According to the story he checked his own vehicle for bombs before driving off, if the police are "protecting" him they are doing a horrible job.
When did I say the anger had died down? I think it is more focused, the danger in his action now, is directed at him. Just as you can express an opinion that you think the whole world is now in danger for this depiction, I too can express an alternate opinion based on the actual occurences where at first there was undirected anger, misplaced and unfocused, I can now see a difference based on their actions.
If we can no longer express opinions based on the actions and perceived motivations of others we can no longer work to convict people for crime, unless they are caught red-handed, we can't prosecute for "hate crimes" because that is based on perceived motivation...
It gets to a point where I have to ignore the world around me and pretend only "professionals" can give me an opinion on anything, and that is truly preposterous and a bow to the authority that I will never even plan on making.