuring a gay family, that's fine and dandy.

That's pretty much how I read it. He was just being honest, and tried to be respectful in his choice of words.

It's just classic overreaction. People really try hard to find offense where it doesn't exist.
Its the height of being in denial to say homos in any way resemble a "family".....homos cannot produce a family in any traditional sense ....

Its not two people an a kid that makes a family...its a female impregnated by a male that produces a family......its not even remotely the same as

comparing it to mixed race or mixed cultures or mixed anything........its the gender of the people that produce a family.....

Its nothing more that the typical strawman bullshit we get constantly from the lefties.....

It is creating the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition without ever having actually refuted the

original position.
That's pretty much how I read it. He was just being honest, and tried to be respectful in his choice of words.

It's just classic overreaction. People really try hard to find offense where it doesn't exist.

Uh - you did notice he's against gay people adopting?

Sure, he's fine with gays as long as they don't get too near him because, you know, they are yucky.

Again, he can do what he wants; it's his business.

But if a business doesn't recognize non-traditional households - and PUBLICLY announces they don't recognize them - well, you can't blame those in non-traditional households for going elsewhere.
Or he decided that appealing to the traditional family values would entice his target demographic.

I just don't see the need for offense. He made a business decision. It was made public. I admire his tact.

But you see a need with being offended by those who are offended?
So fine - but he just left out all the families where a woman DOESN'T play a fundamental role.

And what about lesbian families where there may be TWO women playing a fundamental role?

He just diss'ed a lot of families. You may not find that offensive. bully for you. People in families where women DON'T play a fundamental role may decide his pasta isn't right for them. bully for them.

How did that work out for Chick-fil-A and that boycott?
Gay groups are calling for a boycott on Barilla because their chairman said this:

""I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role"

He probably wouldn't use the ZappasGuitar family model either, where the husband scours the internet all day looking for government freebies while the wife goes out to a job every day.
He probably wouldn't use the ZappasGuitar family model either, where the husband scours the internet all day looking for government freebies while the wife goes out to a job every day.

I laughed, but I don't see anything wrong with being a house husband. It's my dream job.
Uh - you did notice he's against gay people adopting?

Sure, he's fine with gays as long as they don't get too near him because, you know, they are yucky.

Again, he can do what he wants; it's his business.

But if a business doesn't recognize non-traditional households - and PUBLICLY announces they don't recognize them - well, you can't blame those in non-traditional households for going elsewhere.

Now, now, don't get pissed because I made you look like as ass again.....when pinheads use that strawman bullshit, I call it....

I see you didn't agrue against my point....
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These guys are PR nightmares. I get so sick and tired of the WDWB (white dude whining brigade) wringing their hands over this stupid shit time after time. It's like, this has happened 50 times in the past year, and here comes another idiot, SUPRISE! blowback for saying something any idiot could tell you was going to be controversial. Let's put politics aside. If you don't know that flapping your mouth about gays at this point is begging for blowback against your business? YOu're a fucking idiot. The only thing worse you could possible do is piss off a gay jew. I point anyone who doubts this to Howey.

Know your job. Is your job public relations? No? Then shut the fuck up and send a pro out to do media, or bring a pro with you and empower them to reach under the table and give your balls a good slap if you start yapping about gays, or jews, or women and tradition. And everytime the pro slaps your balls, shut the fuck up.

I have no tears for these guys. I hate the damned whining about them too. Public relations is a profession. Media relations is a profession. If it's not your profession, but you think you should be out there yapping about your 'opinions" or "feelings' anyway, you get what you earned.
These guys are PR nightmares. I get so sick and tired of the WDWB (white dude whining brigade) wringing their hands over this stupid shit time after time. It's like, this has happened 50 times in the past year, and here comes another idiot, SUPRISE! blowback for saying something any idiot could tell you was going to be controversial. Let's put politics aside. If you don't know that flapping your mouth about gays at this point is begging for blowback against your business? YOu're a fucking idiot. The only thing worse you could possible do is piss off a gay jew. I point anyone who doubts this to Howey.

Know your job. Is your job public relations? No? Then shut the fuck up and send a pro out to do media, or bring a pro with you and empower them to reach under the table and give your balls a good slap if you start yapping about gays, or jews, or women and tradition. And everytime the pro slaps your balls, shut the fuck up.

I have no tears for these guys. I hate the damned whining about them too. Public relations is a profession. Media relations is a profession. If it's not your profession, but you think you should be out there yapping about your 'opinions" or "feelings' anyway, you get what you earned.

So, let's just accept that America continues to evolve into the most hypersensitive nation on the planet, and continue calling for boycotts of people who support gay marriage.

Great call! You're such a brain.
So, let's just accept that America continues to evolve into the most hypersensitive nation on the planet, and continue calling for boycotts of people who support gay marriage.

Great call! You're such a brain.

Yeah, I guess I'm really stupid huh Onceler? A real ditz.

Yep, America is evolving in the most hypersensitive nation on the planet, and as you point out, that is the real problem here. How moronic of me to ignore it. I guess it's your new role as Patron Saint of Misunderstood White Dudes that gives you such moral depth and power, and let's face it, a quiet, powerful intelligence.

Oh, the boycott was launched in Italy, by Italians.


How embarrassing for you Onceler. And to think, you're the smart one here.
Yeah, I guess I'm really stupid huh Onceler? A real ditz.

Yep, America is evolving in the most hypersensitive nation on the planet, and as you point out, that is the real problem here. How moronic of me to ignore it. I guess it's your new role as Patron Saint of Misunderstood White Dudes that gives you such moral depth and power, and let's face it, a quiet, powerful intelligence.

Oh, the boycott was launched in Italy, by Italians.


How embarrassing for you Onceler. And to think, you're the smart one here.

Oooooh....a real gotcha! Way to go, dummy.

The article I read had an American gay group quoted. OOPS. Ya got me.

The concern about hypersensitivity stands, and you know that's what we're about for the past decade or so. But you feed into it, and enable it by bravely calling out the "whiners" who dare oppose the trend, and by recommending that everyone just have their own PR person to put us in line when we're not treading lightly for fear of boycott.

And I am the smart one here. Make no mistake, missy.
Oooooh....a real gotcha! Way to go, dummy.

The article I read had an American gay group quoted. OOPS. Ya got me.

The concern about hypersensitivity stands, and you know that's what we're about for the past decade or so. But you feed into it, and enable it by bravely calling out the "whiners" who dare oppose the trend, and by recommending that everyone just have their own PR person to put us in line when we're not treading lightly for fear of boycott.

And I am the smart one here. Make no mistake, missy.

You read the same article I originally read. I figured out this was something that began in Italy, and you didn't.

Your statement that America is "becoming the most hypersensitive nation on the planet" was shown to be utter nonsense, and you can't read a news article for comprehension.

You bet I got you. You know why? You're nowhere near as smart as you think you are. You're a whiny white boy constantly biting my ankles. That was the first swift kick I gave you in your teeth in quite some time. Normally I ignore the poodles. But your John of Arc act is so old, it's wearing a white leisure suit.
You read the same article I originally read. I figured out this was something that began in Italy, and you didn't.

Your statement that America is "becoming the most hypersensitive nation on the planet" was shown to be utter nonsense, and you can't read a news article for comprehension.

You bet I got you. You know why? You're nowhere near as smart as you think you are. You're a whiny white boy constantly biting my ankles. That was the first swift kick I gave you in your teeth in quite some time. Normally I ignore the poodles. But your John of Arc act is so old, it's wearing a white leisure suit.

Nah - the point of the OP stands. And I'm probably smarter than even I give myself credit for.

But please, feel free to engage in a few good rounds of self-congratulation. You deserve it; this is a biggie for you.


Well Bravo agrees that you are. As for me, I never can decide which of you two is the smarter one...I was up all last night trying to decide...

You write well, which is why a lot of people think you're intelligent (and why I did for awhile). And writing well does speak to a certain kind of intelligence.

But on general issues, you're a dope of epic proportions.
I guess I don't get why people are upset that gay people are exercising their 1st Amendment rights of speech and association.
Yeah, I guess I'm really stupid huh Onceler? A real ditz.

Yep, America is evolving in the most hypersensitive nation on the planet, and as you point out, that is the real problem here. How moronic of me to ignore it. I guess it's your new role as Patron Saint of Misunderstood White Dudes that gives you such moral depth and power, and let's face it, a quiet, powerful intelligence.

Oh, the boycott was launched in Italy, by Italians.


How embarrassing for you Onceler. And to think, you're the smart one here.

When it's not a white straight christian man complaining, you know the complainer MUST be hypersensitive. How dare women, minorities, LGBT people possibly get offended when their way of life is denigrated? it's all their fault for not being white straight men.