Branch Davidians

Well, in all honesty, she was in charge, and she may have been incredibly decieved herself by who was on this case, but alarms should have went off when some of the suspended Ruby Ridge officials were assigned to this. One was later put in prison for destroying evidence in that case.

As far as his beliefs go, he thought he was going to die in a war with 'Babylonians riding chariots', whcih he interpreted to mean he was going to die by FBI Agents and tanks. Mercy killing was ok to them during this and would be honorable. So Yes, I think they killed themselves, but I can't even be sure of my assumption because of the massive fuck-up that happened.
No, that was also disputed later in the investigations. She was large and in charge.
To each his or her own. some people and tribes beleive it is perfectlu OK. ME??? NOPE. But David was supposedly married to two 12 year olds. not one, TWO.

Oh well, when it comes to 12 year olds, I don't give a crap what "some people" believe, and neither does the law. "Beliefs" like that will get your ass slapped right into jail, where it would belong.
Oh well, when it comes to 12 year olds, I don't give a crap what "some people" believe, and neither does the law. "Beliefs" like that will get your ass slapped right into jail, where it would belong.
Which could have been done during one of his morning jogs around the compound.
Oh well, when it comes to 12 year olds, I don't give a crap what "some people" believe, and neither does the law. "Beliefs" like that will get your ass slapped right into jail, where it would belong.

Its called child molestation
Oh well, when it comes to 12 year olds, I don't give a crap what "some people" believe, and neither does the law. "Beliefs" like that will get your ass slapped right into jail, where it would belong.
But it didn't In Koresh's case. if it had. the compound wouldn't have been burned.