Boycott Barilla?

I was in the grocery store today, and I saw Barilla on an endcap for 77 cents a box. I wondered if they had a big sale to bump their figures this week, but who knows, could be a coincidence.
Evidence of what? How dopey she is?

Take a look at this thread. America isn't hypersensitive? Really? Or, maybe her position supporting the dramatic cutting of emissions, which even AGW scientists say won't affect the environment one iota, but which will cost millions of jobs. Or maybe thinking that it's okay to call anyone who thought the Zimmerman verdict wasn't a travesty a member of the KKK. Or maybe thinking that Social Security is sustainable with just a few "tweaks."

I actually can't remember a Darla position that was sound & well-informed. Her best contribution on the board consists of lame one-liners.
You just pointed out all the shit that makes you stupid not Darla.
I was in the grocery store today, and I saw Barilla on an endcap for 77 cents a box. I wondered if they had a big sale to bump their figures this week, but who knows, could be a coincidence.
Nope. Barrilla is cheap. That's why PiMP eats it every night.
Nope, America isn't hypersensitive.

Yes, we have to cut emissions, even if it takes years to have an impact; and they WON'T cost millions of jobs

Yes, the Zimmerman verdict was a travesty -and she never called you a member of the KKK, we just all pointed out your racist sentiments (now who is being hypersensitive? oh right when it's a white man it's ok)

And yes, Soc Sec is sustainable with a few tweaks.

Darla - smart. You - getting dumber.
No Shit.
I did?

Damn. And your post is so chock full o' facts, it's almost impossible to refute.

Look Oncie, sorry Darla doesnt love you anymore.
Get over it. She is one of the best posters here like you used to be before you went full retard. Never go full retard.
Nope. Barrilla is cheap. That's why PiMP eats it every night.

actually I don't buy their pasta....I buy their sauce.....if I was going to go cheap I would buy Ragu....
This stuff gets so out of hand. Gay groups are calling for a boycott on Barilla because their chairman said this:

""I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role"

Such incendiary comments. And in the same interview, he said he supported gay marriage.

The guy supports gay marriage but does not agree with homosexual families? That's confusing.