Branch Davidians

yeah they had already missed the comet....

Nutcases abound and seem to clump together.

Kinda like on here ?
The comet-keepers (Heavens's Gaters)were a different group who killed themselves under purple blankets in cots, domitory style, with poisen, not fire. (sorry --barbituates)
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No doubt things were done wrong .

I just dont think it was this big consperiacy to kill loonies.

It was a shittily planned raid that went very badly.

The people in the house could have ended it at any time and sued the shit out of the government.
Not quite.---The Government was out to get them all, even the little old Grandmas, NOT just David Koresh
I think she has them confused with the Heaven's Gate folk.

Their beautiful website, very informative:

It seems they had a fixation with the Green Bay Packers, or were psychically linked to Glenn Beck's show.

I remember those guys, they took the barbituates right? And they "packed" black nikes that they would need in the comet? I always wondered, because they took the drugs at different times, not all at once, why after the first couple died, and the others noticed that the bags and nikes they had packed for the trip were still there, they didn't have second thoughts.
I remember those guys, they took the barbituates right? And they "packed" black nikes that they would need in the comet? I always wondered, because they took the drugs at different times, not all at once, why after the first couple died, and the others noticed that the bags and nikes they had packed for the trip were still there, they didn't have second thoughts.
I thought they did plastic baggies over their heads... And had like $4.37 in their left pockets along with the black Nikes and the ugly haircuts.
I remember those guys, they took the barbituates right? And they "packed" black nikes that they would need in the comet? I always wondered, because they took the drugs at different times, not all at once, why after the first couple died, and the others noticed that the bags and nikes they had packed for the trip were still there, they didn't have second thoughts.
Actually, I never heard that it was a bit by bit suicide. If I remember correctly it was all done in one night (while the spaceship was safely hidden behind the moon.)
Emphasizing that truth is gradually revealed over time, Houteff referred to his teachings as the "Present Truth." Houteff focused on establishing a true church of 144,000 believers and unlocking the biblical secrets because he believed the end was near.
Like I said, I don't doubt there may have been a lot of CYA and misleading.

But, this still has nothing to do with the original contention.

And Independent Prosector (A Republican by the way) concluded that the Davidians lit themselves on fire. The government didn't start the fire.

I don't buy tin foil hat conspiracies until credible evidence and expert testimony is provided.
See post 50. regarding the conspiracy.
Like I said, I don't doubt there may have been a lot of CYA and misleading.

But, this still has nothing to do with the original contention.

And Independent Prosector (A Republican by the way) concluded that the Davidians lit themselves on fire. The government didn't start the fire.

I don't buy tin foil hat conspiracies until credible evidence and expert testimony is provided.

Like Damo said, the conspiracy is in the cover-up. Just exactly WHO is credible? Danforth was a Episcopal priest as well, don't you think that he have took issue with the Davidians as well?

Danforth never went after the ATF agents that assaulted a camerman that had filmed their retreat. It was caught on tape!

One of the children was killed by a ferret round shot by an FBI agent, and they rammed the walls with tanks. Thats a gross disregard for human life, but yet did Danforth do anything in that respect either? Nope....

Just who do you trust exactly?
They were a sect of nutbags who preached that God was coing to get them soon.

It is very had to deal with people who want the world to end now.

The FBI did some stupid stuff but to Label Janet Reno as some monster because of these failings was pretty extreme.

She called for a second investigation as soon as she realised things were ot coming up right.
They were a sect of nutbags who preached that God was coing to get them soon.

It is very had to deal with people who want the world to end now.

The FBI did some stupid stuff but to Label Janet Reno as some monster because of these failings was pretty extreme.

She called for a second investigation as soon as she realised things were ot coming up right.

I wasn't talking about Reno....hadn't even mentioned her name.
This is one of the great crimes our government has committed. Most people do not know the true story of it, and Janet Reno should have been tried for crimes against humanity in essentially authorizing the murder of over 80 people by means of fire.

This story stinks to high heaven.

If you have time, watch this video.

it was the subject of the thread
I dont trust anyone automatically but I really dont trust religious nutbags who think they have the right to fuck 13 year old girls and call them their Wifes because God says they are supposed to have mulitiple wifes.
I dont trust anyone automatically but I really dont trust religious nutbags who think they have the right to fuck 13 year old girls and call them their Wifes because God says they are supposed to have mulitiple wifes.

Hmm...there's a good point.
I dont trust anyone automatically but I really dont trust religious nutbags who think they have the right to fuck 13 year old girls and call them their Wifes because God says they are supposed to have mulitiple wifes.
And surrounding them did what for those girls? Along with phosphor grenades in a place lit by kerosene as they had cut off the power?
Like Damo said, the conspiracy is in the cover-up. Just exactly WHO is credible? Danforth was a Episcopal priest as well, don't you think that he have took issue with the Davidians as well?

Danforth never went after the ATF agents that assaulted a camerman that had filmed their retreat. It was caught on tape!

One of the children was killed by a ferret round shot by an FBI agent, and they rammed the walls with tanks. Thats a gross disregard for human life, but yet did Danforth do anything in that respect either? Nope....

Just who do you trust exactly?

Well, I don't trust the fbi either. There's not really any particularly credible source involved in the whole thing.
it was the subject of the thread

Well, in all honesty, she was in charge, and she may have been incredibly decieved herself by who was on this case, but alarms should have went off when some of the suspended Ruby Ridge officials were assigned to this. One was later put in prison for destroying evidence in that case.

As far as his beliefs go, he thought he was going to die in a war with 'Babylonians riding chariots', whcih he interpreted to mean he was going to die by FBI Agents and tanks. Mercy killing was ok to them during this and would be honorable. So Yes, I think they killed themselves, but I can't even be sure of my assumption because of the massive fuck-up that happened.